Just Why Are People Against The Trump Agenda?

I don't watch the organs of the current popular group think media. MSNBC or FOX or PRAVDA for that matter. Nope. I voted for Trump. I think I have a right to criticize him. He needs to stand up to criticism and face charges of Russian collusion, face it, embrace it and disprove it. Or the alternative, be impeached, I am good with either. The Truth will out.
He needs to stand up to criticism and face charges of Russian collusion, face it, embrace it and disprove it. Or the alternative, be impeached, I am good with either.
Why does he have to prove it? Democrats are gonna continue to accuse him of anything they can think of. Is he supposed to spend his entire presidency DISPROVING baseless accusations from his political enemies?
He needs to stand up to criticism and face charges of Russian collusion, face it, embrace it and disprove it. Or the alternative, be impeached, I am good with either.
Why does he have to prove it? Democrats are gonna continue to accuse him of anything they can think of. Is he supposed to spend his entire presidency DISPROVING baseless accusations from his political enemies?

The burden of proof lies with the accuser.
Actually, Trump has put in people that know how the financial dirty dealing is done and wants to change it.

Even you can't be brainwashed enough to believe something that reality-defying.

Can you?

I am willing to give him longer than 4 months

So, you admit he's done nothing so far in regards to "draining the swamp". But you have faith. Real soon now! Just you wait!
I don't watch the organs of the current popular group think media. MSNBC or FOX or PRAVDA for that matter. Nope. I voted for Trump. I think I have a right to criticize him. He needs to stand up to criticism and face charges of Russian collusion, face it, embrace it and disprove it. Or the alternative, be impeached, I am good with either. The Truth will out.

You have the right to criticize whether you voted for him or not.
I don't believe fair criticism is what folks of the right object to... it's the baseless lying and ridiculous harassment that gets tiresome.
It may not matter much when the truth outs... there are more than one way to take someone out.
It seems hard to believe that a scant few months ago you can give a man your ever so precious and important vote and turn so quickly when the media screeches
He needs to stand up to criticism and face charges of Russian collusion, face it, embrace it and disprove it. Or the alternative, be impeached, I am good with either.
Why does he have to prove it? Democrats are gonna continue to accuse him of anything they can think of. Is he supposed to spend his entire presidency DISPROVING baseless accusations from his political enemies?

Is this baseless?
Common people, I am open minded and voted for Trump, dosen't mean I am an incredulous rube. I won't stand for a lying asshole narcissist playing games. and Trump is going that way.
Here is the Trump Agenda as he campaigned on and what he has worked on since in office:

And for the most part, he's doing the exact opposite of all those promises.

For example, instead of "draining the swamp", he's filled every position with corrupt political hacks, lobbyists, cronies and billionaires. He's filled that swamp fuller than it's ever been.

And you support that.

By your own standards, you want the USA to fail.
If he declared Hillary for vice president. You would still hate him, so go on.
I don't watch the organs of the current popular group think media. MSNBC or FOX or PRAVDA for that matter. Nope. I voted for Trump. I think I have a right to criticize him. He needs to stand up to criticism and face charges of Russian collusion, face it, embrace it and disprove it. Or the alternative, be impeached, I am good with either. The Truth will out.

You have the right to criticize whether you voted for him or not.
I don't believe fair criticism is what folks of the right object to... it's the baseless lying and ridiculous harassment that gets tiresome.
It may not matter much when the truth outs... there are more than one way to take someone out.
It seems hard to believe that a scant few months ago you can give a man your ever so precious and important vote and turn so quickly when the media screeches
I am a realist, I wish the rest of you were. Vietnam, Kennedy, passing the buck, politics, gamesmanship. We all lose in the end. Own up to mistakes from the get go and be honest. It would serve us all better in the end. mea Culpa.
I don't watch the organs of the current popular group think media. MSNBC or FOX or PRAVDA for that matter. Nope. I voted for Trump. I think I have a right to criticize him. He needs to stand up to criticism and face charges of Russian collusion, face it, embrace it and disprove it. Or the alternative, be impeached, I am good with either. The Truth will out.

You have the right to criticize whether you voted for him or not.
I don't believe fair criticism is what folks of the right object to... it's the baseless lying and ridiculous harassment that gets tiresome.
It may not matter much when the truth outs... there are more than one way to take someone out.
It seems hard to believe that a scant few months ago you can give a man your ever so precious and important vote and turn so quickly when the media screeches
I am a realist, I wish the rest of you were. Vietnam, Kennedy, passing the buck, politics, gamesmanship. We all lose in the end. Own up to mistakes from the get go and be honest. It would serve us all better in the end. mea Culpa.
What is it you think he's done? And what do you know he lied about?
I don't watch the organs of the current popular group think media. MSNBC or FOX or PRAVDA for that matter. Nope. I voted for Trump. I think I have a right to criticize him. He needs to stand up to criticism and face charges of Russian collusion, face it, embrace it and disprove it. Or the alternative, be impeached, I am good with either. The Truth will out.

You have the right to criticize whether you voted for him or not.
I don't believe fair criticism is what folks of the right object to... it's the baseless lying and ridiculous harassment that gets tiresome.
It may not matter much when the truth outs... there are more than one way to take someone out.
It seems hard to believe that a scant few months ago you can give a man your ever so precious and important vote and turn so quickly when the media screeches
I am a realist, I wish the rest of you were. Vietnam, Kennedy, passing the buck, politics, gamesmanship. We all lose in the end. Own up to mistakes from the get go and be honest. It would serve us all better in the end. mea Culpa.
What is it you think he's done? And what do you know he lied about?
Are you kidding? I lived thought Watergate, it's daja vu all over again. Lies, denials and allegations of lies. it was worse THEN because we were naive fools. Now it just reinforces cynicism. Yawn.
Trump Agenda as he campaigned on and what he has worked on since in office:

* Economy & Jobs
* Lower Taxes & Tax Reform
* Repeal & Replace Obamacare
* A Stronger Military
* To Defeat Radical Islam & ISIS
* Energy Independence
* Returning control of Education back to the Individual States
* Cutting the Size of Government
* Draining the Swamp

Why are we against it?

Because, it's bullshit.

1. Economy and jobs
Sounds good. In fact sounds like every candidate. However, the economy is doing pretty well, it's steady - unemployment has gone way down. Not sure exactly what Trump will do differently or better because as usual it's not specified beyond "YUGE".

2. Lower Taxes and Tax Reform....sounds great, ya? I agree. On the other hand what does it mean in practice? So far, it looks to me like it's significant reductions in taxes on the wealthy and...not much else. Not to mention...how are we going to balance the loss in revenue with the deficit? How much spending can you cut before you are hurting the very people who can least weather it?

3. Repeal and Replace Obamacare. Why not FIX FUCKING OBAMACARE...you know, like we've been trying to do for years but you guys have stonewalled...and, have you looked at Trumpcare? It's seriously fucked up. Worse than Obamacare.

4. Defeat "radical Islam" (what does that mean?) and ISIS...kind of what we've been doing...but, ok let's pretend it's something new.

5. Energy Independence....and that differs from what we've been doing...how? Oh, I know how - fuck the environment drill baby drill!

I'll skip down to draining the swamp - Trump's agenda ISN"T draining the swamp. It's replenishing it with new invasive species.

I don't support it.

Because, it's bullshit.

1. Economy and jobs
Sounds good. In fact sounds like every candidate. However, the economy is doing pretty well, it's steady - unemployment has gone way down. Not sure exactly what Trump will do differently or better because as usual it's not specified beyond "YUGE".

Seriously? Let's look at the EPA alone under Obama job killing administration

Nearly 4,000 EPA Regulations Issued Under President Obama

Since President Obama assumed office in 2009, the EPA has published over 3,900rules, averaging almost 500 annually, and amounting to over 33,000 new pages in the Federal Register. The hearing highlighted growing concerns from states and affected entities about the mounting complexity, costs, and legality of EPA rules.

The compliance costs associated with EPA regulations under Obama number in the hundreds of billions and have grown by more than $50 billion in annual costs since Obama took office. Such high costs, especially those related to the energy sector, ripple throughout the economy, impacting GDP, killing thousands of jobs, and increasing the cost of consumer goods.

Trump EO

Presidential Executive Order on Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs

Actually, Trump has put in people that know how the financial dirty dealing is done and wants to change it.

Even you can't be brainwashed enough to believe something that reality-defying.

Can you?

I am willing to give him longer than 4 months

So, you admit he's done nothing so far in regards to "draining the swamp". But you have faith. Real soon now! Just you wait!
Actually, Trump has put in people that know how the financial dirty dealing is done and wants to change it.

Even you can't be brainwashed enough to believe something that reality-defying.

Can you?

I am willing to give him longer than 4 months

So, you admit he's done nothing so far in regards to "draining the swamp". But you have faith. Real soon now! Just you wait!

He got rid of Comey and that was a good move and he did it when Comey wasn't in his office so all the intel he had has been secured. I have no doubt that Comey was compromised. He was on the board of HSBC, a CIA front bank for laundering CIA drug money before landing the sweet gig at the FBI. Comey had already lost his rank and file over his handling of the Hilary case and his dragging of feet about the treasure trove of information on child trafficking ring and pedophilia crimes of politicians from both sides that have been put under a gag order not to talk about . The NYPD detective unit is also frothing at the mouth to start making arrests. This is what I want to see before I can stand tall for Trump. If it was up to me? I would have him go in front of the American people and lay out exactly what is going on and what has been done this country....but the sad thing is, most Americans are too brain dead to handle too much information.

The swamp wasn't filled in four months and it can't be drained in that amount of time either. I don't like the aggression being shown towards Syria and I didn't like his comment that "I am a nationalist and a globalist" because you can't be both......but what keeps my attention to what is looking like theater is the utter vitriol towards him by the very ones that I loathe as well. 1,500 plus arrests of pedophiles and huge rings being busted up and yet the lamestream media barely covers it? So far, it's just the low hanging fruit. I want to see the Podesta brothers indicted, Hildebeast indicted, the Bush crime family and the neocons indicted for child trafficking and crimes against children.
I will never get why poor broke ass liberals are against Trump's policy of getting rid of illegals that lower their wages, take their jobs, make health care cost more, more taxes for schools and such

The only thing I can figure is Trump is for it so they have to be against it


Liberalism what a mind to waste on crack

God help me, I am no lib. Why is Trump tap dancing around this issue? As a Trump supporter, I want to KNOW if he was co-oped by the ruskies. I remember the red scares and the fanatical anti communist stuff of the 50's. Trump would, too. So this amazes me. And yet, here we are. Fool me once shame on me...
Here is the Trump Agenda as he campaigned on and what he has worked on since in office:

And for the most part, he's doing the exact opposite of all those promises.

For example, instead of "draining the swamp", he's filled every position with corrupt political hacks, lobbyists, cronies and billionaires. He's filled that swamp fuller than it's ever been.

And you support that.

By your own standards, you want the USA to fail.

Got bad wiring in that brain of yours?

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