Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

They just went through the chain of custody procedure. Double custody witnessed by an appointed Democrat and Republican representative at all times. Everything is scanned now. Technology!

Plaintiff's case did not cite any actual denials of vote or bad votes that we're counted. Why on earth are they wasting state court time?

This is a superb moment to just sit back....and watch.

We have an opportunity to watch the process of MAGA denial, of desperate and willful ignorance, of completely ignorance of the law, of dismissal of overwhelming evidence......

.....and see a new conspiracy born in real time.
All you are saying is that it is alright to cheat when you can get away with it. Typical anti-American mindset.

Actually, no. Republican observers just confirmed that chain of custody was fine.

Get your tinfoil and tissue ready, Last. The MAGA tears are comin'
Your opinion of the hearings you did not watch and know nothing about is worthless.
/——-/ There was no need to watch that farce.
That's not accurate. Those ballots were still counted.

But he'll ignore that. This is how conspiracies work. When they run into a theory destroying piece of evidence, they just pretend it never existed.

Remember this when assessing their 2020 election Big LiIe. Its the exact same failed process. You get to see it from the beginning.

Like a festering turd taking its first fetid steps.
/——-/ There was no need to watch that farce. View attachment 741191
Haha, you embarrass yourself. You call it a farce, while knowing nothing about it.

Just as your masters told you to do.

Which they did, because they didn't want you to watch and decide for yourself.

They count on you to be a good little angry, obedient, and ignorant sheep. That is what they think of you.

Don't ever forget that.
Actually, no. Republican observers just confirmed that chain of custody was fine.

Get your tinfoil and tissue ready, Last. The MAGA tears are comin'
They still need official documents. What they say is not good enough, and those documents should be done by now.
They still need official documents. What they say is not good enough, and those documents should be done by now.

They have official documents, signed.

The chain of custody argument just landed like a lead balloon.

Get your tissues ready, Last.
Are you a judge now? Where did you get your legal degree?

I can't watch the republican observers testify that chain of custody was followed?

And when Kari fails.......how will you deal? What conspiracy will you invent to excuse your profound lack of judgment in believing her steaming fantasy bullshit?

And will you be upset if I point and laugh at you?

Well, again.
Just confirmed the issue being argued about is 1,300 ballots only. Those were then counted by a bipartisan team overseeing.

As an old fart I laughed when the long haired plaintiff atty asked for the "preplanned 50 year old man afternoon break.",👴
Well MAGA MAGGOT, all you have is twitter post from a MAGA Bimbo. She offers no proof. Her word ain't enough. Meanwhile in Georgia, a ReNaziKlan by the of Ferguson committed real Election Fraud by THREE FUCKING TIMES IN A COUNTY HE LONGER LIVES IN.


You sound scared.

I can't watch the republican observers testify that chain of custody was followed?

And when Kari fails.......how will you deal? What conspiracy will you invent to excuse your profound lack of judgment in believing her steaming fantasy bullshit?

And will you be upset if I point and laugh at you?

Well, again.
It is not a fantasy. Those machines failed. 19 inch ballots will be rejected every time.
Nothing burger. This whole thread and linked videos are words salad of words that make zero accusations or points.

Its not meant to make sense. Its meant to appeal to the unearned sense of entitlement of conservatives who demand power the people didn't choose them for.
It is not a fantasy. Those machines failed. 19 inch ballots will be rejected every time.

The machines definitely had problems. So the county used back up means to count the same votes.

Where's the fraud? Where's the disenfranchisement?

And most importantly, why aren't you asking these obvious questions?
Meanwhile, worldwide vaccinations down, COVID cases and deaths up, hopefully easing again.. Yes, it's all still being reported.
Rising cases and deaths in New jersey and Long Island, NY; Montana, Arizona, Illinois, and Nebraska..

Well, you can change that by making sure you get to WalMart to get your weekly booster, mudblood.


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