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Butterfly Knife

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Wading boots

They are really called Waders. I worked at Life Link Corp. once where they made those boots. I was a silkscreener and would place the company logo on the back of the Croakies. While I worked there, I was trying to quit porno, but wouldn't you know it, the Life Link shop had pornography on the walls. I finally got fired, because I could not take it anymore and took down one of the pornographic pictures, cut it up quickly with an X-acto knife, and strolled out front and slipped it down the front of the dumpster.

My closest co-worker, a guy called Wes, must have seen me do something, because when I came back in from disposing of the porn image, Wes was in front of me, along with quite a few of the other workers in the shop. One of them even had a hammer in his hand and was pounding it on his palm. I ignored ALL of it. The greatest of supervisors just then, came walking by. Coincidence? Not on your life. I decided then, all this was not worth it... I calmly walked out of the building and cruzzed my '67 122S Volvo home to the safety of the heater in my basement apartment. That was a job I had taken after delivering pizza for Domino's, and I knew how cold the members could get. Because one time working at Domino's, they asked me to place flyers on people's doors. Hell yeah! I wasn't so stoked when I finished and my hands were almost frost bitten. That is why home is the best. I stepped into my bathroom and ran hot water on my frozen hands. I didn't know if it would aleve the pain, but it worked like a charm. I had regained use of my hands. Hallelujah! :D

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