Kamala Harris Denies Govt-Run Single Payer is 'Socialism'

"Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) on Tuesday defended her support for “Medicare for all,” saying it is not a socialist idea.

"No, no. It’s about providing health care to all people," Harris said"


Kamala Harris is embarrassing herself while proving although she cal lie her ass off about Democrat Health Care BS she is still no Barak Obama...


Harris: 'Medicare for all' is not socialism


Single payer isn't socialism. If it was socialism then all the doctors and health care workers would be employed by the government. The government isn't controlling anything. All the government is doing is paying the bills.

Whoever pays the bills is in charge. Period.
"Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) on Tuesday defended her support for “Medicare for all,” saying it is not a socialist idea.

"No, no. It’s about providing health care to all people," Harris said"


Kamala Harris is embarrassing herself while proving although she cal lie her ass off about Democrat Health Care BS she is still no Barak Obama...


Harris: 'Medicare for all' is not socialism

You assfuck. You don;t know what socialism is.

Medicare pays for your medical care from PRIVATE doctors & PRIVATE health facilities.

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Exactly. I'm glad to see at least one person on this threat knows what socialism really is.

The doctors and health care providers aren't government employees. They are all private business. When private business is involved, socialism isn't.

The only reason why conservatives call single payer socialism is to use what they think is the most scariest words to Americans to convince them to vote for people who will make sure we don't have single payer or any health care system that doesn't make insurance companies filthy rich and give them all control of our health care. They want no regulations on insurance companies so the insurance companies can take your money but not cover very much of your medical costs then kick you off the coverage when you get sick.

America endured that for over 3 decades. Over 45 thousand Americans died unnecessary early deaths each year because of it. People had to have pancake breakfasts or raffles or fund raisers to cover costs for cancer or other life endangering diseases. We saw cans at supermarket checkouts asking for your spare change to pay for a child's chemo.

That is not what most of Americans want. We want a fair system for our health care. We don't want to be kicked off our coverage just because we got sick or injured. We are tired of losing our coverage because we lost our jobs. We're tired of being forced to stay in a bad job for the insurance.

People have had enough. We tried two forms of conservative health care. Both aren't what this nation needs. We need single payer or at least a public option for those of us who want real choice. Conservatives say they want to give us choice and competition but don't offer it and fight to offer the only real competition that will be effective to bring the greed of private insurance companies under control.

A public option that the private companies have to compete with.

Give Americans the choice and everyone knows that a large majority of the nation will choose the public option. We're so sick and tired of paying thousands of dollars through our lives to not use the coverage then when we have to be told the coverage isn't available then kicked off the coverage. We will see more people leaving bad employers too. They will no longer have to stay because they need the insurance. Maybe employers will finally start treating people with respect and dignity to keep their workers.

Give us a real choice and make insurance companies have to face real competition.
"Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) on Tuesday defended her support for “Medicare for all,” saying it is not a socialist idea.

"No, no. It’s about providing health care to all people," Harris said"


Kamala Harris is embarrassing herself while proving although she cal lie her ass off about Democrat Health Care BS she is still no Barak Obama...


Harris: 'Medicare for all' is not socialism

You assfuck. You don;t know what socialism is.

Medicare pays for your medical care from PRIVATE doctors & PRIVATE health facilities.

You people are too fucking stupid to be alive.

Exactly. I'm glad to see at least one person on this threat knows what socialism really is.

The doctors and health care providers aren't government employees.

If they're all paid by the government, there's no appreciable difference.
The government does not have to own it for it to be socialism...just control it...by definition.

Some definitions of socialism say that it is the ownership or regulation of the means of production.

So if we "regu
late" doctors by demanding that they be licensed...that's socialism?

Of course not,

That type of regulation means that the ownership my not be governmental but ALL of the decisions are. It is COMPLETELY regulated...from what is bought to what is sold and HOW it is produce and by whom. ALL of it as if it were owned by the state

That's clearly not the case.
The government does not have to own it for it to be socialism...just control it...by definition.

Some definitions of socialism say that it is the ownership or regulation of the means of production.

So if we "regu
late" doctors by demanding that they be licensed...that's socialism?

Of course not,

That type of regulation means that the ownership my not be governmental but ALL of the decisions are. It is COMPLETELY regulated...from what is bought to what is sold and HOW it is produce and by whom. ALL of it as if it were owned by the state

That's clearly not the case.

Quibbling over definitions is irrelevant. The bottom line for me (and I suspect for many who oppose socialism) is that I don't want ubiquitous government. It doesn't really matter to me whether government is the nominal owner of a business, or whether they call the shots through "regulation", they're still in control.
Right! It was oh so much better when the insurers were in control !

They're not though. Except via their manipulation of the regulatory state, insurance companies have no power to force us to buy their product. This is the glaring fact that statists will never acknowledge. Why not??

Before Obamacare, they had the power to let you die , even if you did buy the product. Remember?
Let's even pretend that everything you said was right, and it really did cost $200K.

Ok, which is worse.... death, or bankruptcy? I can go back to work, and find ways to be productive, and use that to pay off my debts. What I can't do, is come back from the grave.
No one should have to make that choice in the USA
It’s the textbook definition of socialism

What textbook are you reading ?

Having a safety net for those who can’t get private health insurance is not socialism.

The government owning the means and production of a good or service is. The reason for it is irrelevant.

The government doesn't own the means and production of goods and services.

The doctors, health care workers and hospitals do. The pharmaceutical companies and the companies that supply all that's needed for health care like MRI machines etc. All the government will do is pay the bills.

If it was socialism all the doctors, health care workers, hospitals, drug companies and medical supply companies would be government owned and employed.

The hospitals, health care facilities and workers are all private. Same with the companies that develop drugs and medical supplies. They all generate revenues and profits. The facilities are private businesses. The government doesn't pay the workers. The businesses, if the business incorporated, if not, the owners of the business pay the workers.

If it was socialism the government would own all of it and everyone would be paid by the government. There would be no board of directors. No stocks. Nothing on the stock exchange or any of the components of capitalism. The people controlling those businesses are the private owners not the government. The people controlling the health care that their patients receive are the doctors. Not the government.
It’s the textbook definition of socialism

What textbook are you reading ?

Having a safety net for those who can’t get private health insurance is not socialism.

The government owning the means and production of a good or service is. The reason for it is irrelevant.

The government doesn't own the means and production of goods and services.

The doctors, health care workers and hospitals do. The pharmaceutical companies and the companies that supply all that's needed for health care like MRI machines etc. All the government will do is pay the bills.

If it was socialism all the doctors, health care workers, hospitals, drug companies and medical supply companies would be government owned and employed.

The hospitals, health care facilities and workers are all private. Same with the companies that develop drugs and medical supplies. They all generate revenues and profits. The facilities are private businesses. The government doesn't pay the workers. The businesses, if the business incorporated, if not, the owners of the business pay the workers.

If it was socialism the government would own all of it and everyone would be paid by the government. There would be no board of directors. No stocks. Nothing on the stock exchange or any of the components of capitalism. The people controlling those businesses are the private owners not the government. The people controlling the health care that their patients receive are the doctors. Not the government.

Thank you, Captain Obvious.
She's just as dumb as AOC without the crazy eyes.
It is NOT socialized medicine. Before you call someone dumb, you should understand what socialism is. The doctors, hospitals, labs and whatever will still be private for profit. Even the private insurance companies will continue to thrive because people will need insurance to supplement the Medicare. This just hysteria about socialism and it's stupid

No. It's not Communism (where the government owns everything) but it IS Socialism. Socialism allows for private ownership, but government CONTROLS everything. In single-payer, the government has absolute control via price setting, mandated services, compensation, etc.
Not really:


  1. [*]a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism ·
    leftist· Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism ·
    [*](in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

  1. . The current Medicare system covers more than 40 million Americans. Doctors are free to not accept Medicare but most do. The 20% less that they get from Medicare vs. private insurance in made up for by supplemental insurance in most cases. To some degree you can make the argument that it is privatized insurance but it is not socialized medicine. Health care provider remain independent and health care decisions are between the doctor and patient. The government is far less intrusive than private insurers were allowed to be before Obama care with annual and lifetime caps on coverage and the ability to tell people with pre existing conditions that they just have to go bankrupt to pay for their care or die.

  1. Single-payer health care plan isn't socialism | Physicians for a National Health Program

You're proving my point. Owned or "REGULATED" by the community as a whole, which in our system is presented by the Government.

Jeebus. Fish in a Barrel.
I already acknowledged that single pay is, arguably socialized insurance. But, not withstanding the dictionary definition of socialism, it is ludicrous to decry everything that is regulated to any degree as socialism and therefor bad. Are you taking the position that the medical industry should not be regulated and held to government standards?. How about food and drugs ? Are those industries socialized because they are regulated and would we be better off-or worse off if they were not? Do you trust the free market to protect you from those who are motivated by profit? You people need to get over this childish hysteria about socialism and understand that all socialism is not Cuba, the USSR or Venezuela

I don't know what Venezuela was or is but Cuba and the USSR are not nor have they ever been socialism.

They are or were communistic states.

There's a very big difference between socialism and communism but it seems most Americans think they're the same. I don't know why. They should have been taught the differences in school. Like I was.

Communism is an economic policy that the government owns everything. Not just controls some parts or owns some parts of the economy. Communism doesn't allow for people to own a business or even the land or home they live in. Everyone rents their home from the government because the government owns everything. There is no private ownership of business or any part of business.

Socialism is public or government ownership of some things. Usually what our society used to call the "commons." Such as the police department, Fire department, schools, roads etc. Anything that the public owns and uses. We all agree that we don't want our government to own our farms and grow our food but we all want our government to make sure that food is safe for us to consume and will alert us when it's not safe and recall what isn't safe. We don't want our government to make and develop our medications and medical innovations but we do want our government to make sure those medications and innovations are safe and do what they claim to do.

We have tried the private capitalism approach to health care and it's a disaster. Especially when it had very few proper regulations. We tried it the conservative way and people hate it.

Just because the government is paying the bills instead of a private insurance company doesn't mean that single payer is socialism.
It is NOT socialized medicine. Before you call someone dumb, you should understand what socialism is. The doctors, hospitals, labs and whatever will still be private for profit. Even the private insurance companies will continue to thrive because people will need insurance to supplement the Medicare. This just hysteria about socialism and it's stupid

No. It's not Communism (where the government owns everything) but it IS Socialism. Socialism allows for private ownership, but government CONTROLS everything. In single-payer, the government has absolute control via price setting, mandated services, compensation, etc.
Not really:


  1. [*]a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism ·
    leftist· Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism ·
    [*](in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

  1. . The current Medicare system covers more than 40 million Americans. Doctors are free to not accept Medicare but most do. The 20% less that they get from Medicare vs. private insurance in made up for by supplemental insurance in most cases. To some degree you can make the argument that it is privatized insurance but it is not socialized medicine. Health care provider remain independent and health care decisions are between the doctor and patient. The government is far less intrusive than private insurers were allowed to be before Obama care with annual and lifetime caps on coverage and the ability to tell people with pre existing conditions that they just have to go bankrupt to pay for their care or die.

  1. Single-payer health care plan isn't socialism | Physicians for a National Health Program

You're proving my point. Owned or "REGULATED" by the community as a whole, which in our system is presented by the Government.

Jeebus. Fish in a Barrel.
I already acknowledged that single pay is, arguably socialized insurance. But, not withstanding the dictionary definition of socialism, it is ludicrous to decry everything that is regulated to any degree as socialism and therefor bad. Are you taking the position that the medical industry should not be regulated and held to government standards?. How about food and drugs ? Are those industries socialized because they are regulated and would we be better off-or worse off if they were not? Do you trust the free market to protect you from those who are motivated by profit? You people need to get over this childish hysteria about socialism and understand that all socialism is not Cuba, the USSR or Venezuela

I don't know what Venezuela was or is but Cuba and the USSR are not nor have they ever been socialism.

They are or were communistic states.

There's a very big difference between socialism and communism but it seems most Americans think they're the same. I don't know why. They should have been taught the differences in school. Like I was.

Communism is an economic policy that the government owns everything. Not just controls some parts or owns some parts of the economy. Communism doesn't allow for people to own a business or even the land or home they live in. Everyone rents their home from the government because the government owns everything. There is no private ownership of business or any part of business.

Socialism is public or government ownership of some things. Usually what our society used to call the "commons." Such as the police department, Fire department, schools, roads etc. Anything that the public owns and uses. We all agree that we don't want our government to own our farms and grow our food but we all want our government to make sure that food is safe for us to consume and will alert us when it's not safe and recall what isn't safe. We don't want our government to make and develop our medications and medical innovations but we do want our government to make sure those medications and innovations are safe and do what they claim to do.

We have tried the private capitalism approach to health care and it's a disaster. Especially when it had very few proper regulations. We tried it the conservative way and people hate it.

Just because the government is paying the bills instead of a private insurance company doesn't mean that single payer is socialism.

Socialism is just Communism Lite. They both lead to Slave States, just along different time frames.

And your last sentence is absolutely incorrect. Single Payer is a socialist program. It puts us all under complete government control in the most personally invasive way possible - our bodies and our health.
If the government is paying your doctor to take care of you, the government can withhold that money and let you die.
If your insurance is paying your doctor to take care of you, your insurance can withhold that money and let you die.

When Health Insurance Companies Refuse to Pay

What can I do when my insurer refuses to pay for a claim? | Health Insurance

Tips for When Your Medical Insurance Won't Pay

It was not long ago that insurance companies would not even pay for organ transplants, as they claimed it was too "experimental".
And even worse, you can have paid into health insurance for decades, lose your job, and be totally left without any health care access.
It is NOT socialized medicine. Before you call someone dumb, you should understand what socialism is. The doctors, hospitals, labs and whatever will still be private for profit. Even the private insurance companies will continue to thrive because people will need insurance to supplement the Medicare. This just hysteria about socialism and it's stupid

No. It's not Communism (where the government owns everything) but it IS Socialism. Socialism allows for private ownership, but government CONTROLS everything. In single-payer, the government has absolute control via price setting, mandated services, compensation, etc.
Not really:


  1. [*]a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism ·
    leftist· Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism ·
    [*](in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

  1. . The current Medicare system covers more than 40 million Americans. Doctors are free to not accept Medicare but most do. The 20% less that they get from Medicare vs. private insurance in made up for by supplemental insurance in most cases. To some degree you can make the argument that it is privatized insurance but it is not socialized medicine. Health care provider remain independent and health care decisions are between the doctor and patient. The government is far less intrusive than private insurers were allowed to be before Obama care with annual and lifetime caps on coverage and the ability to tell people with pre existing conditions that they just have to go bankrupt to pay for their care or die.

  1. Single-payer health care plan isn't socialism | Physicians for a National Health Program

You're proving my point. Owned or "REGULATED" by the community as a whole, which in our system is presented by the Government.

Jeebus. Fish in a Barrel.
I already acknowledged that single pay is, arguably socialized insurance. But, not withstanding the dictionary definition of socialism, it is ludicrous to decry everything that is regulated to any degree as socialism and therefor bad. Are you taking the position that the medical industry should not be regulated and held to government standards?. How about food and drugs ? Are those industries socialized because they are regulated and would we be better off-or worse off if they were not? Do you trust the free market to protect you from those who are motivated by profit? You people need to get over this childish hysteria about socialism and understand that all socialism is not Cuba, the USSR or Venezuela

I don't know what Venezuela was or is but Cuba and the USSR are not nor have they ever been socialism.

They are or were communistic states.

There's a very big difference between socialism and communism but it seems most Americans think they're the same. I don't know why. They should have been taught the differences in school. Like I was.

Communism is an economic policy that the government owns everything. Not just controls some parts or owns some parts of the economy. Communism doesn't allow for people to own a business or even the land or home they live in. Everyone rents their home from the government because the government owns everything. There is no private ownership of business or any part of business.

Socialism is public or government ownership of some things. Usually what our society used to call the "commons." Such as the police department, Fire department, schools, roads etc. Anything that the public owns and uses. We all agree that we don't want our government to own our farms and grow our food but we all want our government to make sure that food is safe for us to consume and will alert us when it's not safe and recall what isn't safe. We don't want our government to make and develop our medications and medical innovations but we do want our government to make sure those medications and innovations are safe and do what they claim to do.

We have tried the private capitalism approach to health care and it's a disaster. Especially when it had very few proper regulations. We tried it the conservative way and people hate it.

Just because the government is paying the bills instead of a private insurance company doesn't mean that single payer is socialism.

Actually I would say that the USSR was never even remotely communist.
For communism, you have to have communalism first, which pretty much requires a democratic republic.
Since there was nothing shared in the USSR, it was actually just state capitalism.
No. It's not Communism (where the government owns everything) but it IS Socialism. Socialism allows for private ownership, but government CONTROLS everything. In single-payer, the government has absolute control via price setting, mandated services, compensation, etc.
Not really:


  1. [*]a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism ·
    leftist· Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism ·
    [*](in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

  1. . The current Medicare system covers more than 40 million Americans. Doctors are free to not accept Medicare but most do. The 20% less that they get from Medicare vs. private insurance in made up for by supplemental insurance in most cases. To some degree you can make the argument that it is privatized insurance but it is not socialized medicine. Health care provider remain independent and health care decisions are between the doctor and patient. The government is far less intrusive than private insurers were allowed to be before Obama care with annual and lifetime caps on coverage and the ability to tell people with pre existing conditions that they just have to go bankrupt to pay for their care or die.

  1. Single-payer health care plan isn't socialism | Physicians for a National Health Program

You're proving my point. Owned or "REGULATED" by the community as a whole, which in our system is presented by the Government.

Jeebus. Fish in a Barrel.
I already acknowledged that single pay is, arguably socialized insurance. But, not withstanding the dictionary definition of socialism, it is ludicrous to decry everything that is regulated to any degree as socialism and therefor bad. Are you taking the position that the medical industry should not be regulated and held to government standards?. How about food and drugs ? Are those industries socialized because they are regulated and would we be better off-or worse off if they were not? Do you trust the free market to protect you from those who are motivated by profit? You people need to get over this childish hysteria about socialism and understand that all socialism is not Cuba, the USSR or Venezuela

I don't know what Venezuela was or is but Cuba and the USSR are not nor have they ever been socialism.

They are or were communistic states.

There's a very big difference between socialism and communism but it seems most Americans think they're the same. I don't know why. They should have been taught the differences in school. Like I was.

Communism is an economic policy that the government owns everything. Not just controls some parts or owns some parts of the economy. Communism doesn't allow for people to own a business or even the land or home they live in. Everyone rents their home from the government because the government owns everything. There is no private ownership of business or any part of business.

Socialism is public or government ownership of some things. Usually what our society used to call the "commons." Such as the police department, Fire department, schools, roads etc. Anything that the public owns and uses. We all agree that we don't want our government to own our farms and grow our food but we all want our government to make sure that food is safe for us to consume and will alert us when it's not safe and recall what isn't safe. We don't want our government to make and develop our medications and medical innovations but we do want our government to make sure those medications and innovations are safe and do what they claim to do.

We have tried the private capitalism approach to health care and it's a disaster. Especially when it had very few proper regulations. We tried it the conservative way and people hate it.

Just because the government is paying the bills instead of a private insurance company doesn't mean that single payer is socialism.

Socialism is just Communism Lite. They both lead to Slave States, just along different time frames.

And your last sentence is absolutely incorrect. Single Payer is a socialist program. It puts us all under complete government control in the most personally invasive way possible - our bodies and our health.

Whether or not you have a slave state depends on if you have a democratic republic or not, and if you have a democratic republic, you likely would then have the majority vote for socialism or communism.
Single payer is not socialist at all, because it does not say who pays the single payer?
While it does put in government regulation, that is a good thing because the government is voted on by us, and does what we want.
Private insurance companies are monopolies that we have NO control over at all.
No. It's not Communism (where the government owns everything) but it IS Socialism. Socialism allows for private ownership, but government CONTROLS everything. In single-payer, the government has absolute control via price setting, mandated services, compensation, etc.
Not really:


  1. [*]a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism ·
    leftist· Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism · welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism ·
    [*](in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

  1. . The current Medicare system covers more than 40 million Americans. Doctors are free to not accept Medicare but most do. The 20% less that they get from Medicare vs. private insurance in made up for by supplemental insurance in most cases. To some degree you can make the argument that it is privatized insurance but it is not socialized medicine. Health care provider remain independent and health care decisions are between the doctor and patient. The government is far less intrusive than private insurers were allowed to be before Obama care with annual and lifetime caps on coverage and the ability to tell people with pre existing conditions that they just have to go bankrupt to pay for their care or die.

  1. Single-payer health care plan isn't socialism | Physicians for a National Health Program

You're proving my point. Owned or "REGULATED" by the community as a whole, which in our system is presented by the Government.

Jeebus. Fish in a Barrel.
I already acknowledged that single pay is, arguably socialized insurance. But, not withstanding the dictionary definition of socialism, it is ludicrous to decry everything that is regulated to any degree as socialism and therefor bad. Are you taking the position that the medical industry should not be regulated and held to government standards?. How about food and drugs ? Are those industries socialized because they are regulated and would we be better off-or worse off if they were not? Do you trust the free market to protect you from those who are motivated by profit? You people need to get over this childish hysteria about socialism and understand that all socialism is not Cuba, the USSR or Venezuela

I don't know what Venezuela was or is but Cuba and the USSR are not nor have they ever been socialism.

They are or were communistic states.

There's a very big difference between socialism and communism but it seems most Americans think they're the same. I don't know why. They should have been taught the differences in school. Like I was.

Communism is an economic policy that the government owns everything. Not just controls some parts or owns some parts of the economy. Communism doesn't allow for people to own a business or even the land or home they live in. Everyone rents their home from the government because the government owns everything. There is no private ownership of business or any part of business.

Socialism is public or government ownership of some things. Usually what our society used to call the "commons." Such as the police department, Fire department, schools, roads etc. Anything that the public owns and uses. We all agree that we don't want our government to own our farms and grow our food but we all want our government to make sure that food is safe for us to consume and will alert us when it's not safe and recall what isn't safe. We don't want our government to make and develop our medications and medical innovations but we do want our government to make sure those medications and innovations are safe and do what they claim to do.

We have tried the private capitalism approach to health care and it's a disaster. Especially when it had very few proper regulations. We tried it the conservative way and people hate it.

Just because the government is paying the bills instead of a private insurance company doesn't mean that single payer is socialism.

Actually I would say that the USSR was never even remotely communist.
For communism, you have to have communalism first, which pretty much requires a democratic republic.
Since there was nothing shared in the USSR, it was actually just state capitalism.


War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Totalitarian Collectivism is Capitalism
Not really:


  1. . The current Medicare system covers more than 40 million Americans. Doctors are free to not accept Medicare but most do. The 20% less that they get from Medicare vs. private insurance in made up for by supplemental insurance in most cases. To some degree you can make the argument that it is privatized insurance but it is not socialized medicine. Health care provider remain independent and health care decisions are between the doctor and patient. The government is far less intrusive than private insurers were allowed to be before Obama care with annual and lifetime caps on coverage and the ability to tell people with pre existing conditions that they just have to go bankrupt to pay for their care or die.

  1. Single-payer health care plan isn't socialism | Physicians for a National Health Program

You're proving my point. Owned or "REGULATED" by the community as a whole, which in our system is presented by the Government.

Jeebus. Fish in a Barrel.
I already acknowledged that single pay is, arguably socialized insurance. But, not withstanding the dictionary definition of socialism, it is ludicrous to decry everything that is regulated to any degree as socialism and therefor bad. Are you taking the position that the medical industry should not be regulated and held to government standards?. How about food and drugs ? Are those industries socialized because they are regulated and would we be better off-or worse off if they were not? Do you trust the free market to protect you from those who are motivated by profit? You people need to get over this childish hysteria about socialism and understand that all socialism is not Cuba, the USSR or Venezuela

I don't know what Venezuela was or is but Cuba and the USSR are not nor have they ever been socialism.

They are or were communistic states.

There's a very big difference between socialism and communism but it seems most Americans think they're the same. I don't know why. They should have been taught the differences in school. Like I was.

Communism is an economic policy that the government owns everything. Not just controls some parts or owns some parts of the economy. Communism doesn't allow for people to own a business or even the land or home they live in. Everyone rents their home from the government because the government owns everything. There is no private ownership of business or any part of business.

Socialism is public or government ownership of some things. Usually what our society used to call the "commons." Such as the police department, Fire department, schools, roads etc. Anything that the public owns and uses. We all agree that we don't want our government to own our farms and grow our food but we all want our government to make sure that food is safe for us to consume and will alert us when it's not safe and recall what isn't safe. We don't want our government to make and develop our medications and medical innovations but we do want our government to make sure those medications and innovations are safe and do what they claim to do.

We have tried the private capitalism approach to health care and it's a disaster. Especially when it had very few proper regulations. We tried it the conservative way and people hate it.

Just because the government is paying the bills instead of a private insurance company doesn't mean that single payer is socialism.

Socialism is just Communism Lite. They both lead to Slave States, just along different time frames.

And your last sentence is absolutely incorrect. Single Payer is a socialist program. It puts us all under complete government control in the most personally invasive way possible - our bodies and our health.

Whether or not you have a slave state depends on if you have a democratic republic or not, and if you have a democratic republic, you likely would then have the majority vote for socialism or communism.
Single payer is not socialist at all, because it does not say who pays the single payer?
While it does put in government regulation, that is a good thing because the government is voted on by us, and does what we want.
Private insurance companies are monopolies that we have NO control over at all.

I don't believe a word of your nonsense.
"high taxes on the rich? tell Blake Griffin he can't have another car. tell Odell Beckham he cant have another vacation home. they've worked their butt off to get to where they are" - Watters

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