
There we go it doesn't take long for the inner rot to get exposed.
It has to be addressed he thinks he’s correct.. it’s sad.. it’s like a lab monkey but democrat run schools the poor guy
pknopp all the race ritos only happen in democrat run cities? Was I impolite yes ,, do democrats burn down and genocide African-American men and women’s neighborhood and lives.. yes
pknopp all the race ritos only happen in democrat run cities? Was I impolite yes ,, do democrats burn down and genocide African-American men and women’s neighborhood and lives.. yes

And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson

Yes, people protested, rioted and even burned things down over a system that ran over their rights. They did exactly as the Founders understood they should.
And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Thomas Jefferson

Yes, people protested, rioted and even burned things down over a system that ran over their rights. They did exactly as the Founders understood they should.
They are rioting in democrat run cities oppression. If it was Republicans they would be riding in Republican towns.. they don’t . Because Republicans treat people equally.

Maybe they will catch it all on body cam video and we can discuss what mistakes you made then.

Lol, typical retard willing to spend several lives on one and call it good policy. Mean while get rid of no knock and that shit don't happen.
Lol, typical retard willing to spend several lives on one and call it good policy. Mean while get rid of no knock and that shit don't happen.

I didn't say it was good policy ... It's not a common practice where I live and where I have any control over what law enforcement does.
I was simply making a comment towards what I would expect if I was in the situation you suggested.

Shame on you for letting things get out of hand and having to shoot things out with law enforcement just to make a point.
You might to try and elect better leaders that address the crime in a more responsible manner.

Do you know the warrant was for seizing property and not a person?

Second of all, the person who was killed was not A SUSPECT NOR WAS HE EVEN NAMED IN THE WARRANT

Why is it necessary to conduct a no-knock warrant to seize property?
Because the cops might get to kill someone and they're wanted to do it for years.

I didn't say it was good policy ... It's not a common practice where I live and where I have any control over what law enforcement does.
I was simply making a comment towards what I would expect if I was in the situation you suggested.

Shame on you for letting things get out of hand and having to shoot things out with law enforcement just to make a point.
You might to try and elect better leaders that address the crime in a more responsible manner.

It's an example of why it is bad policy. Lol I haven't had so much as a speeding ticket in 23 years . Knock on the door only insane will shoot it out. Meanwhile don't knock they don't know who is coming through. They are going to get resistance in that case by anyone who is armed.
How old were you the first time you deep-throated a nightstick?
Thats an odd question

libs present this topic for comment and then attack anyone who does not react the way you want them to
It's an example of why it is bad policy. Lol I haven't had so much as a speeding ticket in 23 years . Knock on the door only insane will shoot it out. Meanwhile don't knock they don't know who is coming through. They are going to get resistance in that case by anyone who is armed.

That's what I meant when I stated you were reduced to relying on a position where shooting it out with the cops
would be necessary to for you to even make the point you are trying to make.

We tend to have a more proactive approach to crime in general where I live.
Just replaced the Sheriff and he fired 5 deputies on the first damn day.

Law enforcement here takes things a bit more seriously, and the community doesn't tolerate malfeasance by law enforcement ...
Nor criminals or the inability to address crime.

Elect Better Leaders ... :thup:

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It looks like an assassination.

Police have a "no knock" warrant. They use the landlord's key to enter the apartment.

So, if it was Britain, and they could be 99% sure the guy was unarmed, he'd still be alive. But since it's America the cops were 99% sure he was armed, they shot him.

The issue concerns the Fourth Amendment, not the Second.

No knock ‘warrants’ should be declared un-Constitutional, a violation of the Fourth Amendment.

With no knock 'warrants' declared illegal, he'd still be alive, whether armed or not.
With no knock 'warrants' declared illegal, he'd still be alive, whether armed or not.

You cannot determine what didn't happen according to whatever you may have liked to happen ... :thup:

I mean if we are just going to play that game ...
He might have jumped out the window and killed the kid next door ... Or whatever.


That's what I meant when I stated you were reduced to relying on a position where shooting it out with the cops
would be necessary to for you to even make the point you are trying to make.

We tend to have a more proactive approach to crime in general where I live.
Just replaced the Sheriff and he fired 5 deputies on the first damn day.

Law enforcement here takes things a bit more seriously, and the community doesn't tolerate malfeasance by law enforcement ...
Nor criminals or the inability to address crime.

Elect Better Leaders ... :thup:

Well the city I currently spend winter in is on the top five list in the nation for civil rights complaints. Where I spend summers the cops are liked pretty well and decent to deal with. As time goes on I spend less and less time in the city.
Do you believe that no knock warrants are issued willie nilly?
Such ‘warrants’ shouldn’t be issued at all.

They’re another example of how citizens are willing to surrender their rights to ‘fight crime’ and ‘feel safe.’

It’s neither the role nor responsibility of the people or the courts to facilitate government’s efforts to undermine the rights of the people; it’s desirable that our Constitutional safeguards make it more difficult for the state to search or arrest a citizen.

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