"Justice for J6": The September 18th Thread

Or maybe you just don’t understand the law.

Trump’s DoJ didn’t indict them. I guess Trump is the leader of the Reich then.

Reich members are not subject to laws - that is a fact. You know it as well as every other person in America. The law is a farce.

They are crimes, average Joe doesn't have the authority to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power regardless of what you've been lead to believe.

The criminals are the Democrats that stole the election from the American people and murdered the unarmed Patriot woman.
He tried to overthrow the government and install some asshole who lost an election?

No, he did overthrow the government and installed himself.

But you didn't mind - Reich above all.

He murdered 7 people? Hmm, doubtful.

Still lying for your Reich :thup:

7 people were murdered in his little fiefdom - sanctioned by the democrat Reich

Why did you post a semi-positive article on the guy? Weird.

An example of your article:

I'm not sure what he has to do with insurrection and storming the capital building but you do you.

Has the Gestapo picked him up yet?

Maybe the DNC goons can't figure out who he is? Too busy hunting down Trump voters - the real enemy.
It wasn’t that long ago that the conservatives whined about people accused of violent crimes being released on bail.

Now they whine when THEIR people are accused of violent crimes and won’t be let out on bail.
Violent Crimes? Putting their feet up on Pelosi's desk?
False, he confirmed Wray (never should have) but Wray was in the "line of succession."
Presidents don’t confirm people, they nominate them.

Wray was nominated by Trump after personally interviewing him. Had nothing to do with line of succession.

So I’m still waiting to see how the deep state stopped Trump’s hand picked prosecutors from charging anyone.
Oh, let's do a little tire-kicking on the group behind this 'Justice for J6' rally.

You can read details in the link provided by poster Mac6 in post #146.

But the organizer and Director is Matt Braynard, former Director of Data for the Trump Campaign. Other principals are heavily connected to Arizona and Maricopa County.

Here's a taster from an article about Braynard.

"A Pro-Trump Voting “Expert” Was Questioned About His Data. It Did Not Go Well for Him.
Matt Braynard was grilled by a Georgia legislator, and his claim of illegal voting was undercut.

Matt Braynard, a onetime Trump campaign operative, has produced analyses of the 2020 vote in swing states that claim massive amounts of illegal votes were cast. He has testified alongside Rudy Giuliani, as the personal lawyer for Donald Trump crusades to overturn the election.

Braynard sent a letter to the governor, attorney general, and secretary of state of Georgia, claiming he had uncovered 21,000 illegal ballots in the Peach State. He included a USB with what he described as “evidence.” But two days later, when he testified at a Zoom hearing held by Republican Georgia state legislators—right before Giuliani would testify to the group—his conclusions and work were seriously undermined. He was even made to look foolish.

At first, the hearing went smoothly for Braynard, who has the professional presentation of a data specialist. But then came state Rep. Bee Nguyen, a Democrat from Atlanta. It turns out she had been doing her own research. Citing an exhibit filed by Braynard that listed people who had voted but who supposedly had registered in Georgia and another state, she pointed out that several names were duplicated on the list. Then she said that she had looked up the first 10 names on the list and had found eight of these people listed in Georgia property records as residents.
Nguyen continued on. She turned to the Braynard list of voters who he said had registered with postal boxes “disguised” as residences. She recognized one of the addresses as being around the corner from her home—a condo complex with a FedEx center on the first floor. A friend in the building sent her a list of residents of the complex. They were all on Braynard’s list, she said. And the same was true, she had discovered, for another condo complex with a FedEx center.

Nguyen concluded this dissection of Braynard with a serious charge: “Many of the names listed on your exhibit are erroneous. You have alleged that these voters have committed a felony.” She criticized Braynard for having made no effort to contact some of them and verify the information. And referring to one couple she spoke to, Nguyen added, “They have no idea they are being accused of committing a crime in a public filing.”

( / )


Now, all of that is not encouraging about the kind of mokes who are organizing this 'Free the Traitors' fund-raiser. Nonetheless, for those of you who support the savage beating of Capitol police and the smearing of poo on the walls of the Capitol, well, you can still donate to the rally.

The link provided by poster Mac will guide you to the page with this message. Good luck.........................

  • You. It all comes down to you. It has to start here and now with you giving all that you can.
    • $25
    • $50
    • $100
    • $500
    • $1,000
    • $5,000
    • Other
Saying one group of protesters that got out of hand & broke the law are better people than a different group of protesters who got out of hand & broke the law....... sounds crazy. People who lose control & cause death damage & destruction how ever much we may support there cause are equal in guilt.
Or maybe Flynn broke the law and Clinton didn’t?

You guys are fed so many lies, it’s sad.
All you have are lies. I prove my statements with credible verifiable links. You spew bullshit, aka "lies".
Comey admitted setting up Flynn, duh.

She knew her bathroom server was illegal and a risk to national security. But she wanted to keep her crimes secret. Mishandling of classified material and the wholesale flea-marketing of her office and influence are imprisonable offenses.
All you have are lies. I prove my statements with credible verifiable links. You spew bullshit, aka "lies".
Comey admitted setting up Flynn, duh.

She knew her bathroom server was illegal and a risk to national security. But she wanted to keep her crimes secret. Mishandling of classified material and the wholesale flea-marketing of her office and influence are imprisonable offenses.
Clinesmith has nothing to do with Flynn.

Flynn’s conversation with the FBI was voluntary and part of a clear counter-intelligence probe into the matter of a high ranking official being less than clear about his conversations with a foreign government. There was nothing improper about the FBI doing it’s job. As for a “set up”, totally incorrect. The FBI asked a question. Flynn lied. No one made him lie. No one asked him to lie. He did it because he decided to do it.

It’s illegal.

There’s never been any evidence that Clinton thought her server was illegal in any way shape or form. The Trump DoJ never prosecuted her. That’s because even her worst political opponents knew that she wasn’t indictable.

As for credible, the American Thinker and Federalist are far from credible.
So I guess a demonstration/rally/whatever is being planning on September 18th for the jailed January 6 insurrectionists.

Hard to imagine it will turn out like January 6th, but I guess you never know. Security will be much tighter, obviously.

Any news or information on this, anyone?

Trump is sending a bunch of his idiot minions to pick fights with the Capitol police, so they can get videos of Capitol Police beating on "innocent" MAGA protestors.

He's basically throwing them under the bus, like he did the Jan. 6 insurrectionists.

He needs these videos to counterbalance the Jan. 6 videos that he knows Democrats will be hammering the airwaves with before the 2022 elections.

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