
You’re already whining.. Black people obviously don’t support gun ownership or I’ll say what it vote for Democrats
You’re already lying.

Black citizens and Democrats support both gun ownership and Second Amendment jurisprudence.

Black citizens vote overwhelmingly Democratic because Democrats support and defend the rights and protected liberties of the people, and defend against efforts by Republicans and conservatives to violate the rights of Americans of color.
Thats an odd question

libs present this topic for comment and then attack anyone who does not react the way you want them to
Look, I get it. You're a copsucker. You believe police can do no wrong. You'd be cheering cops as they herd Jews into boxcars.
Look, I get it. You're a copsucker. You believe police can do no wrong. You'd be cheering cops as they herd Jews into boxcars.
I think the cops represent good while criminals are bad

sometimes cops screw up.

But not often
You’re already lying.

Black citizens and Democrats support both gun ownership and Second Amendment jurisprudence.

Black citizens vote overwhelmingly Democratic because Democrats support and defend the rights and protected liberties of the people, and defend against efforts by Republicans and conservatives to violate the rights of Americans of color.
Ok liar 🤥 🤣🤣🤣
Ashli Babbit believed in trump's B.S. and that's what got her killed.

trump fired up the crowd, got the shit storm going, then he ran over to the White House to watch the riot from the safety of his bedroom.
There was no reason to shoot anyone that. What she believed did not kill her, an incompetent cop who should have been fired shot her in cold blood.
Never a good retort when someone says "You guys always resort to your rights"

Right up there with those who use the word “freedumb” as if they think they are making any good point with it.

It's very telling when you filth on the left wrong use terminology like that, which exposes your tyrannical nature, and your contempt for the very concept of individual liberty; your utter hatred for the idea that people might wish to make choices for themselves rather than bowing to tyrannical filth such as your kind, who arrogantly think you have the authority to make other people's choices for them against their will.
Here's a challenge. Try to debate guns without saying Rights, Protection and Independence War. If you're American, impossible.

That you have no regard for the concept of individuals rights does not invalidate arguments from actuals human beings, based on that concept. All it doe sis to invalidate your arguments, which are based on your own blind support of tyranny.

Ultimately, it gets down to the very reasons why we Americans kicked you British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago, because you refused (and still do) to recognize the most basic and essential of human rights.

Come on fncceo and pknopp , let's talk about guns in society but you can't mention Rights, Protection and independence War. Let's see how far your retarded brains can go

And it was guns in our society that made it possible for us to kick you British shit out of our country.
He was armed.

As was his right.

He was in his own home, sleeping in his own bed, when a mob of violent criminals broke in and attacked him and murdered him.

That these criminals turned out to be police officers, acting under color of authority, only makes their crime that much the worse. Every one of them needs to face the death penalty.

Society needs to send the strongest possible message that such serious criminal behavior on the part of those in which we entrust the power to protect us from criminals will absolutely not be tolerated, ever.
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Come on, let's talk about guns like adults. It's the kids that default back to Rights, Protection and Independence War.

So let's talk about gun size, guns in public and concealment in a civilised society. Let's talk about gun responsibility in society.

You're a piece of British shit, an outdated relic of the degenerate tyranny that we Americans rejected in order to found our country.

You have no say, and no standing, with regard to how we run our country, and you certainly do not get to set the rules by which any discussion is to be had.

We've seen where your idea of a “civilised society” leads, and we want no part of it.

Go fuck yourself.
Not all Republicans are racist but all racists are Republicans.
Congratulations. This is the stupidest thing ever posted on the internet.

It's pretty damn stupid, but nowhere near the stupidest thing ever posted on the Internet.

Not even impressive with respect to other stupid shit posted by pknopp.

For him, this is a rather mediocre expression of his stupidity.
It's pretty damn stupid, but nowhere near the stupidest thing ever posted on the Internet.

Not even impressive with respect to other stupid shit posted by pknopp.

For him, this is a rather mediocre expression of his stupidity.

Seems common to attack me as opposed to addressing what I said.

But when you have nothing..........
They screamed police several times.. why are you sleeping with a gun in your hand?

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