"Justice for J6": The September 18th Thread

Bull fucking shit.

Clapper is on fucking video, as is Comey. The FISA judge chastised Rosestein for lying to the Grand Jury

The Reich is above the law - in fact there IS NO LAW.

We are ruled by the Reich. Period.
The statements are on video.

But to prove perjury or making false statements, you have to prove that the person knew they were making false statements. That's the difficult part.
The FBI are Federal political hacks. Persecuting conservatives like General Flynn's perjury trap, and protecting democrats, like Hunter Xiden's laptop, and Hillary's illegal bathroom server due to her "intent". Ever hear of Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor? Thanks for playing.

You are living in complete denial of the facts. Just the idea that you're bringing up the Carter Page FISA application shows your complicity in the lies.

The Page FISA warrant application was submitted AFTER Page left the Trump Campaign, although Page had been under surveillance BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, as well. The FBI took great care to drop all surveillance of members of the Trump Campaign AFTER they joined the campaign. Paul Manafort was also under surveillance when he "volunteered" to manage Trump's Campaign.

Have you never questioned why all of these people connected to Donald Trump had ties to or were in the pay of the Russian government before they started working for Donald Trump? Why would Paul Manafort, who was deeply in debt to Russian oligarchs and running multiple fraud schemes with his bankers agree to work for Donald Trump for free?

The Mueller Report did not say there was "no evidence" of collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians, Mueller said there was "insufficient evidence" to obtain a conviction. This leads a wise person to wonder what evidence Paul Manifort and Roger Stone could have provided had they cooperated with the feds instead of stonewalling.

The Mueller Report went on to say that the Russians feared any sort of formal cooperation agreement with the Trump Campaign because of the chaos and incompetence that surrounds Trump.

So just stop with your outrage over investigations begun during the 2016 Campaign. The FBI and the CIA would have been derelict in their duty not to investigate, and in fact Obama and the Justice Department were really kids gloves in their treatment of these criminals at the time, given the extent that the Trump Campaign went to in lying about and smearing Hillary Clinton as "Crooked Hillary" and "Lock her up".

Four years later, the walls are closing in on Trump's criminal behaviours, and Hillary has yet to be charged with a single crime. But you're still here spewing all of Trump's lies and bullshit about the Russia Investigation and all of the criminal associates who Donald Trump pardoned in his final days, and who fully participated in the planning and execution of the attempted coup on January 6th.

The Proud Boys leaders who Roger Stone hired as his "bodyguards" are now cooperating with the FBI. They trailed Roger around in the weeks leading up to January 6th, while Roger coordinated with Trump, leaving no paper trail of cooperation or planning between Trump and his terrorist thugs leading up to January 6th.

All of the Trumpian bullshit you've been propping up and supporting has been exposed as propaganda and lies, including "Hunter's laptop". My grandson could have done the photoshopping better than the GRU did on those pictures. Hell, I could have done it better.

You keep claiming that the FBI's failure to arrest Hunter Biden on the basis of the "evidence" on the laptop, and the refusal of the MSM to go after the Biden's over their attacks on Hunter Biden is evidence that the "Deep State" is in the tank for Democrats. In reality, it's proof positive that such "evidence" has been faked. In fact, the FBI told Senator Ron Johnson that such evidence was planted by the GRU in an effort to discredit the Bidens and ensure Donald Trump's re-election.

But here you are still pushing the proven Russian propaganda and lies. We didn't believe them the first time you told them and we sure as hell don't believe them now.
Bull fucking shit.

Clapper is on fucking video, as is Comey. The FISA judge chastised Rosestein for lying to the Grand Jury

The Reich is above the law - in fact there IS NO LAW.

We are ruled by the Reich. Period.

The whole uproar over one line on an 80 page document is much ado about NOTHING. This is the ONLY shred of evidence you have of ANYTHING improper in the FBI investigation of the Trump Campaign and you clowns are flogging this dead horse for all it's worth, which isn't much.


You Nazis invaded the capitol to stop the Kavanaugh confirmation and were praised by the same criminals that now persecute the Reichstag Fire protesters.
Liar. The Capitol was open. The hearings were open to the public. Staging sit ins is not laying siege to the building and threatening bodily harm to the members of Congress who were validating the Next President EC victory.

Your cheesy equivocation doesn't fly.
You are living in complete denial of the facts. Just the idea that you're bringing up the Carter Page FISA application shows your complicity in the lies.

The Page FISA warrant application was submitted AFTER Page left the Trump Campaign, although Page had been under surveillance BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, as well. The FBI took great care to drop all surveillance of members of the Trump Campaign AFTER they joined the campaign. Paul Manafort was also under surveillance when he "volunteered" to manage Trump's Campaign.

Have you never questioned why all of these people connected to Donald Trump had ties to or were in the pay of the Russian government before they started working for Donald Trump? Why would Paul Manafort, who was deeply in debt to Russian oligarchs and running multiple fraud schemes with his bankers agree to work for Donald Trump for free?

The Mueller Report did not say there was "no evidence" of collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians, Mueller said there was "insufficient evidence" to obtain a conviction. This leads a wise person to wonder what evidence Paul Manifort and Roger Stone could have provided had they cooperated with the feds instead of stonewalling.

The Mueller Report went on to say that the Russians feared any sort of formal cooperation agreement with the Trump Campaign because of the chaos and incompetence that surrounds Trump.

So just stop with your outrage over investigations begun during the 2016 Campaign. The FBI and the CIA would have been derelict in their duty not to investigate, and in fact Obama and the Justice Department were really kids gloves in their treatment of these criminals at the time, given the extent that the Trump Campaign went to in lying about and smearing Hillary Clinton as "Crooked Hillary" and "Lock her up".

Four years later, the walls are closing in on Trump's criminal behaviours, and Hillary has yet to be charged with a single crime. But you're still here spewing all of Trump's lies and bullshit about the Russia Investigation and all of the criminal associates who Donald Trump pardoned in his final days, and who fully participated in the planning and execution of the attempted coup on January 6th.

The Proud Boys leaders who Roger Stone hired as his "bodyguards" are now cooperating with the FBI. They trailed Roger around in the weeks leading up to January 6th, while Roger coordinated with Trump, leaving no paper trail of cooperation or planning between Trump and his terrorist thugs leading up to January 6th.

All of the Trumpian bullshit you've been propping up and supporting has been exposed as propaganda and lies, including "Hunter's laptop". My grandson could have done the photoshopping better than the GRU did on those pictures. Hell, I could have done it better.

You keep claiming that the FBI's failure to arrest Hunter Biden on the basis of the "evidence" on the laptop, and the refusal of the MSM to go after the Biden's over their attacks on Hunter Biden is evidence that the "Deep State" is in the tank for Democrats. In reality, it's proof positive that such "evidence" has been faked. In fact, the FBI told Senator Ron Johnson that such evidence was planted by the GRU in an effort to discredit the Bidens and ensure Donald Trump's re-election.

But here you are still pushing the proven Russian propaganda and lies. We didn't believe them the first time you told them and we sure as hell don't believe them now.
1. Typing a lot of words that are lies doesn't make you right. The IG Report confirmed that the FBI falsified evidence to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump. That is a FACT.
The IG report concluded FBI officials made 17 “significant inaccuracies and omissions” in its submissions to the FISA court to secure warrants to target former Trump advisor Carter Page: “FBI personnel fell far short of the requirement in FBI policy that they ensure that all factual statements in a FISA application are ‘scrupulously accurate.’

2. Illegally spying on American citizens is a crime. Hillary mishandling classified info is a crime. Using the FBI to setup General Flynn with a perjury trap should be a crime, PERIOD.

3. The FBI said there was NO CONSPIRACY on January 6th, period, and there were no Trump "criminal behaviors". Those are Xiden's criminal behaviors: extorting Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating Burisma, Hunter's $86,000 a month cash cow. Also, Hunters $1,600,000,000 cash from China "to invest" while visiting China on AF-2. Plus Hunter's crimes outlined in his laptop...follow the money laundering...plus Hunter's "art work"....

4. You didn't put up one credible link supporting your lies. Your entire post is total bullshit. Thanks for playing.
You are living in complete denial of the facts. Just the idea that you're bringing up the Carter Page FISA application shows your complicity in the lies.

The Page FISA warrant application was submitted AFTER Page left the Trump Campaign, although Page had been under surveillance BEFORE he joined the Trump Campaign, as well. The FBI took great care to drop all surveillance of members of the Trump Campaign AFTER they joined the campaign. Paul Manafort was also under surveillance when he "volunteered" to manage Trump's Campaign.

Have you never questioned why all of these people connected to Donald Trump had ties to or were in the pay of the Russian government before they started working for Donald Trump? Why would Paul Manafort, who was deeply in debt to Russian oligarchs and running multiple fraud schemes with his bankers agree to work for Donald Trump for free?

The Mueller Report did not say there was "no evidence" of collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians, Mueller said there was "insufficient evidence" to obtain a conviction. This leads a wise person to wonder what evidence Paul Manifort and Roger Stone could have provided had they cooperated with the feds instead of stonewalling.

The Mueller Report went on to say that the Russians feared any sort of formal cooperation agreement with the Trump Campaign because of the chaos and incompetence that surrounds Trump.

So just stop with your outrage over investigations begun during the 2016 Campaign. The FBI and the CIA would have been derelict in their duty not to investigate, and in fact Obama and the Justice Department were really kids gloves in their treatment of these criminals at the time, given the extent that the Trump Campaign went to in lying about and smearing Hillary Clinton as "Crooked Hillary" and "Lock her up".

Four years later, the walls are closing in on Trump's criminal behaviours, and Hillary has yet to be charged with a single crime. But you're still here spewing all of Trump's lies and bullshit about the Russia Investigation and all of the criminal associates who Donald Trump pardoned in his final days, and who fully participated in the planning and execution of the attempted coup on January 6th.

The Proud Boys leaders who Roger Stone hired as his "bodyguards" are now cooperating with the FBI. They trailed Roger around in the weeks leading up to January 6th, while Roger coordinated with Trump, leaving no paper trail of cooperation or planning between Trump and his terrorist thugs leading up to January 6th.

All of the Trumpian bullshit you've been propping up and supporting has been exposed as propaganda and lies, including "Hunter's laptop". My grandson could have done the photoshopping better than the GRU did on those pictures. Hell, I could have done it better.

You keep claiming that the FBI's failure to arrest Hunter Biden on the basis of the "evidence" on the laptop, and the refusal of the MSM to go after the Biden's over their attacks on Hunter Biden is evidence that the "Deep State" is in the tank for Democrats. In reality, it's proof positive that such "evidence" has been faked. In fact, the FBI told Senator Ron Johnson that such evidence was planted by the GRU in an effort to discredit the Bidens and ensure Donald Trump's re-election.

But here you are still pushing the proven Russian propaganda and lies. We didn't believe them the first time you told them and we sure as hell don't believe them now.

You plagiarized from;

And your source is lying.

A timeline of events compiled by RealClearInvestigations shows that the FBI’s own files indicate it considered Page’s contacts with Russians innocuous and his cooperation with U.S. authorities valuable until 2016, when Page joined the Trump campaign as a foreign policy adviser. Suddenly, the bureau became suspicious of him and put him under investigation and electronic surveillance – in the heat of the presidential campaign.

Main Story: Evidence Ties FBI Higher-Ups to Deceit of Anti-Trump Lawyer Paul Sperry, RCI​

The timeline, based on recently filed court papers by Special Counsel John Durham and Carter Page's legal team, as well as a 2019 report on FISA abuses by the Justice Department's inspector general, shows that at several stages in its year-long probe, the FBI was made aware of the exculpatory information on Page, yet plowed ahead with its illegal surveillance of him -- all the while deceiving one of the most powerful courts in the country.}

The whole uproar over one line on an 80 page document is much ado about NOTHING. This is the ONLY shred of evidence you have of ANYTHING improper in the FBI investigation of the Trump Campaign and you clowns are flogging this dead horse for all it's worth, which isn't much.



You just lie and lie, no matter how many times you get busted.

The Senate impeachment trial, if anything, has once again shown the American people that “Schiff is lying about the President of the United States,” Fitton states. Digging deeper, Judicial Watch has found more on the FISA Court “spy warrants,” which, Fitton continues, the FBI recently acknowledged were “garbage” and “lies” to gain the necessary authorizations to spy on President Trump, Carter Page and his team. The FISA Court approved the FBI requests for warrants on four separate occasions between 2016 and 2018, but “waited for the [2019] IG Report” to be told “what they should’ve known for 2 years,” Fitton claims. However, the court has yet to institute the needed “criminal proceedings related to the obstruction of the court process,” Fitton concludes.

Clearly, the FBI’s documented penchant for corruptly misleading the court does little to maintain public confidence in the agency, the Mueller investigation, and the FISA Court itself. However, while the public debate may now shift to discussing the legitimacy of the court, the public cannot lose focus. Investigations must be focused on those “who lied for political reasons,” Fitton continues.}

Traitors and scumbags, every last one of you.
Liar. The Capitol was open.

On 1/6?

We know.

You Nazi vermin have burned all the books (censored videos) but like all fascist scum. you can't get them all.

The hearings were open to the public. Staging sit ins is not laying siege to the building and threatening bodily harm to the members of Congress who were validating the Next President EC victory.

Your cheesy equivocation doesn't fly.


Cheesy fucking liar.

Well, this is interesting. Some key figures are skipping it.

Either they know it won't be much or they don't want to be associated with what might happen.

I'm guessing the former, but we'll see soon enough.

Well, this is interesting. Some key figures are skipping it.

Either they know it won't be much or they don't want to be associated with what might happen.

I'm guessing the former, but we'll see soon enough.

Maybe they don't want to be political prisoners?

Protesting against the Reich gets one thrown in prison without due process. The Gestapo and Oberfuhrer Garland have made that abundantly clear.

Dissent will NOT be tolerated.

Seig Heil Herr Mac.
Maybe they don't want to be political prisoners?

Protesting against the Reich gets one thrown in prison without due process. The Gestapo and Oberfuhrer Garland have made that abundantly clear.

Dissent will NOT be tolerated.

Seig Heil Herr Mac.
You're reaching new levels of drama queen pretty much every day now.

You're reaching new levels of drama queen pretty much every day now.


You were clapping your fins that people wouldn't go to the protest. They fear the secret police. as well they should. The 1st Amendment is gone and protesting the Reich will get you thrown in a gulag without human contact - or you might be summarily executed.
On 1/6?

We know.

You Nazi vermin have burned all the books (censored videos) but like all fascist scum. you can't get them all.


Cheesy fucking liar.

Nope, the Capitol building was closed to the public for the Joint Session.

There is no comparison to the Protest over what some beer drinking kid did in High School. No one used a US flag to repeatedly beat the shit out of the Police did they?. They were loud and they interrupted the proceedings, but they never used a violent Fascist MAGMOB assault to shut it down.

Like most all the Neo-GOP, you are a simple trumpiparrot.
Maybe they don't want to be political prisoners?

Protesting against the Reich gets one thrown in prison without due process. The Gestapo and Oberfuhrer Garland have made that abundantly clear.

Dissent will NOT be tolerated.

Seig Heil Herr Mac.
Here's one, use google, there are several.

Nothing there saying hasn't been charged like you claimed.

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