"Justice for J6": The September 18th Thread

So I guess a demonstration/rally/whatever is being planning on September 18th for the jailed January 6 insurrectionists.

Hard to imagine it will turn out like January 6th, but I guess you never know. Security will be much tighter, obviously.

Any news or information on this, anyone?

If they only have a handful of security agents on site - it will happen again.
ONCE AGAIN - all you guys completely ignore the glaring question - WHY WERE SO FEW CAPITOL POLICE ON SITE????
"Patrioits". The new code word for camo outfitted jerkoffs & QAnon retards who stormed the Capital on behalf of Trump in an attempt to knock off a few members of Congress & the V.P. in order to install that knuckle dragger Trump as Dear Leader For Life.

But nothing bad happened. That's why Trump's stooges like McCarthy, Jordan, Butch Greene & a few other traitors are scared shitless of supeonas for their phone records.

"Nazis." The same old word for the same old fascist goons who crush civil rights and imprison anyone who dares oppose them. democrats and the other Marxist jerkoffs with their Reichstag fire, inviting protestors into "the peoples house" and then attacking them, are no different than Hitler's Nazis were. democrats have their Gestapo under Unterfuher Wray and the Injustice dept. under Oberfuhrer Garland. Sleazy worms of the type Hitler and Stalin surrounded themselves with.

No, there is nothing different about these Nazis, these foul democrats. Same old thugs pulling the same old shit. We stop you or there will be death camps.
Let's not forget these morons posted evidence of themselves at the Capital making them super easy to identify.

Pictures like this, Herr Nazi?


Oddly though, the Gestapo still hasn't identified Raz Simone, who staged an actual insurrection.

Well truth be told, and among fascist democrats it never is, the Gestapo knows exactly who Raz Simone is.

After all, he works for the Reich, a soldier of the democrat Nazi party following orders. Murdered 7 people including two police officers during the overthrow of the American city but that was all on orders from your Reich.
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The FBI are Federal political hacks. Persecuting conservatives like General Flynn's perjury trap, and protecting democrats, like Hunter Xiden's laptop, and Hillary's illegal bathroom server due to her "intent". Ever hear of Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor? Thanks for playing.
Or maybe Flynn broke the law and Clinton didn’t?

You guys are fed so many lies, it’s sad.
"Pretty amazing, huh?"
Mac's 'amazing' description refers to the contretemps between a poster and a moderator in an exchange above.
Personally, I look for such little contests.
I always bet on the Mods.

And have never lost to date.
"From what I've read most have been charged with trespassing..."
Ah, one of my favs is back, poster Claudette. He/she? reliably focuses on the 'trespass' aspect of the MAGAMob's violent attacks on the Capitol police, the theft of laptops and the vandalizing of Congressional offices. And poster 'Claudette' is right......smearing poo on the walls is sort of like a trespass.

But notably, poster Claudette will state as her sole vetting of her assertions --- "from what I've read".

Well, mi amiga, read more.
In fact, there are two or three posts earlier in the thread that give you links to lists of all those arrested and what they've been charged with. There are some 600+ Dicks & Karens of the MAGAMob on those lists.

So poster Claudette, as sort of an opportunity assignment, do this for the forum -- peruse those lists, do a stroke tally of those charged just with trespass vs. other crimes.

And then come back here and be a responsible poster who actually seeks to inform.

"The FBI are Federal political hacks."
Well, I demur.
I've worked with several agents over the years.
And I'll say this for those mokes.....they are controlled and professional.
No gum-chewing hicks or hacks have come my way.
Now, perhaps poster 'kyzr' has worked with considerably more than I have and thus has a broader sampling.
That's is a possibility. So,....... so let's let post 'kyzr' share with the forum his personal experience with FBI agents and what led him to lay the blanket charge on all of 'em as "political hacks".

Batter up, poster 'kyzr'.
Inform us.
If they only have a handful of security agents on site - it will happen again.
ONCE AGAIN - all you guys completely ignore the glaring question - WHY WERE SO FEW CAPITOL POLICE ON SITE????

Why were the few that were there opening magnetic locks and ushering people inside?

Oh, that's right - it was the Reichstag Fire. Che Guevara Barbie FEARED FOR HER LIFE, 6 blocks away....
Oh, Claudette, one more tip.
And it comes from the 'official' website of the organizers of this 'Justice for J6' rally. (as provided in post #146.

Their own website lists all the suspected criminals who have been arrested and what the charges are.

So, maybe you can do your stroke-tally on the 'trespassers' from a website that appears to support what happened to those uniformed police at the Capitol on January 6th.
(ps...there was no mention of the 'poo' issue. So you know.)

Try here: Homepage - J6 Look Ahead America
You may read the entire list of crimes here including violent entry and assault of law enforcement.

You are confused Moon Bat.

They are not crimes when Americans are protesting against the Democrat filth stealing an election.

The crime is stealing the election.

It is the duty of all Americans to resist tyranny and destruction of our Republic and the Constitution.
Oh, Claudette, one more tip.
And it comes from the 'official' website of the organizers of this 'Justice for J6' rally. (as provided in post #146.

Their own website lists all the suspected criminals who have been arrested and what the charges are.

So, maybe you can do your stroke-tally on the 'trespassers' from a website that appears to support what happened to those uniformed police at the Capitol on January 6th.
(ps...there was no mention of the 'poo' issue. So you know.)

Try here: Homepage - J6 Look Ahead America

I assume that the "organizers" of 'Justice for J6' are the Gestapo looking to entrap enemies of your Reich.

The goons and thugs of the party seek to continue to message that resistance to the Reich is futile.
Then let’s see the indictment.

Reich members are not indicted - they are above the law.

Laws are a farce to beat the peasants into submission. There is no law for democrats other than "serve the party."

{More than 2,000 law enforcement officers were injured in the first weeks of protests over the summer following the police killing of George Floyd, according to a report released in October. }

But funny, there were no nation wide manhunts by the Gestapo. It was vital to distract from this constant violence by the democrat Brown Shirts, Hence the Reichstag fire.
Pictures like this, Herr Nazi?

View attachment 536119

Oddly though, the Gestapo still hasn't identified Raz Simone, who staged an actual insurrection.

He tried to overthrow the government and install some asshole who lost an election?

Well truth be told, and among fascist democrats it never is, the Gestapo knows exactly who Raz Simone is.

After all, he works for the Reich, a soldier of the democrat Nazi party following orders. Murdered 7 people including two police officers during the overthrow of the American city but that was all on orders from your Reich.
He murdered 7 people? Hmm, doubtful.

Why did you post a semi-positive article on the guy? Weird.

An example of your article:

Simone loves America and is devoted to positivity and unity. He’s committed to the country and seeks to make it an even better place and is not a proponent of the “burn it all down” contingent. He’s been in constant communications with the mayor, police and fire chiefs and other members of the establishment. It's important to him and the city officials to ensure that life goes on peacefully. We’ve already seen how quickly violence, mayhem, looting and rioting can occur.

I'm not sure what he has to do with insurrection and storming the capital building but you do you.
You are confused Moon Bat.

They are not crimes when Americans are protesting against the Democrat filth stealing an election.

The crime is stealing the election.

It is the duty of all Americans to resist tyranny and destruction of our Republic and the Constitution.

They are crimes, average Joe doesn't have the authority to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power regardless of what you've been lead to believe.

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