"Justice for J6": The September 18th Thread

I'm telling you -- they haven't seen the video. It's not shown to them in their universe. Dead serious.

They really don't know.

Anyway, do you have any idea why the term "insurrection" turns them into such sobbing drama queens?

Hey Ol' Mac, why are you still obsessing over this when your demented president has caused American hostages in a foreign land?

or wait, did I answer my own question? Yes?
I'm telling you -- they haven't seen the video. It's not shown to them in their universe. Dead serious.

They really don't know.

Anyway, do you have any idea why the term "insurrection" turns them into such sobbing drama queens?
Oh, I don’t know, maybe using false, and hypocritical narrative?
Wow. You resort to three year old comments on a member’s profile, a member that you want moderated because you don’t like his posts. That is pretty pathetic. In the meantime I see posts from others (including you) accusing public figures and other folks of murder, pedo, corruption…but, wow…no charges. Should they be moderated? Or maybe this crap just isn’t against the rules in a post.

Are you American?
Pretty amazing, huh?
Either the cops have seen Trumpster posts that don't look good, or they're just playing it safe. What a shame we now have to protect the Capitol from misguided "Americans":

So I guess a demonstration/rally/whatever is being planning on September 18th for the jailed January 6 insurrectionists.

Hard to imagine it will turn out like January 6th, but I guess you never know. Security will be much tighter, obviously.

Any news or information on this, anyone?

Should be fewer there since so many are still locked up. LOL.

As we saw with Virginia; once you get blobbers into a nice cordoned off kill box err...area...they're pretty docile. But like with all opportunistic parasites; you give them an avenue to cause mayhem and destruction and they do it; every time. They crave violence...always have always will.
Should be fewer there since so many are still locked up. LOL.

As we saw with Virginia; once you get blobbers into a nice cordoned off kill box err...area...they're pretty docile. But like with all opportunistic parasites; you give them an avenue to cause mayhem and destruction and they do it; every time. They crave violence...always have always will.
It's also possible that there will be fewer people but the percentage of Trumpster Terrorists™ will be higher.

Who knows.
It's also possible that there will be fewer people but the percentage of Trumpster Terrorists™ will be higher.

Who knows.

Well, the Boogaloos will be there as will the Proud Boys and Atomwaffen; Q will be there as well.

The only thing that remains to be seen is the logistics of how the demonstrations are allowed to fester.


And apparently the fence will go back up to retard the attack by the retards...

It should be noted that any of the blobbers on release from their 1/6 insurrection attempt will likely be violating the conditions of their release if they show up to this idiot-fest.
These statements should be apparent. The FBI is federal. It’s in the name.
The FBI are Federal political hacks. Persecuting conservatives like General Flynn's perjury trap, and protecting democrats, like Hunter Xiden's laptop, and Hillary's illegal bathroom server due to her "intent". Ever hear of Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor? Thanks for playing.
Imagine voting for a piece of crap like Joe Biden and STILL being upset, months and months and months later, about Jan 6th. And still crying over it. While Joe Biden, who you voted for, is still wrecking destruction.

IT's a great look. Ol' Mac
Trump told his goon squad to go home that day. Then he told them "we love you" It took him a few hours to do that once he got bored watching his mob wreak havoc at the Capital.

Trump did a nice job almost getting Pence & a few Congress people whacked.

Trump & his goon squad MAGA.
The FBI are Federal political hacks. Persecuting conservatives like General Flynn's perjury trap, and protecting democrats, like Hunter Xiden's laptop, and Hillary's illegal bathroom server due to her "intent". Ever hear of Operations Crossfire-Hurricane and Crossfire-Razor? Thanks for playing.
Persecuting? Protecting?
You’re persecuted by your smooth brained inadequacies. :uhoh3:

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