Just when you thought there were no good Democrats left

COLUMBUS, Ohio — An Ohio Supreme Court justice is criticizing some Cleveland Browns players who prayed in silent protest during the national anthem before a game.

Justice Bill O’Neill writes on Facebook he won’t attend any games at which “draft dodging millionaire athletes disrespect the veterans who earned them the right to be on that field.” He said Tuesday “shame on you all.”

O’Neill notes he’s a Vietnam veteran whose family has a history of military service. He’s also the lone Democrat holding a statewide office in Ohio.

More than a dozen Browns players kneeled and formed a circle on the sideline during the anthem Monday. Tight end Seth DeValve says he wanted “to pray for our country.”

Browns linebacker Christian Kirksey talked to FOX 8 News on Tuesday, and said, “Respect to all the veterans, respect to the military — we are not protesting against them. We have our reasons for doing what we did, and last night felt like the right time to do it, and that’s why we did it.”

The protest was the largest in a social-consciousness movement started last season by San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick currently a free agent.

Ohio Supreme Court justice blasts Browns over anthem protest

I say good for him. A man that served our country realizing the anti-American stances taken by these un-appreciative Americans who are millionaires because they do live in this great country.

I for one will never turn on a Browns game unless they apologize and take measures to assure us Clevelanders they will never allow their players to embarrass us again; especially on national TV. Like this Democrat judge, I find their actions distasteful, disrespectful, and using God and prayer to take the heat off is also sacrilegious and cowardly.

Screw them. Boycott all Cleveland Browns games and products if you are a real American.

You know when people claim that protest is "anti-American", where criticism of the military is "anti-American" and when support for policies which send kids who just want a college education to countries like Iraq and Afghanistan to risk their lives so the rich people can get more profit, so they can buy more politicians, and they can spend loads of money telling people that if you protest their interests it's "anti-American".

Protests are not anti-American. Disrespecting our flag and anthem are.

So, in essence you can protest America, that's anti-American. How convenient for you Ray. How convenient that you can go to wars which are complete bullshit, and you can try and stop people protesting them by saying the flag and the anthem cannot be protested.

Yes, if you disrespect something that so strongly represents this great country, you are an anti-American.

Which is absolutely ridiculous Ray.

Surely if something represents the country, then it's the thing you protest to when you want to protest about the country, or those with the power over the country, do something you don't like.

It's the whole point of protest.

It's basically like saying you have the freedom of speech to say whatever the govt allows you to say.
Or that you can keep the guns the govt allows you to keep, at the times it allows you to keep, or not.
Or like you have freedom from torture, except if you're in police custody.

You really don't like these rights, do you?
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18072249,
Yes, if you disrespect something that so strongly represents this great country, you are an anti-American.

I see absolutely no disrespect for the flag by what these players did. I see disrespect for equality and justice that the flag represents as well by all those whiny white people not wanting to give up their hold on power in this great country of ours.

We've been doing away with flaws in this country since its founding. No reason to stop now because you got your panties in a twist over nothing.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18072249,
Yes, if you disrespect something that so strongly represents this great country, you are an anti-American.

I see absolutely no disrespect for the flag by what these players did. I see disrespect for equality and justice that the flag represents as well by all those whiny white people not wanting to give up their hold on power in this great country of ours.

We've been doing away with flaws in this country since its founding. No reason to stop now because you got your panties in a twist over nothing.

And what flaws might that be? In the past, people disrespected our anthem and flag to deal with "flaws?"

The things is if people don't like our civilized society, they are free to move to an uncivilized society. But in a civilized society, we have laws, we have people that enforce the laws, and we have people that make the laws. We have a systematic way of doing things, not mob rule.

In our country, the police are the good guys. They are the people that enforce the laws we make. If some don't like our laws, change them or leave the country. If you don't have any respect for authority, then you don't belong in a civilized society.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18071927
If a police officer kills somebody for no reason regardless of race, they will be charged or have a hearing with a grand jury to judge if they should be charged

In your white fantasy world that might happen. It may happen now more often with attention brought to this injustice.?

No, it's always happened. But you see, the Democrat party needs to brainwash their sheep that race is a huge issue now. They can't win elections on their ideas. So with the help of their friends in the MSM, they created an issue that was never there before.

"Brainwashing" happens on both sides, just the brainwashed can't see they've been Brainwashed, can you Ray?

So tell me how I have been brainwashed.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18071927
If a police officer kills somebody for no reason regardless of race, they will be charged or have a hearing with a grand jury to judge if they should be charged

In your white fantasy world that might happen. It may happen now more often with attention brought to this injustice.?

No, it's always happened. But you see, the Democrat party needs to brainwash their sheep that race is a huge issue now. They can't win elections on their ideas. So with the help of their friends in the MSM, they created an issue that was never there before.

"Brainwashing" happens on both sides, just the brainwashed can't see they've been Brainwashed, can you Ray?

So tell me how I have been brainwashed.

From what I see you extremely willing to believe all the bad things about Democrats and you'll massively protect the things from Republicans. Even if it's the same thing.

You speak about the need for CHOICE when it comes to the Republicans' view for school vouchers, but reject CHOICE massively when it comes to people going out and voting, simply because the political system is convenient for the right to do better than it probably should do, and you know it.

Things like that. You're partisan and you fight the partisan corner without much in the way of fundamental principles that guide you.
It's basically like saying you have the freedom of speech to say whatever the govt allows you to say.

Correct, and when you say F-you to our country, then it's time for you to find another country to live in.

What is the country Ray? Is the President the country? No. Congress? No. The political system? No. The anthem? No. The flag? No. They're not what make the country, some have an impact on the country. Part of what the country is, is a country founded on the belief that politics should be talked about, protested when you don't like the direction it goes.

If the US goes to war in Iraq is it the country going to war, or is it the rich who control the country managing to used the armed forces for their own financial gains? Either way, there are different views about why the war took place and it is part of what the country is that you can protest this war, whether you like the protesters or not.

The flag is just a symbol. The anthem is just a symbol. It's there for various reasons, it symbolizes the govt. If you want to protest what the govt is doing, you can protest the flag or the anthem. It's part of what it is there for.

The flag and anthem are used for political purposes, implemented by politicians, designed to get people to unite under their beliefs. But other people have different views on such things. White supremacists don't want to unite. Should they be forced to adhere to the symbols of something they don't agree with?

The problem is Ray you're from the type of school which uses symbols to try and FORCE people to conform to their views or you'll criticize them, and use words like "unpatriotic" "Anti-American" to force them, while you and your views are "patriotic" and "American". Problem is Ray, I don't buy that.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18072249,
Yes, if you disrespect something that so strongly represents this great country, you are an anti-American.

I see absolutely no disrespect for the flag by what these players did. I see disrespect for equality and justice that the flag represents as well by all those whiny white people not wanting to give up their hold on power in this great country of ours.

We've been doing away with flaws in this country since its founding. No reason to stop now because you got your panties in a twist over nothing.

And what flaws might that be? In the past, people disrespected our anthem and flag to deal with "flaws?"

The things is if people don't like our civilized society, they are free to move to an uncivilized society. But in a civilized society, we have laws, we have people that enforce the laws, and we have people that make the laws. We have a systematic way of doing things, not mob rule.

In our country, the police are the good guys. They are the people that enforce the laws we make. If some don't like our laws, change them or leave the country. If you don't have any respect for authority, then you don't belong in a civilized society.

Yes, they're free to move. You don't like parts of society, and you're also free to move.

At the same time you're also free to PROTEST, and you're free to suggest ways it can be improved too.

Choices Ray. Seems you don't really like choices any more.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18072249,
Yes, if you disrespect something that so strongly represents this great country, you are an anti-American.

I see absolutely no disrespect for the flag by what these players did. I see disrespect for equality and justice that the flag represents as well by all those whiny white people not wanting to give up their hold on power in this great country of ours.

We've been doing away with flaws in this country since its founding. No reason to stop now because you got your panties in a twist over nothing.

And what flaws might that be? In the past, people disrespected our anthem and flag to deal with "flaws?"

The things is if people don't like our civilized society, they are free to move to an uncivilized society. But in a civilized society, we have laws, we have people that enforce the laws, and we have people that make the laws. We have a systematic way of doing things, not mob rule.

In our country, the police are the good guys. They are the people that enforce the laws we make. If some don't like our laws, change them or leave the country. If you don't have any respect for authority, then you don't belong in a civilized society.

Yes, they're free to move. You don't like parts of society, and you're also free to move.

At the same time you're also free to PROTEST, and you're free to suggest ways it can be improved too.

Choices Ray. Seems you don't really like choices any more.

Nobody likes all of society, all of government, or all of the events taking place, but there is no reason in the world for anybody within our borders to disrespect our flag or anthem. It's a big FU to all of America--not just your issues.
From what I see you extremely willing to believe all the bad things about Democrats and you'll massively protect the things from Republicans. Even if it's the same thing.

For instance?

You speak about the need for CHOICE when it comes to the Republicans' view for school vouchers, but reject CHOICE massively when it comes to people going out and voting, simply because the political system is convenient for the right to do better than it probably should do, and you know it.

I have no idea WTF that even means. I read it five times and still can't figure it out.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 18072249,
Yes, if you disrespect something that so strongly represents this great country, you are an anti-American.

I see absolutely no disrespect for the flag by what these players did. I see disrespect for equality and justice that the flag represents as well by all those whiny white people not wanting to give up their hold on power in this great country of ours.

We've been doing away with flaws in this country since its founding. No reason to stop now because you got your panties in a twist over nothing.

And what flaws might that be? In the past, people disrespected our anthem and flag to deal with "flaws?"

The things is if people don't like our civilized society, they are free to move to an uncivilized society. But in a civilized society, we have laws, we have people that enforce the laws, and we have people that make the laws. We have a systematic way of doing things, not mob rule.

In our country, the police are the good guys. They are the people that enforce the laws we make. If some don't like our laws, change them or leave the country. If you don't have any respect for authority, then you don't belong in a civilized society.

Yes, they're free to move. You don't like parts of society, and you're also free to move.

At the same time you're also free to PROTEST, and you're free to suggest ways it can be improved too.

Choices Ray. Seems you don't really like choices any more.

Nobody likes all of society, all of government, or all of the events taking place, but there is no reason in the world for anybody within our borders to disrespect our flag or anthem. It's a big FU to all of America--not just your issues.

Why? Why should the flag and the anthem be sacred? They stand for something, they're political, and what they stand for people have a problem with.

So, it's a big FU to all of America in your opinion. But luckily YOUR OPINION is not the only opinion. Is it?

You're demanding I treat the flag and the anthem as sacred. But I don't.

The US goes and invades Iraq. The flag and the anthem stand for this. The US goes and bombs Libya. The flag and anthem stand for this. Trump and Bush get elected without the democratic vote. This is what the flag and the anthem stand for. The Republican Party and Democrat Party are corrupt, a monopoly on power and the flag and anthem stand for this.

So, if I don't like this shit, I will protest this shit anyhow I like, and if that just happens to be wiping the flag on my ass, or singing "Oh say can you bomb, by the dawn's early light, what so proudly we hit, at the twilight's invasion" I will fucking sing it and if you have a fucking problem with that, so be it. You're allowed to say you have a problem with it. The problem is, what you're saying goes against the principles of the US by saying it. But hey, you think insulting the flag and anthem go against this, so we're just about even. At the end of the day, I have rights and I have the right to think that many American institutions suck balls.
From what I see you extremely willing to believe all the bad things about Democrats and you'll massively protect the things from Republicans. Even if it's the same thing.

For instance?

You speak about the need for CHOICE when it comes to the Republicans' view for school vouchers, but reject CHOICE massively when it comes to people going out and voting, simply because the political system is convenient for the right to do better than it probably should do, and you know it.

I have no idea WTF that even means. I read it five times and still can't figure it out.

Well, after speaking to you for a long time, it doesn't surprise me. Let's see if I can get some quotes from you.

Vouchers give people choices. Freedom is choice. The more choice one has, the more freedom one has.

Do you remember writing this? Freedom is choice.

Then you talk about the electoral system, no, it can't change, people can't have proper choice, no, that would be bad.

PR is bad because it gives people CHOICE and CHOICE is FREEDOM. So, what do you want Ray? No freedom? Limited freedom?
From what I see you extremely willing to believe all the bad things about Democrats and you'll massively protect the things from Republicans. Even if it's the same thing.

For instance?

You speak about the need for CHOICE when it comes to the Republicans' view for school vouchers, but reject CHOICE massively when it comes to people going out and voting, simply because the political system is convenient for the right to do better than it probably should do, and you know it.

I have no idea WTF that even means. I read it five times and still can't figure it out.

Well, after speaking to you for a long time, it doesn't surprise me. Let's see if I can get some quotes from you.

Vouchers give people choices. Freedom is choice. The more choice one has, the more freedom one has.

Do you remember writing this? Freedom is choice.

Then you talk about the electoral system, no, it can't change, people can't have proper choice, no, that would be bad.

PR is bad because it gives people CHOICE and CHOICE is FREEDOM. So, what do you want Ray? No freedom? Limited freedom?

I'm still having problems figuring out what you're trying to prove here. Are you comparing school vouchers to our electoral college or something?????
Why? Why should the flag and the anthem be sacred? They stand for something, they're political, and what they stand for people have a problem with.

No, the flag and anthem are not political. The flag is the official emblem of our country as a whole; not a party, not politics, not a particular war, but of our free country. The anthem is praise to this free country and the people who fought and died for that freedom, and yes, for that flag.

When you disrespect our flag and anthem, you disrespect our entire country because that's what the flag and anthem represent. If you and I are neighbors, and we have a quarrel, and I sneak into your house and draw a penis in your mothers picture, it wouldn't matter because after all, it's only a picture?

If our flag an anthem are not sacred to you, then it's probably because this country is not sacred to you. I hated Obama, I hated the Democrats when they had leadership, they've done serious harm to my life, but I would never dream of attacking our flag because people made a huge mistake. That's because of regardless of our situation(s) the country is still scared to us all.

So, it's a big FU to all of America in your opinion. But luckily YOUR OPINION is not the only opinion. Is it?

No, but many share my opinion. That's why the NFL had terrible ratings for the Super Bowl and continue to have lower ratings during football season.

You're demanding I treat the flag and the anthem as sacred. But I don't.

The things is if people don't like our civilized society, they are free to move to an uncivilized society. But in a civilized society, we have laws, we have people that enforce the laws, and we have people that make the laws. We have a systematic way of doing things, not mob rule.

There are no laws against praying during the national anthem.,
The things is if people don't like our civilized society, they are free to move to an uncivilized society. But in a civilized society, we have laws, we have people that enforce the laws, and we have people that make the laws. We have a systematic way of doing things, not mob rule.

There are no laws against praying during the national anthem.,

If you are gullible enough to believe they were praying.
Quit buying their shit and dump sports with your TV provider....most satellite and cable companies are offering non sports packages. The only way to hit them is in the wallet
Do not support NFL for sure.
The things is if people don't like our civilized society, they are free to move to an uncivilized society. But in a civilized society, we have laws, we have people that enforce the laws, and we have people that make the laws. We have a systematic way of doing things, not mob rule.

There are no laws against praying during the national anthem.,

If you are gullible enough to believe they were praying.
I think they were praying for Black Lives Matter.

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