Just met the next President of the United States.

I disagree with the term "voting for the lesser of 2 evils". It is important to vote for a candidate with whom you agree on the issues. If you concentrate on where you disagree with a candidate but choose to disregard, that could be called " voting for the lesser of 2 evils". I prefer to concentrate on where you agree. There are too many issues in politics today to insist that there be total agreement between you and a candidate. What is the most important issue(issues) to you? Vote for the candidate who most closely aligns with your belief!

What are you supposed to so when both possibilities are totally and completely repugnant.
Biden was deliberately involved in toppling legitimate governments and starting illegal wars, like Libya, Syria, the Ukraine, etc., and Trump caused Roe Vs Wade to be overturned.
Neither is remotely acceptable.
Yes, but you really should help avoid a "worst case" scenario if possible, rather than sitting it out and just letting it happen.

There is no way to be sure of which is "worst case scenario".
Trump dumped Roe Vs Wade, but Biden is trying to start WWIII in the Ukraine illegally.
I would not be so sure Biden is guilty, except that his track records goes back to the assassination of Qaddafi, the illegal attacks on Assad, and the Maidan coup in 2014.
I am leaning towards Trump being the less of the evils because clearly the impeachments and indictments against Trump were all the most illegal and unethical attempts to illegally violate elections, that I have ever seen.
These abuses against Trump have to be punished, or no president in the future will be safe.
What are you supposed to so when both possibilities are totally and completely repugnant.
Biden was deliberately involved in toppling legitimate governments and starting illegal wars, like Libya, Syria, the Ukraine, etc., and Trump caused Roe Vs Wade to be overturned.
Neither is remotely acceptable.

Proportional Representation is what is needed.
There is no way to be sure of which is "worst case scenario".
Trump dumped Roe Vs Wade, but Biden is trying to start WWIII in the Ukraine illegally.
I would not be so sure Biden is guilty, except that his track records goes back to the assassination of Qaddafi, the illegal attacks on Assad, and the Maidan coup in 2014.
I am leaning towards Trump being the less of the evils because clearly the impeachments and indictments against Trump were all the most illegal and unethical attempts to illegally violate elections, that I have ever seen.
These abuses against Trump have to be punished, or no president in the future will be safe.
I trust my instincts. They have literally kept me alive and more than once, other people.

They will work out the parameters of Roe vs Wade and restriction or permissions on Abortion. Being a 69-year-old man, it really isn't my problem, so not going to bleed for the unborn nor young pregnant women that should have kept their clothes on. Though for life of the mother, unviabilty of the fetus (notice I said FETUS, no baby or unborn child or tinder young vulnerable life) or of course, a pregnancy due to rape or incest, I will not ever object to jerking that fetus out of the womb as early as situation is known. See? Basic disagreement on what is and is not moral, but I don't set myself up to make the decision for all other young pregnant women out there with them having no say, and many of the people that do are just so full of sht.

Biden is not starting or trying to start World War III. If anybody is, it is Putin, so fk him, I support Ukraine, like any red blood, 20 year Retired Armor Officer Cold Warrior that serve the United State as NATO in that theater during the Cold War, so you could sleep well at night safe in your bed.

I won't be sure Biden is guilty until they come up with evidence of a crime or misdemeanor, as even their expert witnesses say they know of none at this time.

Nope. Donny's is pretty damned evil and always has been.

These abuses by the former twice impeached President will be punished so that no other Presidents try it in the future, when the cases come to trial and evidence is presented in court.
I trust my instincts. They have literally kept me alive and more than once, other people.

They will work out the parameters of Roe vs Wade and restriction or permissions on Abortion. Being a 69-year-old man, it really isn't my problem, so not going to bleed for the unborn nor young pregnant women that should have kept their clothes on. Though for life of the mother, unviabilty of the fetus (notice I said FETUS, no baby or unborn child or tinder young vulnerable life) or of course, a pregnancy due to rape or incest, I will not ever object to jerking that fetus out of the womb as early as situation is known. See? Basic disagreement on what is and is not moral, but I don't set myself up to make the decision for all other young pregnant women out there with them having no say, and many of the people that do are just so full of sht.

Biden is not starting or trying to start World War III. If anybody is, it is Putin, so fk him, I support Ukraine, like any red blood, 20 year Retired Armor Officer Cold Warrior that serve the United State as NATO in that theater during the Cold War, so you could sleep well at night safe in your bed.

I won't be sure Biden is guilty until they come up with evidence of a crime or misdemeanor, as even their expert witnesses say they know of none at this time.

Nope. Donny's is pretty damned evil and always has been.

These abuses by the former twice impeached President will be punished so that no other Presidents try it in the future, when the cases come to trial and evidence is presented in court.
Sorry bout that,

1. You hold libtard points of view.
2. It's all over you the stench of libtard death.
3. No hope for you at this time, your views are corrupted.

Sorry bout that,

1. Biden should be impeached, and for good measure.
2. He's a crook.
3. He needs to be imprisoned.
4. And his son needs it too.

Sorry bout that,

1. You hold libtard points of view.
2. It's all over you the stench of libtard death.
3. No hope for you at this time, your views are corrupted.


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