Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Threads -- Monday Sept 24th 2018

Hmmmm....all these women are leftist.
But I'm sure thats just a coincidence.

And they all waited decades right before the confirmation

Just another coincidence....lol

That might be the most damning evidence against the accusers of all. If they’d come forward during the hearings and/or right after Trump announced Kavanaugh as his selection their stories would be more believable just by that one simple thing.

That said, there’s more than enough reasonable doubt regarding the accusations and that alone should be enough for them to be dismissed. Accusations ≠ guilt and I’m dumbfounded at how many people seem to think otherwise.

A society whose members can’t look at things objectively is doomed.
Libs are absurd "crutches for assaulters" . Obviously such assaulters like Keith E. Use their "POGO" friends to leap over the allegations . Hey Diane and friends! You should wear your Pussy hats on Thursday we all need a good laugh to go along with the Leftist Shtick ! POGO can wear one too! Lets Push the Stop button and Investigate every member of Senate and Congress for some unverifiable complaint from women in their lives, For that matter women are normally forgotten as Abusive in relationships when we all know it crosses Gender lines" Well everyone but Democrats that is".
The Democrats are playing a very dangerous game here. I don't think they realize the pushback they're inviting.
Dangerous game? Pushback? Pray tell, how?
How dare women resist against men who want to touch them and force themselves on them......that's what we are hearing here.

How dare straight men defend themselves against false allegations.

That’s what we are hearing here.

Exactly. Bodecea believes accusation = guilt. I wonder if he/she was accused of something they didn’t do and put under the microscope if he/she would still feel the same.
The fact that Soros's Party dragged another fake accusation out of the muck will actually be a good thing.

Once Trump takes out the Failed Coup plotters and most of the leadership and ownership of the democrat Party, he can properly go after the FakeNews Establishment for backing these obviously phony charges as if they were real.

He doesn't even have to arrest any of the reporters, like Obama threatened -- just daylight them!


USS LMSM Credibility hit amidship and listing badly to port!


You must believe the dozen or so #metoo women who have named Trump as their sexual assaulter really beautiful too. Why do you hate women?
No, drinking games among freshmen in college are not "bizarre."

Prove it happenned, no more hearsay, fucking proof and if you cant provide it stfu

You loons are pathetic
Good...you support a full FBI investigation of these allegations......I wonder why Kavanaugh and the GOP does not.

Because the FBI has no jurisdiction over local cases from 30+ years ago....

The FBI had jurisdiction in the Hill/Thomas accusations because they allegedly happened at a federal agency.
Jurisdiction for prosecution....what is wrong with investigating the truth in these matters like they did with Clarence Thomas? What is the GOP afraid of?

Again, the accusations were about something that happened at a federal agency, involving federal employees.

If you want to investigate, fine, find the appropriate authority, and use it to impeach Kavenaugh when the investigation is completed if you can prove any of it.

Until then, this is just a stalling tactic and the worst form of politics.

The FBI conducts background checks on all nominees to the federal judiciary. The federal employee thing is a red mackerel.
Kavanaugh Now Under Assault by a Pack of Rabid Animals
DB Daily Update ^ | David Blackmon

Today’s Campaign Update (Because The Campaign Never Ends)

So it’s not the Clarence Thomas playbook after all, it’s the Roy Moore playbook. – The Campaign Update was wrong 10 days ago when it noted that the Democrats were going to give Brett Kavanaugh the Clarence Thomas treatment, and mount another “high-tech lynching” to gin up their demented voter base. Instead, as Sunday’s events clearly demonstrate, it’s the Roy Moore treatment instead.

Which makes sense when you think about it: The Democrat effort to kill the Clarence Thomas nomination by bringing forward a single accuser spinning tall tales was an abject failure at the end of the day. But the effort to kill Roy Moore and steal the Alabama senate seat he was seeking by digging up multiple women willing to accuse him of bad behavior more than 30 years ago was a resounding success.

The first new accuser came to us late Sunday afternoon via Ronan Farrow and some other fakenewser at The New Yorker, who give us the tall tale that Judge Kavanaugh “exposed himself” at some frat party in 1983. Very predictably, the accuser admits she was drunk, can’t remember key details (sound familiar?) and also admits that she had to “assess my memory” and “consult my lawyer” for no fewer than…wait for it…SIX DAYS before coming forward with her “story.” I swear I don’t make this stuff up – who could?

Even better, one has to read a full 1,000 words into the New Yorker story to find this admission that gives the lie to the entire piece:

So, you call yourself a journalist, you contact by your own admission “several dozen” people who were supposed to have been at the party in question, not one of them can confirm any aspect of the accuser’s story – not even the allegation that Kavanaugh was in fact at the party – and after all that epic failure to confirm your “story”, you just decide to throw it out there and pray nobody bothers to read past the first 999 words. In a sane world, where the concept of “journalistic integrity” was still actually a thing, The New Yorker would fire everyone involved in this story. But hey, it’s terrific clickbait, so they’ll probably all get bonuses.

Oh, but it gets even better. This yarn, spun by a rabid anti-Trump activist who claims to have attended Yale at the same time as Kavanaugh back in the dark ages of disco and punk rock, is so specious and obviously false that, before Farrow decided to run with it, it was turned down by the shameless fake news hacks at NBC, the New York Times and the Washington Post! This obvious hatchet job is a stain on the dead profession of journalism.

But, as the great Ron Popeil would say, “But that’s not all – there’s more!”

Admit it: You just knew the creepy porn lawyer would find some way to get his name involved in all of this, right? C’mon, sure you did.

That’s right, Michael Avenatti, who is trying to turn his representation of porn star Stormy Daniels into a Democrat presidential campaign – because, hey, these idiots voted for both Bill and Hillary Clinton, so why not a creepy porn lawyer, right? – claims he has a client who will blow the lid off of this entire circus, which quite honestly would be sort of a relief at this point.

Avenatti made his announcement on Twitter – because of course he did – claiming that he is “aware of significant evidence of multiple house parties in the Washington, D.C. area during the early 1980s, during which Brett Kavanagh, Mark Judge and others would participate in the targeting of women with alcohol/drugs to allow a ‘train’ of men to subsequently gang rape them.”

So think about this: Other than these rabid anti-Republican activist accusers, literally no one who can actually be shown to have known Judge Kavanaugh has anything bad to say about him at all, not even contemporaries who describe themselves as “life-long friends” of Christine Ford. But, under our brave new #MeToo rules, we as a society are supposed to just believe these accusers and their extremely expensive lawyers who are most certainly being paid by some shadowy activist group funded by George Soros and/or Tom Steyer, for the sole reason that they happen to be women. Oh, but, also under our brave new rules, we aren’t supposed to even call them “women” because that’s all gender-discriminatory or something.

It’s all so confusing. And evil.

Thankfully, we had despicable Dianne Feinstein to jump in and provide the day’s comic relief. The doddering, evil Senator from California first released a copy of a copy of what she claims to be the “unredacted” version of the letter she received from Christine Ford way back in July and then sat on for two months. In this “copy” of the original letter, the first sentence of the 2nd paragraph – which was blacked out in the original version Feinstein provided to the Judiciary Committee – is in a different font than the rest of the letter, and has obviously been altered.

That is the key sentence, which now reads: “Brett Kavanaugh physically and sexually assaulted me during high school in the early 1980s.” There will of course be no word from Sen. Feinstein’s on what the original letter actually said.

To make her day even more hysterically funny, Senator Feinstein next issued a letter in response to the new allegations against Kavanaugh, in which she very predictably calls for the cancellation of the hearing scheduled for this Thursday. The third and final paragraph begins with this sentence: “It is time to set politics aside.”


Dianne Feinstein is a purely evil human being – there is simply no other way to assess the role she has played in this systematic destruction of a good man’s character for purely political gain.

Many – even some Republicans – are urging Kavanaugh to withdraw his nomination in light of these new, obviously false accusations. But that won’t do him any good. What Kavanaugh and everyone else needs to recognize here is that the Democrats are a pack of rabid animals at this point. They smell blood and they are not going to be satisfied with simply keeping Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court. They are out to literally destroy him as a judge and as a person.

These rabid pack animals will not stop until one of two things happens:

Chuck Grassley, Mitch McConnell and the rest of the Senate Republicans grow some huevos and put a stop to this nonsense by confirming this extremely well-qualified candidate to the Supreme Court; or Judge Kavanaugh pulls his nomination, resigns his appellate court seat and disappears entirely from public life. If the latter happens, then there probably will be a huge “Blue Wave” at the ballot box in November, because the GOP base will surely not bother to turn out to vote for a bunch of cowardly weasels on Election Day. If the GOP can’t even confirm a Supreme Court nominee with a Senate majority, then what good are they?

This week determines the election, one way or another. The Democrats know this – that’s what this entire circus has been all about.

But it’s not just about the election – much, much more is at stake here. We are either going to remain a Constitutional republic in which the rules of evidence and presumption of innocence still apply, or we are going to completely give in to this dangerous #MeToo paradigm in which any man’s entire life can be destroyed by the simple fact of an accusation leveled by a person who possesses female genitalia.

Our nation’s entire future is at stake here, and that is not an overstatement. Sadly, there is no way to know if McConnell, Grassley or any other senate Republican has figured this out, or even gives a damn if they have.

That is all.

And they are such bizzare allegations it's pathetic
No, drinking games among freshmen in college are not "bizarre."

Prove it happenned, no more hearsay, fucking proof and if you cant provide it stfu

You loons are pathetic
Good...you support a full FBI investigation of these allegations......I wonder why Kavanaugh and the GOP does not.

What, exactly, are they going to investigate? How do you investigate something like this? It’s all based on hearsay.
Prove it happenned, no more hearsay, fucking proof and if you cant provide it stfu

You loons are pathetic
Good...you support a full FBI investigation of these allegations......I wonder why Kavanaugh and the GOP does not.

Because the FBI has no jurisdiction over local cases from 30+ years ago....

The FBI had jurisdiction in the Hill/Thomas accusations because they allegedly happened at a federal agency.
Jurisdiction for prosecution....what is wrong with investigating the truth in these matters like they did with Clarence Thomas? What is the GOP afraid of?

Again, the accusations were about something that happened at a federal agency, involving federal employees.

If you want to investigate, fine, find the appropriate authority, and use it to impeach Kavenaugh when the investigation is completed if you can prove any of it.

Until then, this is just a stalling tactic and the worst form of politics.

The FBI conducts background checks on all nominees to the federal judiciary. The federal employee thing is a red mackerel.

A background check is not an "investigation"

A background check relies on documentation from other agencies and government bodies, as well as interviews with select people to corroborate any documentation provided.

Kavenaugh has already been through numerous background checks by the FBI due to his multiple involvements with federal positions.
Why can't our Republican leadership Grow What you describe so eloquently. They are all part of the Hypocrisy of PC. It's okay to crucify a middle aged white man for some Unverifiable
The Democrats are playing a very dangerous game here. I don't think they realize the pushback they're inviting.
Dangerous game? Pushback? Pray tell, how?
How dare women resist against men who want to touch them and force themselves on them......that's what we are hearing here.

How dare straight men defend themselves against false allegations.

That’s what we are hearing here.

Exactly. Bodecea believes accusation = guilt. I wonder if he/she was accused of something they didn’t do and put under the microscope if he/she would still feel the same.

Oh my, then it would be completely different. She would feel completely different
The fact that Soros's Party dragged another fake accusation out of the muck will actually be a good thing.

Once Trump takes out the Failed Coup plotters and most of the leadership and ownership of the democrat Party, he can properly go after the FakeNews Establishment for backing these obviously phony charges as if they were real.

He doesn't even have to arrest any of the reporters, like Obama threatened -- just daylight them!


USS LMSM Credibility hit amidship and listing badly to port!


You must believe the dozen or so #metoo women who have named Trump as their sexual assaulter really beautiful too. Why do you hate women?

None of them reported any "assault" to the police. It's retroactive "assault" based upon Trump's ascendancy to the Presidency. Trump was no Bill Clinton
Dangerous game? Pushback? Pray tell, how?
How dare women resist against men who want to touch them and force themselves on them......that's what we are hearing here.

How dare straight men defend themselves against false allegations.

That’s what we are hearing here.

So its ok for a "straight" man to force himself on a female?

What part of false is hard to understand?
What part of let's investigate to see if that's true doesn't the GOP understand?

What part of “there’s nothing to investigate” don’t you understand? This didn’t fucking happen yesterday. Physical evidence is impossible to acquire. All they have are witnesses with a whole bunch of he said, she said. How do you suppose they’ll draw conclusions with pretty much only hearsay to investigate?

Do you think they should investigate the womens’ backgrounds to decipher whether or not they have motivations to claim falsehoods about Kavanaugh? Would that be part of the investigation?
Why can't our Republican leadership Grow What you describe so eloquently. They are all part of the Hypocrisy of PC. It's okay to crucify a middle aged white man for some Unverifiable action 36 yrs ago but you can't even raise the issue of a Black man DNC member who is accused of much worse with verifiable evidence' I know I'll be ripped for saying black man how disrespectful of me. I've been called a lot worse than the color of my skin by many people with different colored skin than white. I'm just sayin It's never been about This woman's "pain" or Ellison would be an "outcast" don't you agree america
Prove it happenned, no more hearsay, fucking proof and if you cant provide it stfu

You loons are pathetic
Good...you support a full FBI investigation of these allegations......I wonder why Kavanaugh and the GOP does not.

Because the FBI has no jurisdiction over local cases from 30+ years ago....

The FBI had jurisdiction in the Hill/Thomas accusations because they allegedly happened at a federal agency.
Jurisdiction for prosecution....what is wrong with investigating the truth in these matters like they did with Clarence Thomas? What is the GOP afraid of?

Again, the accusations were about something that happened at a federal agency, involving federal employees.

If you want to investigate, fine, find the appropriate authority, and use it to impeach Kavenaugh when the investigation is completed if you can prove any of it.

Until then, this is just a stalling tactic and the worst form of politics.

The FBI conducts background checks on all nominees to the federal judiciary. The federal employee thing is a red mackerel.

Ummmmm, no
We have to get people out to vote first.

If Dems win the house all we’ve worked for is over. If they win the senate it’s even worse
Voting is crucial because honestly we are in the midst of a soft Civil War between Globalist Marxist, and American Citizens who still value Individual Liberties and National Sovereignty.
If reality is as you all pant it then why are you worried about congress? Reps should win the house and senate in a landslide, shouldn’t they? Or is the fake news media hiding reality from Americans and influencing the election?
Brett Kavanaugh's prospects of being confirmed to the Supreme Court suffered another major setback on Sunday night when a second woman accused him of sexual assault decades ago, and a prominent lawyer took to Twitter claiming a third woman has "credible information" on the high court nominee.

Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are investigating another allegation of sexual assault against Kavanaugh, according to The New Yorker. Deborah Ramirez, who is 53, told the magazine that when Kavanaugh was a freshman at Yale in the 1983-84 academic school year, she remembers that he “exposed himself at a drunken dormitory party, thrust his penis in her face, and caused her to touch it without her consent as she pushed him away.”

Kavanaugh flatly denied the allegation, calling it a last-minute smear. But his confirmation now appears to be in serious doubt. Most Senate Republicans had vowed to push forward with his nomination after securing a Thursday hearing with Christine Blasey Ford, who went public a week ago with her allegation that Kavanaugh sexually attacked her at a high school party.- Source

When it rains, it pours. Poor Brett can't seem to get a break here.

These MUST be investigated and, if found to be false, the women should be jailed for ten years...plus their cats too!!!


But that’s the thing! These crimes aren’t provable or unprovable, not without physical evidence—which just adds to the suspicion the accusations are bullshit.

Look at how Anita Hill was treated, and it use to be much different for women accusing men of sexual assaults. In Maryland you had to prove you fought the man off. Can you imagine a young female at this time or any time, many rapes go unreported due to fear of retaliation, embarrassment of peers and family, and yet you are a female of what 34. You were in diapers when this happened, and only about 7 years old when Anita Hill was questioned.

Thank goodness for the women's liberation movement, as even high powered actresses are coming forward with Cosby, who by the way is being sentenced today. The year of 1992 was the year of the women, and today not one women GOP sits on the judicial committees side.

Women like RBG participated in the women liberation movement. You have it good as a woman today , due to all who came before you and the women who are coming forward today.

Am I really reading what I think I’m reading? Are you actually saying it’s a woman’s right to ASSIGN GUILT?

NO ONE, regardless of sex, has the right to assign guilt by accusation. This isn’t about women’s rights. It’s about human rights and upholding the principles of law in America, like innocent until proven guilty and guilt needs to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
We have to get people out to vote first.

If Dems win the house all we’ve worked for is over. If they win the senate it’s even worse
Voting is crucial because honestly we are in the midst of a soft Civil War between Globalist Marxist, and American Citizens who still value Individual Liberties and National Sovereignty.
If reality is as you all pant it then why are you worried about congress? Reps should win the house and senate in a landslide, shouldn’t they? Or is the fake news media hiding reality from Americans and influencing the election?
I'm not.
with this I agree Socialists, leftists, progressives, Marxists, Nationalist Socialists(NAZIS). "All the same" Ideology what part of these things don't intelligent people get. The goal of Socialism is to control the Thoughts, Actions, beliefs of "EVERYBODY" but the Ruling elite Think of "STALIN" Communist, "Adolf Hitler" National Socialist, "Pinochet" Socialist, They all lived lavishly while suppressing the Masses. Sounds like a lot of our Politicians in Washington who are working for the "people" and "socialist justice"

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