"Justice for J6": The September 18th Thread

So I guess a demonstration/rally/whatever is being planning on September 18th for the jailed January 6 insurrectionists.

Hard to imagine it will turn out like January 6th, but I guess you never know. Security will be much tighter, obviously.

Any news or information on this, anyone?

Hopefully President Biden will have the military present, not the National Guard, but the real Army, and with instructions to shoot to kill insurrectionists who attempt violent or illegal activities. This is a nasty anti-American bunch of anarchists, hell bent on overthrowing our government. Please, do not attempt to handle this mob with kid gloves!,
1. Comey ADMITTED even BRAGGED ABOUT that he sent his FBI hit squad to the WH before they got organized hoping to nail Flynn with a perjury trap.

2. True, the Trump DOJ gave Hillary a pass, but the crime of mishandling classified info was there.

1. I don't care if you call it a perjury trap. It's still illegal. Calling it a perjury trap doesn't make it any less legal.
2. The Trump DoJ gave Hillary a pass because there wasn't an indictable offense. The facts couldn't bear the charges of mishandling of classified information. The Trump DoJ had no reason to do as you say.
Hopefully President Biden will have the military present, not the National Guard, but the real Army, and with instructions to shoot to kill insurrectionists who attempt violent or illegal activities. This is a nasty anti-American bunch of anarchists, hell bent on overthrowing our government. Please, do not attempt to handle this mob with kid gloves!,
My guess is that we'll see a huge show of force and Trumpsters on their best behavior, playing the poor, innocent victim against the evil police.
My guess is that we'll see a huge show of force and Trumpsters on their best behavior, playing the poor, innocent victim against the evil police.
And once again, thanks to DC gun laws, the thugs will generally not be armed with guns.
Then go die on your hill, because you just got your ass handed to you.
LOL!! If you think the following statement is incorrect, you haven't been paying attention. You probably think Xiden is doing a great job. I really value your opinion.
The FBI are Federal political hacks. Persecuting conservatives like General Flynn's perjury trap, and protecting democrats, like Hunter Xiden's laptop, and Hillary's illegal bathroom server due to her "intent". Ever hear of Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor? Thanks for playing.
LOL!! If you think the following statement is incorrect, you haven't been paying attention. You probably think Xiden is doing a great job. I really value your opinion.
The FBI are Federal political hacks. Persecuting conservatives like General Flynn's perjury trap, and protecting democrats, like Hunter Xiden's laptop, and Hillary's illegal bathroom server due to her "intent". Ever hear of Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor? Thanks for playing.
Yes, the whole world is crazy and engaged in a conspiracy , because reality doesn't align with your childish political fetishes and fantasies.

Sure, son.
Yes, the whole world is crazy and engaged in a conspiracy , because reality doesn't align with your childish political fetishes and fantasies.

Sure, son.
Who said it was a "conspiracy"? Its just low-life democrats being low-life democrats.
As for fetishes and fantasies, that would be CRT and the 1619 Project.

p.s. I'm a great grandfather 4x, son.
Sure they were just protesting, until they invaded the capitol, where our representative were in joint session......

But we all know you fucking fascist love the MAGAMOB violence, because violence is the way of the Rabid Righties like you.

You Nazis invaded the capitol to stop the Kavanaugh confirmation and were praised by the same criminals that now persecute the Reichstag Fire protesters.

I get it though, the extreme and incessant violence by your Brown Shirt Terrorists wasn't playing well in the press. What is the "super power" of the Nazi democrat party? Lying - it's what you fascist vermin do better than anyone else - you can fix any problem by lying.

So what to do about the overthrow and occupation of an American city by democrat terrorists? What to do about more than 4,000 cops injured, 19 cops killed. 7 people shot and killed during the CHAZ/CHOP insurrection, an actual, armed insurrection where American territory was held for 6 weeks.

You Nazis did what you do - you crafted a big lie - you reached in the the bag of tricks that was started by your mentors and you staged a Reichstag Fire. No one will remember the 41 federal officers with permanent vision damage - you have Viking Man, you have your lie, you have your Reichstag Fire, AND you have political prisoners.

Seig Heil.
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500 political prisoners held without charge or any semblance of due process. You'd think the Americans would get the picture that protesting against your Reich carries SERIOUS penalties.

I'm sure you'll gun unarmed women down again.
Who's being held without charge?
And Trump lied to them and did NOT go with them to the Capitol.
Personally, I think he was beating off while watching the whole thing unfold on television.
I think he really liked seeing the violence. He's a fucking psychopathic sadist.
He didn't give a shit if they got their hands on Pence.
One sick motherfucker.
Anyone who thinks he should run for office again is one sick motherfucker, too.

What did Trump lie about, Herr Himmler?

Did Eva Braun-Pelosi go with the Nazi troops when your Reich attacked the Capitol in October 2018 to block the peaceful transition of judicial power? She didn't give a shit if they murdered a SCOTUS justice - one sick cvnt - like all democrats.
1. I don't care if you call it a perjury trap. It's still illegal. Calling it a perjury trap doesn't make it any less legal.
2. The Trump DoJ gave Hillary a pass because there wasn't an indictable offense. The facts couldn't bear the charges of mishandling of classified information. The Trump DoJ had no reason to do as you say.

Is perjury only by enemies of the Reich?

I mean, when James Clapper lied under oath it wasn't perjury because he is a Reich member. When Comey lied to Congress it wasn't perjury because he is a Reich member. When Rosenstein lied to a federal Grand Jury it wasn't perjury because Orange Man Bad

There is no law in America. We are not a nation of laws. The billions of laws on the books are a club to beat the peasants into submission with. But there is no law, there is no justice. Serve the Reich is the only law in this country - and we all know it.
Is perjury only by enemies of the Reich?

I mean, when James Clapper lied under oath it wasn't perjury because he is a Reich member. When Comey lied to Congress it wasn't perjury because he is a Reich member. When Rosenstein lied to a federal Grand Jury it wasn't perjury because Orange Man Bad

There is no law in America. We are not a nation of laws. The billions of laws on the books are a club to beat the peasants into submission with. But there is no law, there is no justice. Serve the Reich is the only law in this country - and we all know it.
Because those cases you mentioned are either fabricated or aren't able to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

There was no doubt that Flynn lied to the FBI. The case would have been easy to prosecute, which is why he pled guilty.
So I guess a demonstration/rally/whatever is being planning on September 18th for the jailed January 6 insurrectionists.

Hard to imagine it will turn out like January 6th, but I guess you never know. Security will be much tighter, obviously.

Any news or information on this, anyone?

Next door neighbors getting married that day. I’ll be otherwise occupied with real life.
Because those cases you mentioned are either fabricated or aren't able to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

There was no doubt that Flynn lied to the FBI. The case would have been easy to prosecute, which is why he pled guilty.

Bull fucking shit.

Clapper is on fucking video, as is Comey. The FISA judge chastised Rosestein for lying to the Grand Jury

The Reich is above the law - in fact there IS NO LAW.

We are ruled by the Reich. Period.

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