
Way to miss the mark. So, what happened to them, and how does that address the fact that I'm talking about American citizens who are responsible gun owners who would not consider shooting blindly through a door a good, legal, or responsible thing.

He was fired. A few years ago he would not have been. He would have been awarded a medal for "bravery".

My link is about an American citizen who shot blindly.
I couldn't see a gun.

You do see one cop signal to the cop next to him to stop shooting.

Here's some more info. They say he had a gun.

Who sleeps with a gun in his bed?
The dead guy, after the police make sure to "find" it.
Crump said in a statement that Locke has no past criminal history and legally possessed a firearm at the time of his death. He compared Locke's killing to the botched raid that killed Breonna Taylor.

So, the deceased was legally armed and not bothering anyone at the time of his death.

Cops should go down for murder one with special circumstances. They should each get a year in maximum security's general population, with "BAD COP" branded on their faces.
After 13 years of lib lies about white racism and the cops I’m burned out

knowing that most police shooting of black people are justified I just dont care anymore about the occasional Ooops

Better luck next time
Brush your teeth, I can smell the jackboot polish from here.
Thank you for reminding us Americans, once again, why it is that we kicked the British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago.

And it was Americans owning guns that made it possible for us to do so.
You guys can only do 3 things in gun debates, without fail, everytime.

1. You default to Rights
2. Guns are for protection
3. Independence war. And even then, you fuck up the detail on the war.

And that's it, the discussion just ends up at those three points. You don't have the brain capacity to get past that.
Guess the cops didn't feel safe enough to ask him to drop the gun.

In a society where it's perfectly acceptable to be racked with fear at the sight of seeing Donald Trump's name written in chalk on a sidewalk ...

... you shouldn't have to ask someone not to point a gun at you.

It pretty much goes without saying that if you point a gun at a police officer you're probably not going to easily acquiesce to a plea of, "please drop your gun, if you don't mind".
In a society where it's perfectly acceptable to be racked with fear at the sight of seeing Donald Trump's name written in chalk on a sidewalk ...

... you shouldn't have to ask someone not to point a gun at you.

It pretty much goes without saying that if you point a gun at a police officer you're probably not going to easily acquiesce to a plea of, "please drop your gun, if you don't mind".

The same is equally true in the other direction.
No it’s not. If the police have a need to interact with you in this way, you’re already sub-human scum. If you fail to follow their commands, even more so. He deserved what he got.
The victim isn't named in the warrant....

But keep licking those boots

You are legally permitted to shoot people breaking into your house right up until the second you hear, "Police, Police".

They are trying to split a red pubic hair on this one. The police were wrong for not announcing they were police BEFORE crossing the threshold, but they did announce AS THEY CROSSED the threshold.

Regardless, the moment you hear them shout Police, you stop.

It will be interesting to see what an investigation comes up with.
A good way for actual criminals to get the drop on someone -- just yell police when you illegally break into their home -- and if you are convincing enough -- you no longer have to worry about the homeowner defending themselves
That's just goofy.

You refused to answer. Should the police waited until the victim shot at the police before they fired? Of course not.

Stuff happens. Setting a goal of 100% perfection is foolish and accomplished nothing.

Do you believe that no knock warrants are issued willie nilly? That a judge would would issue one for someone wanted for a string of burglaries or someone six months behind on their child support payments?

I do support the death penalty. If a cop is killed and it is not premeditated, life without parole. If it is an ambush or something similar, the death penalty.
Do you know the warrant was for seizing property and not a person?

Second of all, the person who was killed was not A SUSPECT NOR WAS HE EVEN NAMED IN THE WARRANT

Why is it necessary to conduct a no-knock warrant to seize property?

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