Just Who Do They Think They're Fooling?


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013

What is your brain telling you they are trying to trick you into?
Chuckie Schuma will soon resume his quest to get to the bottom of 'We must find out just how demonic the Republicans are for the good of the American people' mantra.
Problem is, they ARE a whole lot alike and have much of the same agenda. That picture right there is the deep state, and they're basically only worried about GETTING THEIRS and HOLDING ONTO POWER. President Trump is a threat to them ALL. That's why you don't see the deep state, the RINOs and the never Trumpers coming to the defense of him. Problem again is that's the majority of filth in Washington. But this photo op here above is pure horse shit.
Don't worry about those establishment clowns. Lets review, president Trump and the American people obliterated the GOP establishment during the primary. The GOP establishment spent over $150 million trying to defeat Trump and barely got 5% of the vote. Then president Trump and the American people defeated Hillary, Bill, Obama, the DNC, and the MSM and they spent $1.2 billion dollars trying to defeat us. THAT is why the DEM/GOP establishment is so pissed off right now, the American people got uppity and they are pissed.
What is your brain telling you they are trying to trick you into?
The right wing paranoia will be getting worse as the demographic shift overtakes them
It is not paranoia when democrat operatives are shooting people.
Sander has never, ever, not even once, been a democrat.
Who, or what Sander? A belt or orbital? Or did you accidentally type in the wrong programed talking point?
What is your brain telling you they are trying to trick you into?
The right wing paranoia will be getting worse as the demographic shift overtakes them
It is not paranoia when democrat operatives are shooting people.
And there wasn't a peep from the RWNJ's when white christian terrorists attacked Gays and w omens health clinics

who are the snow flakes now?
While Schumer was engaging in a moment of Kumbaya the N.Y. elites were using taxpayer dollars to promote a play depicting the murder of President Trump. So much for left wing bipartisanship.
These establishment assholes have been working for decades to rig elections to make sure your choice is either a Dem establishment candidate or a Rep establishment candidate, so that the establishment retains power no matter how you vote. That an outsider like Trump who is not controlled by establishment money barges in and takes over, they are freaking out. They FEAR this example, that they can be beat at the polls.
What is your brain telling you they are trying to trick you into?
The right wing paranoia will be getting worse as the demographic shift overtakes them
It is not paranoia when democrat operatives are shooting people.
And there wasn't a peep from the RWNJ's when white christian terrorists attacked Gays and w omens health clinics

who are the snow flakes now?
BS, BS, BS more BS from the liberal left who keeps getting their asses handed to them and they just can't understand why. Liberals never said a word when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, or when 9/11 happened or this recent shooting. See how easy it is just to say crap? Of course you do that is mostly all you post.
no need for violence, white christians are dying off naturally , they are now less then 45 % of the population

let nature take its course

It would be nice if the wings could get past the madness, but I fear one shooting won't be nearly enough.
Are you calling for more shootings? Kinda sounds that way, even though I don't think you are.

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