K.T. McFarland Is the Latest From Team Trump Caught in a Russia Lie


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
K.T. McFarland Is the Latest From Team Trump Caught in a Russia Lie

The Trump team is turning out to be not all that smart.

They get caught doing the dumbest things...

The question was simple and direct. Did you ever discuss directly with Michael Flynn any of his contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak?

The answer by Flynn’s former deputy national security advisor, K.T. McFarland, was unequivocal, and — it turns out — damning.

“I am not aware of any of the events or issues described above,” McFarland wrote, responding to written questions from Democrat Cory Booker, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, as part of her nomination to be ambassador to Singapore.

Booker detailed in three meaty paragraphs the communications between Flynn and Kislyak monitored by the FBI and the NSA (as Flynn must have known they would be before he lied about them to the FBI).

McFarland, who told the Senators that she was “not aware” of any of those communications, in fact discussed them with Flynn in emails uncovered by the New York Times. And Flynn’s own plea deal says he kept two top campaign officials, soon identified in press reports as McFarland and Jared Kushner, informed of his conversations with Russian officials.

Irony is sweet, Kellyanne you pig.
Yes, it is creepy. She was asked the question and the emails revealed she lied.

Oh, boy.
Democrats are gladly continuing Vlads psyop campaign designed to divide the nation...
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This is taking me back in time like you wouldn't believe! I was in high school when Watergate blew up! The daily paper had a headline about it for at least 2 months straight! In the meantime the DOW had finally broken 1000 points if you can believe it! Now instead of Hunt, Gordon Liddy, Ehrlichman, Ziegler, and all the rest, we have a daily diet of Manafort, his partner Gates, the plea of Flynn, the daily LIE of Huck...-Sanders, and now charges will be brought against this other lying b!tch! :badgrin:
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(No liberal has answered yet why Abedin and Mills were not indicted when THEY lied to the FBI / Mueller's top aide...)

All liberal op ed rags. Where is the evidence?
Yes, you prefer the Fake Alt Right Media.

All liberal op ed rags. Where is the evidence?

you mean they aren't un-fact-checked, rightwingnut trash?

All liberal op ed rags. Where is the evidence?
Yes, you prefer the Fake Alt Right Media.

I don't even know what that is JS. What is the fake alt right media?

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