"Justice for J6": The September 18th Thread

At least there is adequate advance warning this time, and we know what these thugs are capable of. I hope that the hotels and motels here in northern Virginia, DC, and close-in Maryland have employees trained to spot people carrying weapons into their buildings. There was some sort of plot before the Jan. 6 "peaceful protest" to ferry weaponry across the river and the weapons were stashed locally in Virginia.

It's weird to now have to worry about domestic terrorism. We are an international community given all of the embassy employees from various countries and immigrants from many countries, and never worried much about foreign terrorism, and now we have to worry about out-of-staters.:mad: These animals are costing the U.S. a fortune.
Trump is sending a bunch of his idiot minions to pick fights with the Capitol police, so they can get videos of Capitol Police beating on "innocent" MAGA protestors.

He's basically throwing them under the bus, like he did the Jan. 6 insurrectionists.

He needs these videos to counterbalance the Jan. 6 videos that he knows Democrats will be hammering the airwaves with before the 2022 elections.
You have successfully convinced a minimum of one third hard line and near half of the population to watch your cities burn with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. And you keep laughing it off. Arrogance as your toughness is based on high rise working paper cuts.
Spew nonsense when you don't like the facts
Prove me wrong, you know I'm right, so says the IG report.
Reality proves you wrong continuously. You just stupidly choose to remain in opposition to reality.
No, he did overthrow the government and installed himself.

Oh? What did he declare himself mayor of Seattle or King of Washington? Nope.

But you didn't mind - Reich above all.

Still lying for your Reich :thup:

7 people were murdered in his little fiefdom - sanctioned by the democrat Reich

Has the Gestapo picked him up yet?

Maybe the DNC goons can't figure out who he is? Too busy hunting down Trump voters - the real enemy.

What proof is there that this guy is involved in any murder? Hard evidence, where is it?
Clinesmith has nothing to do with Flynn.

Flynn’s conversation with the FBI was voluntary and part of a clear counter-intelligence probe into the matter of a high ranking official being less than clear about his conversations with a foreign government. There was nothing improper about the FBI doing it’s job. As for a “set up”, totally incorrect. The FBI asked a question. Flynn lied. No one made him lie. No one asked him to lie. He did it because he decided to do it.

It’s illegal.

There’s never been any evidence that Clinton thought her server was illegal in any way shape or form. The Trump DoJ never prosecuted her. That’s because even her worst political opponents knew that she wasn’t indictable.

As for credible, the American Thinker and Federalist are far from credible.
1. True, Clinesmith (FBI) falsified evidence to lie to the FISA court. He served no time, got probation. The FBI had the Flynn conversation with Kysliak transcript, so it was a perjury trap. The democrat Clinesmith gets probation for falsifying evidence, the conservative gets prosecuted and goes broke defending the trap, after a life in the military, a double standard. Flynn's "lie" wasn't "illegal" it was a perjury trap. Flynn tap danced like Hillary does "I don't recall" and got nailed.

2. Hillary knew her bathroom server was illegal, she's a lawyer and was Secretary of State, she had to know. The Trump DOJ didn't prosecute her as a courtesy, but could have. You can use google to confirm any factoids you like.
She knew her bathroom server was illegal and a risk to national security. But she wanted to keep her crimes secret. Mishandling of classified material and the wholesale flea-marketing of her office and influence are imprisonable offenses.
1. True, Clinesmith (FBI) falsified evidence to lie to the FISA court. He served no time, got probation. The FBI had the Flynn conversation with Kysliak transcript, so it was a perjury trap. The democrat Clinesmith gets probation for falsifying evidence, the conservative gets prosecuted and goes broke defending the trap, after a life in the military, a double standard. Flynn's "lie" wasn't "illegal" it was a perjury trap. Flynn tap danced like Hillary does "I don't recall" and got nailed.

2. Hillary knew her bathroom server was illegal, she's a lawyer and was Secretary of State, she had to know. The Trump DOJ didn't prosecute her as a courtesy, but could have. You can use google to confirm any factoids you like.
She knew her bathroom server was illegal and a risk to national security. But she wanted to keep her crimes secret. Mishandling of classified material and the wholesale flea-marketing of her office and influence are imprisonable offenses.
1. Clinesmith pled guilty to one charge. Flynn also pled guilty and cooperated. He would have almost certainly received the exact same sentence (probation) as Clinesmith. The DoJ recommended probation and no jail time for Flynn. Then Flynn, years after his guilty plea, attempted to change his plea. At that point, the DoJ no longer was as apt to recommend as good of sentencing. You can call it a perjury trap if you want (I don’t think it was) but it doesn’t change the fact that lying to the FBI is illegal regardless of your perception of a “trap”.

2. The Trump DoJ didn’t prosecute her because there was no case. Saying she “had to know” doesn’t go very far to demonstrating proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
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If they're insurrectionists as you say then you should demand that they be given a trial and hung immediately.

You should also demand that your hero of the 6th of January 2021 who shot the unarmed female protestor at the Capitol be publicly awarded a medal of valor by the president.

Let's move forward with our lives and see what comes.



Maybe you should understand that your silly fantasies and neuroses are your responsibility, not ours.
So I guess a demonstration/rally/whatever is being planning on September 18th for the jailed January 6 insurrectionists.

Hard to imagine it will turn out like January 6th, but I guess you never know. Security will be much tighter, obviously.

Any news or information on this, anyone?

These squawkers are going to be well behaved little sheep, because they have seen that there are consequences for acting out their puffy-chested social media tantrums.
These squawkers are going to be well behaved little sheep, because they have seen that there are consequences for acting out their puffy-chested social media tantrums.
My guess is that they'll be good little boy scouts this time around.

But who knows, they're at war with the commies, so I suppose anything could happen.
Wow, look at all that. Ol' Mac strikes a nerve again.


No nerve struck here just daring you the congresspersons you support to follow through and take the people from the 6th of January to a speedy trial and insurrection conviction.

Let's get this over with so the American people know what to expect instead of having to listen to you whine all day for months on end about the horror of the 6th of January.

If you people get any more pathetic I'm going to have to start a store that just sells Kleenex tissues to cater to your whining.


View attachment 536219

No nerve struck here just daring you the congresspersons you support to follow through and take the people from the 6th of January to a speedy trial and insurrection conviction.

Let's get this over with so the American people know what to expect instead of having to listen to you whine all day for months on end about the horror of the 6th of January.

If you people get any more pathetic I'm going to have to start a store that just sells Kleenex tissues to cater to your whining.



^^ subscribes to the Big Lie

Reflexively whining in response to the topic
Maybe you should understand that your silly fantasies and neuroses are your responsibility, not ours.

I'm not the one calling a "somewhat" peaceful protest a insurrection that a loser like you has to whine about for months on end because you have TDS on the brain so severely that you need a new tampon every hour.



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