Just how fucked up is California?

How would you know? Were you there? Did you see him "find" a loaded gun and it going off by itself which is physically impossible?
The jury told me

In this country we listen to juries, not hysterical conservative media

How would a jury know? They weren't there either. A criminal telling his story doesn't make the story true because a bunch of saps decided to believe it. As they say, there's one born every minute.
How would Donald Trump know?

He wasn't there

Was Trump on the jury?

This is called dealing with facts--not imagination.

Fact: This guy has a criminal record and has no respect for American laws.
Fact: He was under the influence of illegal narcotics when he shot Kate.
Fact: He was not allowed to own a gun, have a gun, or be near a gun.
Fact: He changed his story about how the shooting happened,
Fact: He was in possession of a stolen gun.
Fact: After he shot Kate, he ran and then threw the gun into the bay.
Fact: Kate is dead because of him.

Those are facts. Now, can you give me one fact (not fiction) of how he is innocent?
The fact that he had a criminal record, was Mexican, was illegally here, was drunk has nothing to do with proving second degree murder

The prosecution could not do it

So what? They did prove that he's the one that shot her, and that alone is a minimum manslaughter charge.

He tampered with evidence, he was under disability using a firearm, he was not supposed to be in this country in the first place.

Can you name me one other country where a lowlife like this could have gotten away with such a thing?
The jury told me

In this country we listen to juries, not hysterical conservative media

How would a jury know? They weren't there either. A criminal telling his story doesn't make the story true because a bunch of saps decided to believe it. As they say, there's one born every minute.
How would Donald Trump know?

He wasn't there

Was Trump on the jury?

This is called dealing with facts--not imagination.

Fact: This guy has a criminal record and has no respect for American laws.
Fact: He was under the influence of illegal narcotics when he shot Kate.
Fact: He was not allowed to own a gun, have a gun, or be near a gun.
Fact: He changed his story about how the shooting happened,
Fact: He was in possession of a stolen gun.
Fact: After he shot Kate, he ran and then threw the gun into the bay.
Fact: Kate is dead because of him.

Those are facts. Now, can you give me one fact (not fiction) of how he is innocent?
The fact that he had a criminal record, was Mexican, was illegally here, was drunk has nothing to do with proving second degree murder

The prosecution could not do it

So what? They did prove that he's the one that shot her, and that alone is a minimum manslaughter charge.

He tampered with evidence, he was under disability using a firearm, he was not supposed to be in this country in the first place.

Can you name me one other country where a lowlife like this could have gotten away with such a thing?
Then that is what they should have prosecuted him for

Instead, they listened to rightwing hysteria and tried to prove murder

His immigration status has NOTHING to do with whether he murdered or not
How would a jury know? They weren't there either. A criminal telling his story doesn't make the story true because a bunch of saps decided to believe it. As they say, there's one born every minute.
How would Donald Trump know?

He wasn't there

Was Trump on the jury?

This is called dealing with facts--not imagination.

Fact: This guy has a criminal record and has no respect for American laws.
Fact: He was under the influence of illegal narcotics when he shot Kate.
Fact: He was not allowed to own a gun, have a gun, or be near a gun.
Fact: He changed his story about how the shooting happened,
Fact: He was in possession of a stolen gun.
Fact: After he shot Kate, he ran and then threw the gun into the bay.
Fact: Kate is dead because of him.

Those are facts. Now, can you give me one fact (not fiction) of how he is innocent?
The fact that he had a criminal record, was Mexican, was illegally here, was drunk has nothing to do with proving second degree murder

The prosecution could not do it

So what? They did prove that he's the one that shot her, and that alone is a minimum manslaughter charge.

He tampered with evidence, he was under disability using a firearm, he was not supposed to be in this country in the first place.

Can you name me one other country where a lowlife like this could have gotten away with such a thing?
Then that is what they should have prosecuted him for

Instead, they listened to rightwing hysteria and tried to prove murder

Irrelevant. It doesn't matter what the prosecutor tried for. It was not murder or nothing, it was murder, manslaughter or nothing. They chose the weakest charge.
The jury told me

In this country we listen to juries, not hysterical conservative media

How would a jury know? They weren't there either. A criminal telling his story doesn't make the story true because a bunch of saps decided to believe it. As they say, there's one born every minute.
How would Donald Trump know?

He wasn't there

Was Trump on the jury?

This is called dealing with facts--not imagination.

Fact: This guy has a criminal record and has no respect for American laws.
Fact: He was under the influence of illegal narcotics when he shot Kate.
Fact: He was not allowed to own a gun, have a gun, or be near a gun.
Fact: He changed his story about how the shooting happened,
Fact: He was in possession of a stolen gun.
Fact: After he shot Kate, he ran and then threw the gun into the bay.
Fact: Kate is dead because of him.

Those are facts. Now, can you give me one fact (not fiction) of how he is innocent?
The fact that he had a criminal record, was Mexican, was illegally here, was drunk has nothing to do with proving second degree murder

The prosecution could not do it

So what? They did prove that he's the one that shot her, and that alone is a minimum manslaughter charge.

He tampered with evidence, he was under disability using a firearm, he was not supposed to be in this country in the first place.

Can you name me one other country where a lowlife like this could have gotten away with such a thing?

Lowlifes ? I’ve got one ! Dick Chaney shot his Hunting buddy . Should he be in jail ?
The jury told me

In this country we listen to juries, not hysterical conservative media

How would a jury know? They weren't there either. A criminal telling his story doesn't make the story true because a bunch of saps decided to believe it. As they say, there's one born every minute.
How would Donald Trump know?

He wasn't there

Was Trump on the jury?

This is called dealing with facts--not imagination.

Fact: This guy has a criminal record and has no respect for American laws.
Fact: He was under the influence of illegal narcotics when he shot Kate.
Fact: He was not allowed to own a gun, have a gun, or be near a gun.
Fact: He changed his story about how the shooting happened,
Fact: He was in possession of a stolen gun.
Fact: After he shot Kate, he ran and then threw the gun into the bay.
Fact: Kate is dead because of him.

Those are facts. Now, can you give me one fact (not fiction) of how he is innocent?
The fact that he had a criminal record, was Mexican, was illegally here, was drunk has nothing to do with proving second degree murder

The prosecution could not do it

So what? They did prove that he's the one that shot her, and that alone is a minimum manslaughter charge.

He tampered with evidence, he was under disability using a firearm, he was not supposed to be in this country in the first place.

Can you name me one other country where a lowlife like this could have gotten away with such a thing?
if Hillary had accidently shot her, u think she would go to jail?
Democrat's current list of possible candidates......

Hey I’m with you righties !

Anytime someone shoots somebody , that’s not justifiable self defense . They should go to jail .

Gonna be a lot of cops and hunters in the prisons .
How would a jury know? They weren't there either. A criminal telling his story doesn't make the story true because a bunch of saps decided to believe it. As they say, there's one born every minute.
How would Donald Trump know?

He wasn't there

Was Trump on the jury?

This is called dealing with facts--not imagination.

Fact: This guy has a criminal record and has no respect for American laws.
Fact: He was under the influence of illegal narcotics when he shot Kate.
Fact: He was not allowed to own a gun, have a gun, or be near a gun.
Fact: He changed his story about how the shooting happened,
Fact: He was in possession of a stolen gun.
Fact: After he shot Kate, he ran and then threw the gun into the bay.
Fact: Kate is dead because of him.

Those are facts. Now, can you give me one fact (not fiction) of how he is innocent?
The fact that he had a criminal record, was Mexican, was illegally here, was drunk has nothing to do with proving second degree murder

The prosecution could not do it

So what? They did prove that he's the one that shot her, and that alone is a minimum manslaughter charge.

He tampered with evidence, he was under disability using a firearm, he was not supposed to be in this country in the first place.

Can you name me one other country where a lowlife like this could have gotten away with such a thing?

Lowlifes ? I’ve got one ! Dick Chaney shot his Hunting buddy . Should he be in jail ?

That was a hunting accident which happens every hunting season. He had a legal gun and was legally allowed to use it. Cheney is a citizen of this country.

This lowlife was not a citizen. He's been kicked out five times prior to shooting this young American girl. He was not in the woods where shooting is legal to do, he was in a city where (supposedly) there are tough gun laws.

But it's like I've always said, liberals always side with evil and conservatives always side with the good. So please continue doing Satin's work.
People are leaving California by the millions. That right there should give many pause for thought! :dunno:

Yeah . Because it’s so expensive . Because it’s successful.

I'm sorry but I will have to disagree. California is going from bad to worse, and this is not only my opinion.

This is almost exactly like Mogadishu Somalia in 93' when I was there working with the UN>
First of all NO ONE knows it was any "accident" or he is just a bad shot? A several times convicted Felon firing a stolen Firearm in a Public place, in the city limits of SF?

That is a crime anywhere? Discharge of weapon, Manslaughter 15 years. RW keeps overlooking maybe the Prosecution botched it all on purpose? To rub dreamers into righties eyes? Ya never know with BIG GOVT HO's?

One of the Obamas' dreamers kept coming back in?
First of all NO ONE knows it was any "accident" or he is just a bad shot? A several times convicted Felon firing a stolen Firearm in a Public place, in the city limits of SF?

That is a crime anywhere? Discharge of weapon, Manslaughter 15 years. RW keeps overlooking maybe the Prosecution botched it all on purpose? To rub dreamers into righties eyes? Ya never know with BIG GOVT HO's?

One of the Obamas' dreamers kept coming back in?

I’m not much of a conspiracy theorist...but I could easily believe that here in Mexifornia...That’s exactly the kind of shit that goes on in this shithole.
First of all NO ONE knows it was any "accident" or he is just a bad shot? A several times convicted Felon firing a stolen Firearm in a Public place, in the city limits of SF?

That is a crime anywhere? Discharge of weapon, Manslaughter 15 years. RW keeps overlooking maybe the Prosecution botched it all on purpose? To rub dreamers into righties eyes? Ya never know with BIG GOVT HO's?

One of the Obamas' dreamers kept coming back in?

Exactly. I'm a true blue American who ever had so much as an outstanding parking ticket. I'm a CCW holder in my state. But if I shot somebody accidentally, I would be held responsible for my actions. I would probably end up in jail, likely sued by the person or family that I harmed, and my gun license removed for life.

An illegal comes here and shoots an American, no problem in liberal land.
How would Donald Trump know?

He wasn't there

Was Trump on the jury?

This is called dealing with facts--not imagination.

Fact: This guy has a criminal record and has no respect for American laws.
Fact: He was under the influence of illegal narcotics when he shot Kate.
Fact: He was not allowed to own a gun, have a gun, or be near a gun.
Fact: He changed his story about how the shooting happened,
Fact: He was in possession of a stolen gun.
Fact: After he shot Kate, he ran and then threw the gun into the bay.
Fact: Kate is dead because of him.

Those are facts. Now, can you give me one fact (not fiction) of how he is innocent?
The fact that he had a criminal record, was Mexican, was illegally here, was drunk has nothing to do with proving second degree murder

The prosecution could not do it

So what? They did prove that he's the one that shot her, and that alone is a minimum manslaughter charge.

He tampered with evidence, he was under disability using a firearm, he was not supposed to be in this country in the first place.

Can you name me one other country where a lowlife like this could have gotten away with such a thing?
Then that is what they should have prosecuted him for

Instead, they listened to rightwing hysteria and tried to prove murder

Irrelevant. It doesn't matter what the prosecutor tried for. It was not murder or nothing, it was murder, manslaughter or nothing. They chose the weakest charge.
The prosecutor has to paint a picture of what he thinks happened

He painted a picture of intentional murder. The jury did not buy it
First of all NO ONE knows it was any "accident" or he is just a bad shot? A several times convicted Felon firing a stolen Firearm in a Public place, in the city limits of SF?

That is a crime anywhere? Discharge of weapon, Manslaughter 15 years. RW keeps overlooking maybe the Prosecution botched it all on purpose? To rub dreamers into righties eyes? Ya never know with BIG GOVT HO's?

One of the Obamas' dreamers kept coming back in?

Exactly. I'm a true blue American who ever had so much as an outstanding parking ticket. I'm a CCW holder in my state. But if I shot somebody accidentally, I would be held responsible for my actions. I would probably end up in jail, likely sued by the person or family that I harmed, and my gun license removed for life.

An illegal comes here and shoots an American, no problem in liberal land.
He served over a year in jail
About what you would have gotten for an accidental shooting
Was Trump on the jury?

This is called dealing with facts--not imagination.

Fact: This guy has a criminal record and has no respect for American laws.
Fact: He was under the influence of illegal narcotics when he shot Kate.
Fact: He was not allowed to own a gun, have a gun, or be near a gun.
Fact: He changed his story about how the shooting happened,
Fact: He was in possession of a stolen gun.
Fact: After he shot Kate, he ran and then threw the gun into the bay.
Fact: Kate is dead because of him.

Those are facts. Now, can you give me one fact (not fiction) of how he is innocent?
The fact that he had a criminal record, was Mexican, was illegally here, was drunk has nothing to do with proving second degree murder

The prosecution could not do it

So what? They did prove that he's the one that shot her, and that alone is a minimum manslaughter charge.

He tampered with evidence, he was under disability using a firearm, he was not supposed to be in this country in the first place.

Can you name me one other country where a lowlife like this could have gotten away with such a thing?
Then that is what they should have prosecuted him for

Instead, they listened to rightwing hysteria and tried to prove murder

Irrelevant. It doesn't matter what the prosecutor tried for. It was not murder or nothing, it was murder, manslaughter or nothing. They chose the weakest charge.
The prosecutor has to paint a picture of what he thinks happened

He painted a picture of intentional murder. The jury did not buy it

Fine. Then they should have found him guilty of manslaughter. How Fn stupid are people in Cali anyway?
First of all NO ONE knows it was any "accident" or he is just a bad shot? A several times convicted Felon firing a stolen Firearm in a Public place, in the city limits of SF?

That is a crime anywhere? Discharge of weapon, Manslaughter 15 years. RW keeps overlooking maybe the Prosecution botched it all on purpose? To rub dreamers into righties eyes? Ya never know with BIG GOVT HO's?

One of the Obamas' dreamers kept coming back in?

Exactly. I'm a true blue American who ever had so much as an outstanding parking ticket. I'm a CCW holder in my state. But if I shot somebody accidentally, I would be held responsible for my actions. I would probably end up in jail, likely sued by the person or family that I harmed, and my gun license removed for life.

An illegal comes here and shoots an American, no problem in liberal land.
He served over a year in jail
About what you would have gotten for an accidental shooting

Depends on the judge, but probably at least five years.
First of all NO ONE knows it was any "accident" or he is just a bad shot? A several times convicted Felon firing a stolen Firearm in a Public place, in the city limits of SF?

That is a crime anywhere? Discharge of weapon, Manslaughter 15 years. RW keeps overlooking maybe the Prosecution botched it all on purpose? To rub dreamers into righties eyes? Ya never know with BIG GOVT HO's?

One of the Obamas' dreamers kept coming back in?
Actually the first thing I took into account was the prosecution intentionally botched it.
After all, this is the criminal state of California.
How would Donald Trump know?

He wasn't there

Was Trump on the jury?

This is called dealing with facts--not imagination.

Fact: This guy has a criminal record and has no respect for American laws.
Fact: He was under the influence of illegal narcotics when he shot Kate.
Fact: He was not allowed to own a gun, have a gun, or be near a gun.
Fact: He changed his story about how the shooting happened,
Fact: He was in possession of a stolen gun.
Fact: After he shot Kate, he ran and then threw the gun into the bay.
Fact: Kate is dead because of him.

Those are facts. Now, can you give me one fact (not fiction) of how he is innocent?
The fact that he had a criminal record, was Mexican, was illegally here, was drunk has nothing to do with proving second degree murder

The prosecution could not do it

So what? They did prove that he's the one that shot her, and that alone is a minimum manslaughter charge.

He tampered with evidence, he was under disability using a firearm, he was not supposed to be in this country in the first place.

Can you name me one other country where a lowlife like this could have gotten away with such a thing?

Lowlifes ? I’ve got one ! Dick Chaney shot his Hunting buddy . Should he be in jail ?

That was a hunting accident which happens every hunting season. He had a legal gun and was legally allowed to use it. Cheney is a citizen of this country.

This lowlife was not a citizen. He's been kicked out five times prior to shooting this young American girl. He was not in the woods where shooting is legal to do, he was in a city where (supposedly) there are tough gun laws.

But it's like I've always said, liberals always side with evil and conservatives always side with the good. So please continue doing Satin's work.

Which is why he was guilty of the gun possession charges .
accidental shooting

not. It was accidental killing. Not simply shooting. It willfully caused a death or great bodily harm. This was not a bullet shot off on New Years Eve that fell down on a head. This was an un-educated idiot (or intentional murder) firing a stolen gun in a Public location (not out in the country target practicing).

Maybe the Boss of the Prosecutor put the worst one on the case? Gave bad advice? Looks like an EASY CASE, unless you want to send a message? //

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