Kamala Harris Finally Deigns To Provide An Official Policy Platform


Platinum Member
May 28, 2019
Kamala Harris Finally Deigns To Provide An Official Policy Platform

Let's go thru some of these platitudinous Utopian wish list of voting buying and deceitful promises, that she will never deliver on these. BTW, most of these are just her increasing inflation by printing more money out of thin air and throwing it around in order to buy votes.

Cut Taxes for Middle Class Families

Biden promised he would not raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000, and i don't see Trump wanting to raise people's taxes in that income level either. So this in an empty promise. She will increase spending, which will increase inflation, so...

Make Rent More Affordable and Home Ownership More Attainable

How it she going to wave her wand and lower rent? She wants to just give away $25,000 to all first time home buyers? Only counting first time home buyers averages out to around 2,000,000 home buyers each year, coming to a total of 50,000,000,000, that's fifty Billion dollars each year!!!

Grow Small Businesses and Invest in Entrepreneurs

A woman who has no clue how to run a business or make a payroll is just going to magically "increase access to capital" and grow businesses? How, by snapping her fingers?

Take on Bad Actors and Bring Down Costs

So, she's going to engage in selective price controls. Gee, now she can pick the winners and losers. I wonder if the winners will be her social and political allies, and the losers will be those with wrong think. :think:

Strengthen and Bring Down the Cost of Health Care

I thought Obama already did this. Why is she even talking about doing this? The last time Obama said he'd bring down health costs, the premiums, quality of care and consumer costs only got worse. Costs were actually flattening out under Trump, then rose sharply again under Harris/Biden.

Figure 5 - Cumulative Growth in Per Enrolled Person Spending by Private Insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid, 2008-2022

Protect and Strengthen Social Security and Medicare

This is her most vapid and political item yet. Trump has not engaged in "relentless attacks against Social Security and Medicare."

Support American Innovation and Workers

"the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the American Rescue Plan" have been failures, and even caused much of the inflation we see today.

She's stating here that she wants to print and spend even more taxpayer dollars, and sink the value of the dollar even more.

Provide a Pathway to the Middle Class Through Quality, Affordable Education

Seriously, more promises to pay for federally funded child care and preschool? She also wants to buy more votes with hundreds of billions of printed taxpayer dollars to pay off more student loans??

Where are her foreign policies? Does she not realize that we have serious conflicts and regional wars going on in the Middle East and Europe? Oh yeah, she cannot say where she stands on Israel or Gaza, because she's afraid to say what she thinks, so she wants people to continue to make their own assumptions.
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Kamala Harris Finally Deigns To Provide An Official Policy Platform

Let's go thru some of these platitudinous Utopian wish list of voting buying and deceitful promises, that she will never deliver on these. BTW, most of these are just her increasing inflation by printing more money out of thin air and throwing it around in order to buy votes.

Cut Taxes for Middle Class Families

Biden promised he would not raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000, and i don't see Trump wanting to raise people's taxes in that income level either. So this in an empty promise. She will increase spending, which will increase inflation, so...

Make Rent More Affordable and Home Ownership More Attainable

How it she going to wave her wand and lower rent? She wants to just give away $25,000 to all first time home buyers? Only counting first time home buyers averages out to around 2,000,000 home buyers each year, coming to a total of 50,000,000,000, that's fifty Billion dollars each year!!!

Grow Small Businesses and Invest in Entrepreneurs

A woman who has no clue how to run a business or make a payroll is just going to magically "increase access to capital" and grow businesses? How, by snapping her fingers?

Take on Bad Actors and Bring Down Costs

So, she's going to engage in selective price controls. Gee, now she can pick the winners and losers. I wonder if the winners will be her social and political allies, and the losers will be those with wrong think. :think:

Strengthen and Bring Down the Cost of Health Care

I thought Obama already did this. Why is she even talking about doing this? The last time Obama said he'd bring down health costs, the premiums, quality of care and consumer costs only got worse. Costs were actually flattening out under Trump, then rose sharply again under Harris/Biden.

Figure 5 - Cumulative Growth in Per Enrolled Person Spending by Private Insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid, 2008-2022

Protect and Strengthen Social Security and Medicare

This is her most vapid and political item yet. Trump has not engaged in "relentless attacks against Social Security and Medicare." :hamd:

Support American Innovation and Workers

"the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the American Rescue Plan" have been failures, and even caused much of the inflation we see today.

She's stating here that she wants to print and spend even more taxpayer dollars, and sink the value of the dollar even more.

Provide a Pathway to the Middle Class Through Quality, Affordable Education

Seriously, more promises to pay for federally funded child care and preschool? She also wants to buy more votes with hundreds of billions of printed taxpayer dollars to pay off more student loans??

Where are her foreign policies? Does she not realize that we have serious conflicts and regional wars going on in the Middle East and Europe? Oh yeah, she cannot say where she stands on Israel or Gaza, because she's afraid to say what she thinks, so she wants people to continue to make their own assumptions.
Thank you for that!

I no longer have the patience to explain to people why government intervention always raises costs

Affordable housing? Instead of more and better subsidies, take a lesson from Milei in Argentina. He element controls, supply doubled and rents fell 25%

Kamala Harris Finally Deigns To Provide An Official Policy Platform​

I'm all goose-pimply.

Cut Taxes for Middle Class Families
Means raising taxes on the wealthy, which means a cut in the number of jobs plus higher costs for products and services.

Make Rent More Affordable and Home Ownership More Attainable
Which means a government takeover of land and property ownership with people living in cheaper, more poorly maintained homes all regulated through a government agency.

Grow Small Businesses and Invest in Entrepreneurs
Government picks winners and losers. Meantime, government actually HAMMERS the small business owner.

Take on Bad Actors and Bring Down Costs
Whatever a bad actor is. Government decides. And how does government bring down costs when they are the cause of inflation? By using YOUR money to subsidize certain targeted things to elicit more votes for their party.

Strengthen and Bring Down the Cost of Health Care
Just more government spending. Once again, they only need to do this because of government taking over healthcare in the first place.

Protect and Strengthen Social Security and Medicare
More spending. More bigger government.

Support American Innovation and Workers
More big government spending and picking winners they like. More new hoops to jump through.

Provide a Pathway to the Middle Class Through Quality, Affordable Education
More big government spending who has never been able to educate a flea.

ALL of these can be summed up simply as this:
  • Unattainable goals that will never happen partly because government can't operate a hot dog stand well much less do all of this, and partly because it is all horseshit thrown before stupid voters to elect them so that once in office it'll never happen, then they will blame it all on republicans.
  • MASSIVE SPENDING leading to to the inexorable collapse of the free market economy leaving only a government-run authoritarian state controlling everything.
Didn't Bernie Sanders just say that she's still a Communist, and will say anything to get elected?
Yes. He essentially said she's lying and telling voters what they want to hear just to get elected.

Kristen Welker: "She [Kamala Harris] has previously supported Medicare-For-All, now she does not. She’s previously supported a ban on fracking, now she does not. These, senator, are ideas that you have campaigned on. Do you think she is abandoning her progressive ideals?" NBC anchor Kristen Welker asked Sanders on "Meet the Press."

Sen. Bernie Sanders: "No, I don’t think she’s abandoning her ideals," he replied. "I think she’s trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election."
Kamala Harris Finally Deigns To Provide An Official Policy Platform

Let's go thru some of these platitudinous Utopian wish list of voting buying and deceitful promises, that she will never deliver on these. BTW, most of these are just her increasing inflation by printing more money out of thin air and throwing it around in order to buy votes.

Cut Taxes for Middle Class Families

Biden promised he would not raise taxes on anyone earning less than $400,000, and i don't see Trump wanting to raise people's taxes in that income level either. So this in an empty promise. She will increase spending, which will increase inflation, so...

Make Rent More Affordable and Home Ownership More Attainable

How it she going to wave her wand and lower rent? She wants to just give away $25,000 to all first time home buyers? Only counting first time home buyers averages out to around 2,000,000 home buyers each year, coming to a total of 50,000,000,000, that's fifty Billion dollars each year!!!

Grow Small Businesses and Invest in Entrepreneurs

A woman who has no clue how to run a business or make a payroll is just going to magically "increase access to capital" and grow businesses? How, by snapping her fingers?

Take on Bad Actors and Bring Down Costs

So, she's going to engage in selective price controls. Gee, now she can pick the winners and losers. I wonder if the winners will be her social and political allies, and the losers will be those with wrong think. :think:

Strengthen and Bring Down the Cost of Health Care

I thought Obama already did this. Why is she even talking about doing this? The last time Obama said he'd bring down health costs, the premiums, quality of care and consumer costs only got worse. Costs were actually flattening out under Trump, then rose sharply again under Harris/Biden.

Figure 5 - Cumulative Growth in Per Enrolled Person Spending by Private Insurance, Medicare, and Medicaid, 2008-2022

Protect and Strengthen Social Security and Medicare

This is her most vapid and political item yet. Trump has not engaged in "relentless attacks against Social Security and Medicare."

Support American Innovation and Workers

"the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the American Rescue Plan" have been failures, and even caused much of the inflation we see today.

She's stating here that she wants to print and spend even more taxpayer dollars, and sink the value of the dollar even more.

Provide a Pathway to the Middle Class Through Quality, Affordable Education

Seriously, more promises to pay for federally funded child care and preschool? She also wants to buy more votes with hundreds of billions of printed taxpayer dollars to pay off more student loans??

Where are her foreign policies? Does she not realize that we have serious conflicts and regional wars going on in the Middle East and Europe? Oh yeah, she cannot say where she stands on Israel or Gaza, because she's afraid to say what she thinks, so she wants people to continue to make their own assumptions.
Every day conservatives wake up desperate to find something to be outraged about :rolleyes:

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