Kamala Harris Claims That Donald Trump Should Be Disqualified From The Election

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Normally I would actually agree with her. However, that trial was stacked up against Trump from the very beginning so I don't care if the man goes to prison. I'm still voting for him regardless.

Trump stated the same thing when he was talking about Hillary
The more they play up that sham 3rd world trial with a felonious judge residing over it that Biden has put into play to take out his main rival in the campaign the better it gets for Trump....
The fact is both Harris and Biden know they didn't win in 2020 and now they are freaking out....
Just one of the ways Biden will try to prevent Trump from running.

The guv isn't going to take a chance on Trump becoming the president. There are many other schemes planned.

Be proactive by understanding how Biden and government can stop Trump. Trump can't be permitted to interfere with America's war against Russia!
What is most bizarre is that neither candidate is really criticized for his worst actions. The duopoly has the populous totally bamboozled.
And suddenly you're all in for Trump?
I'm all in for stopping the war and Trump is the best chance of that by miles. Even though he still fears announcing that he opposes Biden's war.

Trump has to make the move and he has to make it work with the American people.

Biden's presidential war is almost not being opposed so far. He's concentrating almost entirely on that and he's about to walk away with the presidency with it.

Biden's body may have to be propped up with a stick, but the people won't even notice. The war against Russia is already telling us that Biden will win. Biden's phony propaganda ploy in Normandy may have sealed it up for him.

I'm all in for stopping the war and Trump is the best chance of that by miles. Even though he still fears announcing that he opposes Biden's war.

Trump will do what Putin wants
Pull all Ukrainian support
I'm all in for stopping the war and Trump is the best chance of that by miles. Even though he still fears announcing that he opposes Biden's war.

Trump has to make the move and he has to make it work with the American people.

Biden's presidential war is almost not being opposed so far. He's concentrating almost entirely on that and he's about to walk away with the presidency with it.

Biden's body may have to be propped up with a stick, but the people won't even notice. The war against Russia is already telling us that Biden will win. Biden's phony propaganda ploy in Normandy may have sealed it up for him.


Unless what?
The more they play up that sham 3rd world trial with a felonious judge residing over it that Biden has put into play to take out his main rival in the campaign the better it gets for Trump....
The fact is both Harris and Biden know they didn't win in 2020 and now they are freaking out....
That entire RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP), the DNC/RNC & the D.istrict of C.orruption gang in general is as polluted with debauchery as debauchery can get. What's needed is 535 Ron Paul's seated on Capital Hill & another Ron Paul in the White House.
What is most bizarre is that neither candidate is really criticized for his worst actions. The duopoly has the populous totally bamboozled.
Pretty ORIGINAL HANDLE/AVATAR u got I really like it! This divide & conquer crap that the RNC/DNC duopoly party is fostering is one half of the problem @ current. The other part of the problem is that the American constituency has ALLOWED themselves to be divided, when they should ALL be coalescing around our U.S. Constitution & BoR. With around 340 million Americans & the senate is divided by only 2 seats, & the house of Representatives is only divided by 4 seats. With 340 million Americans & only 6 seats separating them what's the chance/odds of 340 million Americans being almost perfectly divided politically/religiously? The divide in the two chambers cancels out both chambers leaving the POTUS more in a Fuhrer position to call the shots. Of course the justice dept. is under POTUS persuasion.

All past great nations/empires clear back to the Akkadian empire have collapsed with the aid of the divide & conquer strategy, EXCEPT the Egyptian empire which lost its entire military(under an hour/world record!) in a freak natural disaster. America's political divide is, as usual centered on difference of religion. The statist left believes in a "one world without borders"(one world government) religion where the conservatives, classical liberals(NOT social liberals) & constitutionalists believe in the sovereign nation religion. Unfortunately the divide & conquer strategy appears to be permanently ingrained into the human condition(human nature) meaning it cannot be modified/eliminated. This is WHY humanity simply cannot pull out of its dive/crash then rebuild circuit & as history illustrates, humanity keeps collapsing into wars, death & destruction over & over & over again.
Unless what?
Unless Trump can challenge Biden's war.

If he doesn't then Trump has just fallen victim to Biden's war, that has always traditionally decided the presidency.
Biden got away with a powerful prowar message in Normandy, and it's made it almost impossible for Trump to oppose.

If Trump wasn't sleeping he would have taken notice of how Biden turned the event away from being a solemn event to honour the dead, into his personal clusterfk meant to support the Ukraine.
Can Trump just even try to walk back his comment on preferring soldiers who didn't die?
Kamala should be impeached for allowing the Border invasion to swell to 7 million (or more) and she who was responsible for the Border, did absolutely NOTHING about it. Of course we all know why the Liberals are encouraging these illegal scumbags to come over...
Kamala should be impeached for allowing the Border invasion to swell to 7 million (or more) and she who was responsible for the Border, did absolutely NOTHING about it. Of course we all know why the Liberals are encouraging these illegal scumbags to come over...
Impeachment doesn't work and never has.
Get off your fat asses and get to work with offering Trump some encoouragement on opposing Biden's war.

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