Kay Bailey Hutchison: Obama Has A 'Bias' Against Texas

When did that bomb throwing moonbat ever have credibility? .......:eusa_whistle:

*NEVER* He's an asshat on the PUBLIC DOLE...Swallow is a fucking MOOCHER. Many of YOU pay For his life...

You are a fucking faggot.

I've paid for more of your beers then Carter has liver pills.

I've been working since the age of 9...and now I am 50. Never been unemployed for more then 1 year aggregated total in all that time. And thats through all my school years as well.

So fuck you - you little prissy pants foul mouthed alcoholic cum swallower.

Keep it up. I'm THIS close to registering Democrat. :lol:
She and Jan Brewer need to have tea.

Hutchison is a stupid twat. She is no different then Dick Perry. And she nor Cornin have any room to even mention illegal immigration or tax money considering they both voted YES to amnesty and YES on stimulus when they were voted on.
YouTube - ‪Texas Sovereignty or Secession Rally - Larry Kilgore‬‏
YouTube - ‪Rick Perry / Austin Tea Party ::: On Secession and "Right Wing Extremism"‬‏
A juror's doubts – Anderson Cooper 360 - CNN.com Blogs

You find me a governor of New York that's been talking about Secession. Or a rally including a candidate for governor that yelling about how much he hates the flag and the government of the United States. While you're at it..find me a governor who had compelling evidence that the guy he's sending to death might be innocent..and yet he sends them to death anyway.

That losing candidate for Governor did sound a lot like Obama's preacher of 20 years. Both of them are losers.

Might be innocent means doesn't mean anything since he was found guilty by a jury in a court of law. What don't you understand about guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.? And, the Governor of Texas does not send anyone to death, the Judicial system does. Under Texas state law, the Governor can delay but not prevent the death penalty from being carried out.

Here is one of your heroes showboating to get the pro death penalty vote.

While campaigning for U.S. President, the then Governor Clinton returned to Arkansas to see that Ricky Ray Rector would be executed. After killing a police officer and a civilian, Rector shot himself in the head, leading to what his lawyers said was a state where he could still talk but did not understand the idea of death. According to Arkansas state and Federal law, a seriously mentally impaired inmate cannot be executed. The courts disagreed with the allegation of grave mental impairment and allowed the execution. Clinton's return to Arkansas for the execution was framed in a The New York Times article as a possible political move to counter "soft on crime" accusations.

As to Wright? No he doesn't. If you listened to the whole sermon, Wright was angry about the despicable treatment of Black people in America. And in some regions, that still continues today. Wright was a Veteran..and suffered discrimination directly. And Wright isn't talking about spliting up the United States. In fact the very last time that was talked about was during the Civil War..when States wanted to protect their right to own other people. Oddly enough, Black people. And even more Oddly enough..one of those states that joined in that incredibly vile movement..was Texas. 600K Americans died in that conflict. And Oddly enough..a Texas Governor..which is not some baptist minister with no power whatsoever..is talking about secession. That's treason. Being angry about the poor treatment of people of your same skin color..is being angry about the poor treatment of people of your same skin color.

And as to executing a brain impaired murderer of 2 people, one being a cop..and the brain injury being the result of a self inflicted wound. Fuck him. The state should be allowed to finish the job.

Wright’s church's mission statement is based upon systematized Black liberation theology that started with the works of James Hal Cone.
Because of the differences in thought between the black and white community, most black religious leaders attempt to make their services more accessible to other African-Americans, who must identify with the faith in order to accept it. Another notable difference is Cone's suggestion as to what must occur if there is not reconcilition among the white community. He states, "Whether the American system is beyond redemption we will have to wait and see. But we can be certain that black patience has run out, and unless white America responds positively to the theory and activity of Black Power, then a bloody, protracted civil war is inevitable."

Are you ready to fight Rev Wrights followers in a "bloody, protracted civil war?" Which side will you be on?
Texas has a booming economy and their unemployment rates have been below the national average for over a decade.

Apparently many people view Texas as a good place to seek employment and to move to. Over 900k people have moved to Texas from other parts of the country and abroad since 2000...which will be leading them to gain more house appointments and electorial votes (while NY,as an example, will be losing some of theirs due to people leaving the state in droves...due to the high cost of living).

Texas does have an unemployment rate below the national average. It's also one of the poorest states in the country. It has one of the highest rates of people lacking health insurance. It has the second lowest percentage of residents who lack a high school diploma.

Also, you need to check your population stats. Texas gained seats because it grew faster than other states. The only state to lose population was Michigan.

Not true!

The 435 seats in the House of Representatives are divided among the states every 10 years based on new Census data. A look at states that could possibly gain or lose if reapportionment occurred today. Number of House seats in parenthesis:


Texas (32): 4 possible seats gained

Florida (25): 2 possible seats gained

Arizona (8): 1 possible seat gained

Georgia (3): 1 possible seat gained

Nevada (3): 1 possible seat gained

South Carolina (6): 1 possible seat gained

Utah (3): 1 possible seat gained

Washington (9): 1 possible seat gained


New York (29): 2 possible seats lost

Ohio (18): 2 possible seats lost

Illinois (19): 1 possible seat lost

Iowa (5): 1 possible seat lost

Louisiana (7): 1 possible seat lost

Massachusetts (10): 1 possible seat lost

Michigan (15): 1 possible seat lost

Missouri (9): 1 possible seat lost

New Jersey (13): 1 possible seat lost

Pennsylvania (19): 1 possible seat

Interesting list. Hope you are not assuming that additional population are loyal republican voters. Increases in population in Texas, Florida and Arizona are primarily Hispanic voters. Recent ant-Hispanic legislation passed by Republicans does not endear them to Hispanics
That losing candidate for Governor did sound a lot like Obama's preacher of 20 years. Both of them are losers.

Might be innocent means doesn't mean anything since he was found guilty by a jury in a court of law. What don't you understand about guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.? And, the Governor of Texas does not send anyone to death, the Judicial system does. Under Texas state law, the Governor can delay but not prevent the death penalty from being carried out.

Here is one of your heroes showboating to get the pro death penalty vote.

As to Wright? No he doesn't. If you listened to the whole sermon, Wright was angry about the despicable treatment of Black people in America. And in some regions, that still continues today. Wright was a Veteran..and suffered discrimination directly. And Wright isn't talking about spliting up the United States. In fact the very last time that was talked about was during the Civil War..when States wanted to protect their right to own other people. Oddly enough, Black people. And even more Oddly enough..one of those states that joined in that incredibly vile movement..was Texas. 600K Americans died in that conflict. And Oddly enough..a Texas Governor..which is not some baptist minister with no power whatsoever..is talking about secession. That's treason. Being angry about the poor treatment of people of your same skin color..is being angry about the poor treatment of people of your same skin color.

And as to executing a brain impaired murderer of 2 people, one being a cop..and the brain injury being the result of a self inflicted wound. Fuck him. The state should be allowed to finish the job.

Wright’s church's mission statement is based upon systematized Black liberation theology that started with the works of James Hal Cone.
Because of the differences in thought between the black and white community, most black religious leaders attempt to make their services more accessible to other African-Americans, who must identify with the faith in order to accept it. Another notable difference is Cone's suggestion as to what must occur if there is not reconcilition among the white community. He states, "Whether the American system is beyond redemption we will have to wait and see. But we can be certain that black patience has run out, and unless white America responds positively to the theory and activity of Black Power, then a bloody, protracted civil war is inevitable."

Are you ready to fight Rev Wrights followers in a "bloody, protracted civil war?" Which side will you be on?

Again. They have some very real grievances. Conservatives are in the mode that recognizing history now constitutes racism. That's a laugh.

In no way. None. Can enough support among the Black Community be mustered to "fight a race war". If anything the Wright reaction is to a rejection by Conservative whites to allow black people to intergrate into society..at almost every turn. From the civil rights act to any attempt at Parity for generational degradation.

And conversely..that is not the case with Secession. A very real bloody war was fought over that.
Texas does have an unemployment rate below the national average. It's also one of the poorest states in the country. It has one of the highest rates of people lacking health insurance. It has the second lowest percentage of residents who lack a high school diploma.

Also, you need to check your population stats. Texas gained seats because it grew faster than other states. The only state to lose population was Michigan.

Not true!

The 435 seats in the House of Representatives are divided among the states every 10 years based on new Census data. A look at states that could possibly gain or lose if reapportionment occurred today. Number of House seats in parenthesis:


Texas (32): 4 possible seats gained

Florida (25): 2 possible seats gained

Arizona (8): 1 possible seat gained

Georgia (3): 1 possible seat gained

Nevada (3): 1 possible seat gained

South Carolina (6): 1 possible seat gained

Utah (3): 1 possible seat gained

Washington (9): 1 possible seat gained


New York (29): 2 possible seats lost

Ohio (18): 2 possible seats lost

Illinois (19): 1 possible seat lost

Iowa (5): 1 possible seat lost

Louisiana (7): 1 possible seat lost

Massachusetts (10): 1 possible seat lost

Michigan (15): 1 possible seat lost

Missouri (9): 1 possible seat lost

New Jersey (13): 1 possible seat lost

Pennsylvania (19): 1 possible seat

Interesting list. Hope you are not assuming that additional population are loyal republican voters. Increases in population in Texas, Florida and Arizona are primarily Hispanic voters. Recent ant-Hispanic legislation passed by Republicans does not endear them to Hispanics

It only pisses the illegal ones off so how they feel does not matter one bit. Fuck them. They are brought up every election and mean nothing every time because illegals cant vote.
Not true!

The 435 seats in the House of Representatives are divided among the states every 10 years based on new Census data. A look at states that could possibly gain or lose if reapportionment occurred today. Number of House seats in parenthesis:


Texas (32): 4 possible seats gained

Florida (25): 2 possible seats gained

Arizona (8): 1 possible seat gained

Georgia (3): 1 possible seat gained

Nevada (3): 1 possible seat gained

South Carolina (6): 1 possible seat gained

Utah (3): 1 possible seat gained

Washington (9): 1 possible seat gained


New York (29): 2 possible seats lost

Ohio (18): 2 possible seats lost

Illinois (19): 1 possible seat lost

Iowa (5): 1 possible seat lost

Louisiana (7): 1 possible seat lost

Massachusetts (10): 1 possible seat lost

Michigan (15): 1 possible seat lost

Missouri (9): 1 possible seat lost

New Jersey (13): 1 possible seat lost

Pennsylvania (19): 1 possible seat

Interesting list. Hope you are not assuming that additional population are loyal republican voters. Increases in population in Texas, Florida and Arizona are primarily Hispanic voters. Recent ant-Hispanic legislation passed by Republicans does not endear them to Hispanics

It only pisses the illegal ones off so how they feel does not matter one bit. Fuck them. They are brought up every election and mean nothing every time because illegals cant vote.

Not quite. It pisses off all Hispanic citizens when they are treated like criminals, when they are hassled by police and when they are denied employment based on their heritage

Look for Texas and Arizona to be blue states by the next decade
Recent ant-Hispanic legislation passed by Republicans does not endear them to Hispanics
No such thing. If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.

One only has to hear the rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know that Hispanics are not welcome by the Republicans
I beleive you meant to say, "One only has to hear the left-wing rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know the left wants Hispanics to think they're not welcome by the Republicans."
Interesting list. Hope you are not assuming that additional population are loyal republican voters. Increases in population in Texas, Florida and Arizona are primarily Hispanic voters. Recent ant-Hispanic legislation passed by Republicans does not endear them to Hispanics

It only pisses the illegal ones off so how they feel does not matter one bit. Fuck them. They are brought up every election and mean nothing every time because illegals cant vote.

Not quite. It pisses off all Hispanic citizens when they are treated like criminals, when they are hassled by police and when they are denied employment based on their heritage

Look for Texas and Arizona to be blue states by the next decade

Yep, thats what they have been saying since about 1983 and it is yet to happen anyware except California. You think all the Latinos here just wear sombreros and pick lettuce ? No, the legal ones are judges, cops, lawyers, construction workers, and generally folks who like to make money and not support free loaders like the illegals from Mexico. Stop listening to what "The Race" says. They represent a small chunk of Latin America. You know, the only chunk that matters, the legal ones.
Obama and libs hate Texas because it's a mostly white state, it executes murderers, it doesn't cater to illegals, oil is its prime business and there are ranchers/cowboys living the way of the West, not relying some DC politician for a handout.
No such thing. If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.

One only has to hear the rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know that Hispanics are not welcome by the Republicans
I beleive you meant to say, "One only has to hear the left-wing rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know the left wants Hispanics to think they're not welcome by the Republicans."

Most Republicans I know are Latino. Real Bush zombies.
Obama and libs hate Texas because it's a mostly white state, it executes murderers, it doesn't cater to illegals, oil is its prime business and there are ranchers/cowboys living the way of the West, not relying some DC politician for a handout.

Texas doesn't cater to illegals ? You sure about that ? Not relying on DC money ? You sure about that ?
One only has to hear the rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know that Hispanics are not welcome by the Republicans
I beleive you meant to say, "One only has to hear the left-wing rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know the left wants Hispanics to think they're not welcome by the Republicans."

Most Republicans I know are Latino. Real Bush zombies.
Do they feel unwelcome by the GOP?
No such thing. If you have to lie to make your point, your point isn't worth making.

One only has to hear the rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know that Hispanics are not welcome by the Republicans
I beleive you meant to say, "One only has to hear the left-wing rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know the left wants Hispanics to think they're not welcome by the Republicans."

Believe whatever you want

Hispanic voters have historically been conservative. The recent scape goating by extremists in the conservative movement does not sit well with Hispanic voters who think they are being singled out
Texas is overrun by illegals, but the state isn't like Kalifornia where they throw millions down the toilet supporting the illegals that overrun the state.

As for handouts, the ranchers/cowboys toiling in the wild west of TX aren't standing in line for their Obama money like the assholes inb Detroit, NYC, etc.

Obama and libs hate Texas because it's a mostly white state, it executes murderers, it doesn't cater to illegals, oil is its prime business and there are ranchers/cowboys living the way of the West, not relying some DC politician for a handout.

Texas doesn't cater to illegals ? You sure about that ? Not relying on DC money ? You sure about that ?
It only pisses the illegal ones off so how they feel does not matter one bit. Fuck them. They are brought up every election and mean nothing every time because illegals cant vote.

Not quite. It pisses off all Hispanic citizens when they are treated like criminals, when they are hassled by police and when they are denied employment based on their heritage

Look for Texas and Arizona to be blue states by the next decade

Yep, thats what they have been saying since about 1983 and it is yet to happen anyware except California. You think all the Latinos here just wear sombreros and pick lettuce ? No, the legal ones are judges, cops, lawyers, construction workers, and generally folks who like to make money and not support free loaders like the illegals from Mexico. Stop listening to what "The Race" says. They represent a small chunk of Latin America. You know, the only chunk that matters, the legal ones.

There is an element that's like that. But there is a larger element that recognizes bigotry when it sees it.

And Latinos are very conservative for the most part. The nativist faction of the Republican party are quickly pushing Latinos toward the Democratic party.
AMERICAN hispanics that are hard-working and law-abiding don't like libs that cater to illegals. They know libs are only after the "brown vote" and really don't give a damn about them....see the black community treatment by libs.

One only has to hear the rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know that Hispanics are not welcome by the Republicans
I beleive you meant to say, "One only has to hear the left-wing rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know the left wants Hispanics to think they're not welcome by the Republicans."

Believe whatever you want

Hispanic voters have historically been conservative. The recent scape goating by extremists in the conservative movement does not sit well with Hispanic voters who think they are being singled out
I beleive you meant to say, "One only has to hear the left-wing rhetoric coming out of Texas, Arizona and now Alabama to know the left wants Hispanics to think they're not welcome by the Republicans."

Most Republicans I know are Latino. Real Bush zombies.
Do they feel unwelcome by the GOP?

Bush was one of the few Republicans that were very favorable to Latinos. He gets real high marks for his attempts at immigration reform.

In my book that was a high mark for his administration. And a very reasonable approach.

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