Keep a Word Delete a Word 2.0

Fund Me (please) ;)

I'm a little short of cash right now, but I promise you when I win a million dollars I will give you a quarter of it. That will still leave me with $999,999.75.

Thanks for all your clever responses to this thread.

College Fund

Arrow Flies

( well, it doesn't hurt to ask! so what your saying is, you cant fund me a 25Cents until you win a million?....
.... wow, you really are short on cash!)
^^^^^^ Yuck!!

Baseball Bat

Fruit bats? They are cute!

Artillery Battery
Bat (out of) Hell................(Cheeky,but I claim,Artistic Licence) Apparently I have had over 33 Warnings!!!!!!!!!!so I'm sticking to this more moderate thread,because for me to venture forth and forthrightly means fini....I fear not...already I am blindfolded and bound....ready for my fate of climbing the ten steps to be Guillotined...Unlike the others(and there is a fair few I have been told) I fear not my step into the Darkness(of Hell) LOL ...but I still live...for

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