Kari Lake calls for imprisoning Maricopa County election officials

At 8:50 of this video they explained how they dealt with ballots that wouldn't scan.

They were put in the blue box under the scanner and would be counted later, POINT, SET, AND MATCH!!!

Yes. They were counted under the supervision of a bipartisan team. This is your claim to fame? Also 1,300 is less than the difference. Also plaintiff did not show intent which was required. No wonder you people think Trump won.
Yes. They were counted under the supervision of a bipartisan team. This is your claim to fame? Also 1,300 is less than the difference. Also plaintiff did not show intent which was required. No wonder you people think Trump won.
Bipartisan to Democrats means one thing.....to be bipartisan it means everyone thinks the same. If you become a problem to Democrats when they're fucking up the count....they have you removed from the building. This happens whenever the Dems are up to something.

FYI, Democraps call all of their bills bipartisan as long as they can bribe one RINO into voting for it.

Your problem is you actually believe compulsive liars that can't win unless they steal elections.
Bipartisan to Democrats means one thing.....to be bipartisan it means everyone thinks the same. If you become a problem to Democrats when they're fucking up the count....they have you removed from the building. This happens whenever the Dems are up to something.

FYI, Democraps call all of their bills bipartisan as long as they can bribe one RINO into voting for it.

Your problem is you actually believe compulsive liars that can't win unless they steal elections.
Republican and Democrat. Do you even try to educate yourself?
I watched the whole thing.
Wow. I'm proud of you.
The reason Kari Lake is suing them is because those assholes were fucking with the ballots.
Nothing they say can be trusted, especially since Bill Gates (speaking in the video) showed malice toward MAGA and is a well-known Never Trumper Republican.

"Most of our readers know Microsoft founder Bill Gates is a eugenicist and globalist who adored Jeffrey Epstein and wants most people in the world to die quickly. But there's another evil Bill Gates who has the polish of a practiced politician. The Maricopa County Supervisor seems willing to do anything he can to help Democrats retain power in Arizona.

His latest attempt to "debunk" claims of Election Day shenanigans that flipped the vote to favor Democrats would be laughable if it wasn't so destructive. He wanted to defuse complaints that the election was rigged, whether intentionally or due to an inexplicable string of malfunctions, to help Democrats win. His argument is that the problems that took place "coincidentally" at 70 polling places on Election Day were spread out across the county, so therefore there was nothing favoring Democrats. Watch:

Twitter avatar for @maricopacounty
Maricopa County @maricopacounty
NEW: Chairman @billgatesaz directly addresses a claim being made about printer issues that impacted less than 7% of Election Day ballots. “I hate that this happened…but that does not constitute voter suppression. We know what voter suppression looks like in this country.” 1/2

8:58 PM ∙ Nov 19, 2022

What Gates doesn't say is that Election Day voters favored Republicans 3-to-1 regardless of geography. They knew that. It's why the machines were able to perfectly count mail-in ballots. It's why the tabulators were all working the day before. It's why they suddenly and "coincidentally" broke when a bulk of Republican voters were attempting to exercise their rights.

This guys is a creep and the people know.
And what you’re doing is continuing to attack democracy; indeed, the lawless neo-fascist right is our greatest threat to democracy.

Wrong, asshole. Only fascists demand, as you do, that you question nothing that your masters tell you. That you accept whatever shit they shovel down your throat.

Thinking people (leaves you out) have questions. ONLY fascists demand that you have no questions, nor have the temerity to ask them.
Yeah, it was. Unlike you retards we don't riot and burn stuff down.

But, cupcake, when we figure that the corruption is too great....you will see a very different response.

We don't want violence. We are working hard to prevent violence.

You should be thankful that we aren't like you.
The 2020 General Election was fair, accurate, lawful, honest, Constitutional and in no manner ‘stolen’; President Biden is the true, legitimate president.

Trump failed to win reelection, rejected by the majority of the voters – and thankfully so.

Likewise, Lake lost a fair, accurate, lawful, honest, Constitutional election; there was no ‘cheating,’ nothing was ‘stolen,’ and every vote was counted.

That you and others on the dishonest, illiberal, anti-democratic right don’t like these facts is irrelevant.
What’s confirmed is that you’re a liar along with the rest of the dishonest right.

No, what is confirmed is you are an unthinking drone, incapable of doing anything but repeating what your masters tell you.

You must hope to be a camp guard some day.
The 2020 General Election was fair, accurate, lawful, honest, Constitutional and in no manner ‘stolen’; President Biden is the true, legitimate president.

Trump failed to win reelection, rejected by the majority of the voters – and thankfully so.

Likewise, Lake lost a fair, accurate, lawful, honest, Constitutional election; there was no ‘cheating,’ nothing was ‘stolen,’ and every vote was counted.

That you and others on the dishonest, illiberal, anti-democratic right don’t like these facts is irrelevant.

No, it wasn't. And your incessant demand that we not question the numerous irregularities, and outright proven fraud is indicative of your weak mind.

I find it hilarious that YOUR people could question every election and nary a peep out of your fascist ass, yet we ask the very same questions and you claim we are a threat to democracy.

You are a fool, and a jackass.
That's not what I've read, IDIOT!@!!!

They said if your ballot was rejected after several tries they put it in the infamous blue box to be counted later.


Some were told to go to the next polling station when they had constantly rejected their ballots and were told there tough shit. You already voted.


But Maricopa County official says even if that happened, it would not matter. The votes eventually would have been counted anyway, including those for Republican Kari Lake, who is challenging tucson.com

Parikh, permitted by the court to examine some of the ballots, said he found a number of the sample were printed out to just 19 inches, leaving excess area along the borders. In a Twitter post, Lake said that was 48 of 113 examined ballots.

That is significant, Parikh said, because there would be no way for the tabulators, either at vote centers or at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center, to read and tally them.
“Is there any way, in your opinion, for a 19-inch ballot image to be projected onto a 20-inch ballot by accident?’’ asked Lake attorney Kurt Olson.

“No, sir,’’ Parikh responded. “The settings and the configurations and the procedures that are used cannot allow that,’’ he continued. “These are not a bump up against the printer and the settings change.’’

Liddy, however, said the printer could have been placed in a “shrink to fit’’ mode.

More to the point, he suggested there is a flaw in Parikh’s contention that votes were not counted.

If a 19-inch printed ballot would not be read by tabulators, as with all unreadable ballots, just like any others with things like stray marks or tears, would be manually duplicated by election workers into a new ballot that could be scanned. Parikh confirmed he had seen only the original ballots, not the duplicates.

“Whether it’s accidental or inadvertent, if the shrink-to-fit 19-inch ballot has to be duplicated, once it’s duplicated, would it be tabulated?’’ Liddy asked. “I’m unable to answer your question,’’ Parikh responded.
At 8:50 of this video they explained how they dealt with ballots that wouldn't scan.

They were put in the blue box under the scanner and would be counted later, POINT, SET, AND MATCH!!!


You made my point -- and counted later. That's what the defense presented in court.

Bipartisan to Democrats means one thing.....to be bipartisan it means everyone thinks the same. If you become a problem to Democrats when they're fucking up the count....they have you removed from the building. This happens whenever the Dems are up to something.

FYI, Democraps call all of their bills bipartisan as long as they can bribe one RINO into voting for it.

Your problem is you actually believe compulsive liars that can't win unless they steal elections.

Bipartisan means a Democrat and a Republican.
No, what is confirmed is you are an unthinking drone, incapable of doing anything but repeating what your masters tell you.

You must hope to be a camp guard some day.
The best defense to what Democrats are doing is the outrageous level of it.

The more bold, rotten, and underhanded they become....the less likely their supporters and independents will believe that they could be that rotten and underhanded.


Such is the violent, lawless, neo-fascist right – enemies of democracy, the Constitution, and the American people.
Yep....Biden said yesterday that we need to get rid of the poison in Washington.....most of which he is directly responsible for.
Your post pretty much illustrated it.

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