Just how fucked up is California?

The fact that he had a criminal record, was Mexican, was illegally here, was drunk has nothing to do with proving second degree murder

The prosecution could not do it

So what? They did prove that he's the one that shot her, and that alone is a minimum manslaughter charge.

He tampered with evidence, he was under disability using a firearm, he was not supposed to be in this country in the first place.

Can you name me one other country where a lowlife like this could have gotten away with such a thing?
Then that is what they should have prosecuted him for

Instead, they listened to rightwing hysteria and tried to prove murder

Irrelevant. It doesn't matter what the prosecutor tried for. It was not murder or nothing, it was murder, manslaughter or nothing. They chose the weakest charge.
The prosecutor has to paint a picture of what he thinks happened

He painted a picture of intentional murder. The jury did not buy it

Fine. Then they should have found him guilty of manslaughter. How Fn stupid are people in Cali anyway?
I agree

The prosecutor was stupid to listen to rightwing hysteria
accidental shooting

not. It was accidental killing. Not simply shooting. It willfully caused a death or great bodily harm. This was not a bullet shot off on New Years Eve that fell down on a head. This was an un-educated idiot (or intentional murder) firing a stolen gun in a Public location (not out in the country target practicing).

Maybe the Boss of the Prosecutor put the worst one on the case? Gave bad advice? Looks like an EASY CASE, unless you want to send a message? //
Prosecution never proved intent
Oct 31, 2017 - California law prohibits any person from carrying a loaded firearm (open or concealed) on his or her person or in a motor vehicle in the following locations: ... or public street, if the place or street is in an incorporated city or city and county, or if it is otherwise unlawful to discharge a weapon in that location.
The illegal alien that killed Kate got a sentence of "Time Served" for the weapons charges he was convicted of.
Not only that but his new lawyer for the federal case he faces says a vote for a guilty verdict in the federal case is a vote for Trump.

That is how out to lunch California is...
California is a great place to live and raise a family. High standard of living and income. Enjoy your envy.
Oct 31, 2017 - California law prohibits any person from carrying a loaded firearm (open or concealed) on his or her person or in a motor vehicle in the following locations: ... or public street, if the place or street is in an incorporated city or city and county, or if it is otherwise unlawful to discharge a weapon in that location.
Your post insults the native in your avatar.
The illegal alien that killed Kate got a sentence of "Time Served" for the weapons charges he was convicted of.
Not only that but his new lawyer for the federal case he faces says a vote for a guilty verdict in the federal case is a vote for Trump.

That is how out to lunch California is...

It's so fucked up it's the 6th largest economy in the world.
The illegal alien that killed Kate got a sentence of "Time Served" for the weapons charges he was convicted of.
Not only that but his new lawyer for the federal case he faces says a vote for a guilty verdict in the federal case is a vote for Trump.

That is how out to lunch California is...
What sentence did you expect for a weapons charge?
He's guilty of 2nd degree murder, moron.
Evidently not Finger Boy

Wrong, turd blossom. He's guilty.
Evidently not Fonger Boy
All the evidene indicates he's guilty.
What sentence did you expect for a weapons charge?
He's guilty of 2nd degree murder, moron.
Evidently not Finger Boy

Wrong, turd blossom. He's guilty.
Evidently not Fonger Boy
All the evidene indicates he's guilty.

Guilty of stealing the gun . Yep . By that doesn’t mean he’s guilty of murder .
He's guilty of 2nd degree murder, moron.
Evidently not Finger Boy

Wrong, turd blossom. He's guilty.
Evidently not Fonger Boy
All the evidene indicates he's guilty.

Guilty of stealing the gun . Yep . By that doesn’t mean he’s guilty of murder .

He's guilty of third degree murder, at a minimum. No one contests the fact that he fired the shot that killled kate Steinle.
He's guilty of 2nd degree murder, moron.
Evidently not Finger Boy

Wrong, turd blossom. He's guilty.
Evidently not Fonger Boy
All the evidene indicates he's guilty.

Guilty of stealing the gun . Yep . By that doesn’t mean he’s guilty of murder .

It means he's a criminal and capable of anything including lying.
So what? They did prove that he's the one that shot her, and that alone is a minimum manslaughter charge.

He tampered with evidence, he was under disability using a firearm, he was not supposed to be in this country in the first place.

Can you name me one other country where a lowlife like this could have gotten away with such a thing?
Then that is what they should have prosecuted him for

Instead, they listened to rightwing hysteria and tried to prove murder

Irrelevant. It doesn't matter what the prosecutor tried for. It was not murder or nothing, it was murder, manslaughter or nothing. They chose the weakest charge.
The prosecutor has to paint a picture of what he thinks happened

He painted a picture of intentional murder. The jury did not buy it

Fine. Then they should have found him guilty of manslaughter. How Fn stupid are people in Cali anyway?
I agree

The prosecutor was stupid to listen to rightwing hysteria

What makes you think he was?
Was Trump on the jury?

This is called dealing with facts--not imagination.

Fact: This guy has a criminal record and has no respect for American laws.
Fact: He was under the influence of illegal narcotics when he shot Kate.
Fact: He was not allowed to own a gun, have a gun, or be near a gun.
Fact: He changed his story about how the shooting happened,
Fact: He was in possession of a stolen gun.
Fact: After he shot Kate, he ran and then threw the gun into the bay.
Fact: Kate is dead because of him.

Those are facts. Now, can you give me one fact (not fiction) of how he is innocent?
The fact that he had a criminal record, was Mexican, was illegally here, was drunk has nothing to do with proving second degree murder

The prosecution could not do it

So what? They did prove that he's the one that shot her, and that alone is a minimum manslaughter charge.

He tampered with evidence, he was under disability using a firearm, he was not supposed to be in this country in the first place.

Can you name me one other country where a lowlife like this could have gotten away with such a thing?

Lowlifes ? I’ve got one ! Dick Chaney shot his Hunting buddy . Should he be in jail ?

That was a hunting accident which happens every hunting season. He had a legal gun and was legally allowed to use it. Cheney is a citizen of this country.

This lowlife was not a citizen. He's been kicked out five times prior to shooting this young American girl. He was not in the woods where shooting is legal to do, he was in a city where (supposedly) there are tough gun laws.

But it's like I've always said, liberals always side with evil and conservatives always side with the good. So please continue doing Satin's work.

Which is why he was guilty of the gun possession charges .

Yeah, something he easily got off for. Big deal. I'm sure Kate is looking down real pleased at that verdict.
The illegal alien that killed Kate got a sentence of "Time Served" for the weapons charges he was convicted of.
Not only that but his new lawyer for the federal case he faces says a vote for a guilty verdict in the federal case is a vote for Trump.

That is how out to lunch California is...
California is a great place to live and raise a family. High standard of living and income. Enjoy your envy.

Surely this whole post was said in jest.
That or you’re kind of confirming that filth itself is never bothered by filth?
The illegal alien that killed Kate got a sentence of "Time Served" for the weapons charges he was convicted of.
Not only that but his new lawyer for the federal case he faces says a vote for a guilty verdict in the federal case is a vote for Trump.

That is how out to lunch California is...

It's so fucked up it's the 6th largest economy in the world.

The LefTard utopia of Mexifornia.
Land of puppet masters and puppets, elites and bottom feeders, feast and famine.
Silicon Valley and Hollyweird kicks ass and lives like kings while the rest in the state lives like human cockroaches...I thought you people hated inequality....no? But, but, but....this is different...right?
Allow me to shed some light for you.
CA=12% of the national population...33% of the nations welfare recipients
CA=20.4% of residents live in poverty, the highest rate in the nation
CA=Home to more illegals than any other state..coincidence?
CA=Home to more incarcerated than any other state
What else would you like to learn about this shithole?
Then that is what they should have prosecuted him for

Instead, they listened to rightwing hysteria and tried to prove murder

Irrelevant. It doesn't matter what the prosecutor tried for. It was not murder or nothing, it was murder, manslaughter or nothing. They chose the weakest charge.
The prosecutor has to paint a picture of what he thinks happened

He painted a picture of intentional murder. The jury did not buy it

Fine. Then they should have found him guilty of manslaughter. How Fn stupid are people in Cali anyway?
I agree

The prosecutor was stupid to listen to rightwing hysteria

What makes you think he was?
The evidence he had to prosecute on
It's very sad what's happened to that once great state. They've allowed Communist lunatics to seize absolute control. California will become Venezuela in time. Things are only gonna get worse there. Democrats always destroy areas they take over. Sadly, California has been lost.
The illegal alien that killed Kate got a sentence of "Time Served" for the weapons charges he was convicted of.
Not only that but his new lawyer for the federal case he faces says a vote for a guilty verdict in the federal case is a vote for Trump.

That is how out to lunch California is...
What sentence did you expect for a weapons charge?

he was guilty of negligent homicide. If you had done it you would have been convicted. Why aren't illegal aliens responsible for their criminal acts in California?
If the prosecution had charged him with negligent homicide (manslaughter) they may have gotten a conviction

But the conservative media never would have tolerated a charge of negligent homicide......so they got a second degree murder charge

and lost

you don't understand our court system. the jury could have found him guilty of the lesser charge of negligent homicide, but they were determined to set him free to "show how tolerant" and stupid California is.
They had that option
But the prosecution did not sell that option

the fix was in from the beginning. No one in SFO or Cal wanted a conviction that would demonstrate how liberal illegal immigrant policies are hurting innocent American citizens. The jury was of the same mind and a criminal walks once again in the land of fruits and nuts.
The jury made the only verdict they could given the available evidence
The judge gave the only sentence he could based on the charge he was convicted of

But they had every witness they needed.. what else did they need?


Some proof of intent

winger: "but officer, I didn't intend to go 90 in a 35 zone" so you have to let me off, right?

Intent means everything when seeking a first or second degree murder charge

yes, but this was not first degree murder. No one in the cal legal system wanted a conviction.

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