just write this down - I know what to say, trust me ..

No ass kissing, just a moderate not falling for all the BS of the extreme left or extreme right. Which you are part of. Which leads to your extreme bias.

If you have proof other than the doctor, of the doctor lying on Trumps letter, let me know what it is.

when you have proof the Dr is lying let me know.

So he wasn’t lying when he claimed Trump to be in perfect health?
Apparently, he didn't claim that.

So he was lying then? Or now, after he got pissed that Trump released him because he violated doctor patient confidentiality by giving a reporter information of a prescription he prescribed to Trump for hair growth?

I can’t tell which Was or wasn’t a lie, since liars are known to lie.
Seems he wasn't lying then since it appears it was Trump who authored that medical report. Which would mean he's not lying now when he says Trump dictated it.

And I find it rather baffling that you're so caught up in trying to find where the doctor lied when we know Trump lies as easily as he breathes.

They both lie, however it is the doctor that is doing allthe talking right now, not Trump. I didn’t have to look to see the doctor lied, when he released information to a reporter, pretty blatant and obvious if you look at both sides.
I already burned that strawman

Trump gave his physician permission to release his medical information.

As a presidential candidate, I have instructed my long-time doctor to issue, within two weeks, a full medical report
8:08 AM - Dec 3, 2015

He did not give the doctor permission to release information to the reporter about prescribing a drug for hair growth, that is why the doctor said he was let go by Trump.

Trump gave his permission, by instructing him, saying "issue a full medical report"

When you order the genie be let out of the bottle, you can't take it back. Once the can of worms is open, it's open. Once the horse is out of the barn...

He didn’t authorize it to the reporter did he? The report went to Trump not to this reporter who the doctor gave the information to, you are really stretching the one time statement to mean anytime to anyone, which logically to a rational person would be ridiculous.
He didn’t authorize it to the reporter did he? .
Trump authorized a release of his full medical records to anyone and everyone.

Face it, like Kelly said, Trump is an idiot. He doesn't know what he's doing, he just impulsively does it, and them has his folks clean up the mess he caused.
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Why was the doctor let go by Trump?
The doctor admitted that he gave a reporter information about a prescription he ordered for Trump for hair growth, that is why Trump let him go. He violated doctor patient ethics.
According to the White House, Trump was merely transferring over to White House doctors -- "standard operating procedure for a new president," according to Sarah Sanders ... I mean Sarah Huckabee Sanders ... I mean Cousin Huckabee, errr, Auntie Huckabee Sanders .... whatever.

So, that was excuse? The doctor admitted he gave a reporter the information. The doctor had no right to release the information and still violated doctor patient confidentiality.
Who says the doctor had no right to release that information?



Did Trump give him permission? None of my doctors are allowed to give even my wife any medical information of mine, without my permission. The doctor said Trump was upset that he gave the information to the reporter. Why would Trump be upset if he gave his permission.
Can you quote the doctor saying that? Who told him that? The White House is claiming Trump only switched doctors because it was SOP for a new president.

And you didn't answer the question.... who says the doctor had no right to release that information besides you? Trump never complained about him saying that.

The doctor claimed Trump was upset. Tell me when a doctor has right to give out confidential information to a member of the press. The doctor is claiming Trump let him go after he gave the reporter the information.
when you have proof the Dr is lying let me know.

So he wasn’t lying when he claimed Trump to be in perfect health?
Apparently, he didn't claim that.

So he was lying then? Or now, after he got pissed that Trump released him because he violated doctor patient confidentiality by giving a reporter information of a prescription he prescribed to Trump for hair growth?

I can’t tell which Was or wasn’t a lie, since liars are known to lie.
Seems he wasn't lying then since it appears it was Trump who authored that medical report. Which would mean he's not lying now when he says Trump dictated it.

And I find it rather baffling that you're so caught up in trying to find where the doctor lied when we know Trump lies as easily as he breathes.

They both lie, however it is the doctor that is doing allthe talking right now, not Trump. I didn’t have to look to see the doctor lied, when he released information to a reporter, pretty blatant and obvious if you look at both sides.

It's only because trump isn't talking that he's not lying.

Yet you believe trump -- whose not actually denying the claim.


Too funny.

And you still haven't shown an ounce of proof yet that the doctor violated HIPAA. You saying it over and over sans proof is worth less than Trump's phony medical report.
you are really stretching the one time statement to mean anytime to anyone, which logically to a rational person would be ridiculous.

Kelly called Trump an idiot, the man is not rational. He's impulsive. Trying to attach rational behavior to Trump is laughable.
According to the White House, Trump was merely transferring over to White House doctors -- "standard operating procedure for a new president," according to Sarah Sanders ... I mean Sarah Huckabee Sanders ... I mean Cousin Huckabee, errr, Auntie Huckabee Sanders .... whatever.

So, that was excuse? The doctor admitted he gave a reporter the information. The doctor had no right to release the information and still violated doctor patient confidentiality.
Who says the doctor had no right to release that information?



Did Trump give him permission? None of my doctors are allowed to give even my wife any medical information of mine, without my permission. The doctor said Trump was upset that he gave the information to the reporter. Why would Trump be upset if he gave his permission.
Can you quote the doctor saying that? Who told him that? The White House is claiming Trump only switched doctors because it was SOP for a new president.

And you didn't answer the question.... who says the doctor had no right to release that information besides you? Trump never complained about him saying that.

The doctor claimed Trump was upset. Tell me when a doctor has right to give out confidential information to a member of the press. The doctor is claiming Trump let him go after he gave the reporter the information.
Why won't you quote the doctor saying that? I quoted Sarah Sanders Cousin Auntie Huckabee saying it was merely SOP.

And a doctor has the right to release information when requested by the patient.
So he wasn’t lying when he claimed Trump to be in perfect health?
Apparently, he didn't claim that.

So he was lying then? Or now, after he got pissed that Trump released him because he violated doctor patient confidentiality by giving a reporter information of a prescription he prescribed to Trump for hair growth?

I can’t tell which Was or wasn’t a lie, since liars are known to lie.
Seems he wasn't lying then since it appears it was Trump who authored that medical report. Which would mean he's not lying now when he says Trump dictated it.

And I find it rather baffling that you're so caught up in trying to find where the doctor lied when we know Trump lies as easily as he breathes.

They both lie, however it is the doctor that is doing allthe talking right now, not Trump. I didn’t have to look to see the doctor lied, when he released information to a reporter, pretty blatant and obvious if you look at both sides.

It's only because trump isn't talking that he's not lying.

Yet you believe trump -- whose not actually denying the claim.


Too funny.

And you still haven't shown an ounce of proof yet that the doctor violated HIPAA. You saying it over and over sans proof is worth less than Trump's phony medical report.

Trump has said nothing, so I don’t need to believe or not to believe him however the doctor has said plenty and whether he is lying or not I don’t know, I do know I don’t take him at his word because of his past. Just as I don’t Trumps words because of his past.

You just want to believe anything negative about Trump because you are a lefty.
Apparently, he didn't claim that.

So he was lying then? Or now, after he got pissed that Trump released him because he violated doctor patient confidentiality by giving a reporter information of a prescription he prescribed to Trump for hair growth?

I can’t tell which Was or wasn’t a lie, since liars are known to lie.
Seems he wasn't lying then since it appears it was Trump who authored that medical report. Which would mean he's not lying now when he says Trump dictated it.

And I find it rather baffling that you're so caught up in trying to find where the doctor lied when we know Trump lies as easily as he breathes.

They both lie, however it is the doctor that is doing allthe talking right now, not Trump. I didn’t have to look to see the doctor lied, when he released information to a reporter, pretty blatant and obvious if you look at both sides.

It's only because trump isn't talking that he's not lying.

Yet you believe trump -- whose not actually denying the claim.


Too funny.

And you still haven't shown an ounce of proof yet that the doctor violated HIPAA. You saying it over and over sans proof is worth less than Trump's phony medical report.

Trump has said nothing, so I don’t need to believe or not to believe him however the doctor has said plenty and whether he is lying or not I don’t know, I do know I don’t take him at his word because of his past. Just as I don’t Trumps words because of his past.

You just want to believe anything negative about Trump because you are a lefty.
I believe the doctor because I've seen no conflicting evidence.
Is it a crime when someone hires thugs to steal their medical records from their own doctor's office?

My understanding is that a patient is allowed to have copies of their medical files however they actually belong to the doctor.

Who knows, Dr. Waterga.....I mean Bornstein just might be a victim of a crime.
It's standard protocol for the presidents medical records to be turned over to the White House.
Something Obama never did.
So, that was excuse? The doctor admitted he gave a reporter the information. The doctor had no right to release the information and still violated doctor patient confidentiality.
Who says the doctor had no right to release that information?



Did Trump give him permission? None of my doctors are allowed to give even my wife any medical information of mine, without my permission. The doctor said Trump was upset that he gave the information to the reporter. Why would Trump be upset if he gave his permission.
Can you quote the doctor saying that? Who told him that? The White House is claiming Trump only switched doctors because it was SOP for a new president.

And you didn't answer the question.... who says the doctor had no right to release that information besides you? Trump never complained about him saying that.

The doctor claimed Trump was upset. Tell me when a doctor has right to give out confidential information to a member of the press. The doctor is claiming Trump let him go after he gave the reporter the information.
Why won't you quote the doctor saying that? I quoted Sarah Sanders Cousin Auntie Huckabee saying it was merely SOP.

And a doctor has the right to release information when requested by the patient.

When did Trump authorize his doctor to release to the reporter? It seems to a logical person, Trump wouldn’t get upset like the doctor said if he had authorized it.
So he was lying then? Or now, after he got pissed that Trump released him because he violated doctor patient confidentiality by giving a reporter information of a prescription he prescribed to Trump for hair growth?

I can’t tell which Was or wasn’t a lie, since liars are known to lie.
Seems he wasn't lying then since it appears it was Trump who authored that medical report. Which would mean he's not lying now when he says Trump dictated it.

And I find it rather baffling that you're so caught up in trying to find where the doctor lied when we know Trump lies as easily as he breathes.

They both lie, however it is the doctor that is doing allthe talking right now, not Trump. I didn’t have to look to see the doctor lied, when he released information to a reporter, pretty blatant and obvious if you look at both sides.

It's only because trump isn't talking that he's not lying.

Yet you believe trump -- whose not actually denying the claim.


Too funny.

And you still haven't shown an ounce of proof yet that the doctor violated HIPAA. You saying it over and over sans proof is worth less than Trump's phony medical report.

Trump has said nothing, so I don’t need to believe or not to believe him however the doctor has said plenty and whether he is lying or not I don’t know, I do know I don’t take him at his word because of his past. Just as I don’t Trumps words because of his past.

You just want to believe anything negative about Trump because you are a lefty.
I believe the doctor because I've seen no conflicting evidence.

Fair enough, and I don’t believe either because both seem to lack ethics.
I believe the doctor because I've seen no conflicting evidence.

Trump releasing a phony doctors letter, how often does that happen.

Oh yeah... there was the white house news release from Dr. Ronnie Jackson about Trumps excellent health.

Except Dr. Ronny Jackson, doesn't spell his name that way.
I believe the doctor because I've seen no conflicting evidence.

Trump releasing a phony doctors letter, how often does that happen.

Oh yeah... there was the white house news release from Dr. Ronnie Jackson about Trumps excellent health.

Except Dr. Ronny Jackson, doesn't spell his name that way.

According to the doctor he signed the statement.
Who says the doctor had no right to release that information?



Did Trump give him permission? None of my doctors are allowed to give even my wife any medical information of mine, without my permission. The doctor said Trump was upset that he gave the information to the reporter. Why would Trump be upset if he gave his permission.
Can you quote the doctor saying that? Who told him that? The White House is claiming Trump only switched doctors because it was SOP for a new president.

And you didn't answer the question.... who says the doctor had no right to release that information besides you? Trump never complained about him saying that.

The doctor claimed Trump was upset. Tell me when a doctor has right to give out confidential information to a member of the press. The doctor is claiming Trump let him go after he gave the reporter the information.
Why won't you quote the doctor saying that? I quoted Sarah Sanders Cousin Auntie Huckabee saying it was merely SOP.

And a doctor has the right to release information when requested by the patient.

When did Trump authorize his doctor to release to the reporter? It seems to a logical person, Trump wouldn’t get upset like the doctor said if he had authorized it.

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