Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

CaféAuLait;2937061 said:
Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

MSNBC president Phil Griffin released the following statement Friday following the news that Keith Olbermann had donated to three Democratic candidates this election cycle:

Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

Ok correct me if I am wrong, but isn't this buffoon an opinion piece show? And even if he is not, what RIGHT does his job have to tell him who he can and can not support politically? He should sue them for infringing on his right to donate money to anyone he chooses. It is not like he endorsed them or made ads for them.
bout time they dumper him,rachel,you`re next

I for one want these people doing what they do and where they do it. The do not play well to rational people, and move more people away from their line of thinking than they attract to it; only people who are slightly out of kilter think they bring any sort of reason to the discourse of politics.

They are not even funny, which can be a saving grace

MSNBC is looking out for its own welfare and reputation, may be trying to re-assert itself as a reputable news service so as to be more viable before the coming showdown of Obama and his opponents.
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So MSNBC has some morals?

Good to hear, although I watrch no political pundits of any stripe.
There are a few things going on here: one is that Olbermann did violate NBC's rules against contributing to political campaigns (though many others getting an MSNBC paycheck apparently have as well -- more on this below). Another is that there's a history of tension between Griffin and Olbermann, who told the New Yorker in 2008, "Phil thinks he’s my boss." So it's possible MSNBC was looking for an excuse to fire Olbermann. And, finally, MSNBC may be making a play to show it has more integrity than Fox, whose parent company, News Corporation, gave $1 million each to the Chamber of Commerce and the Republican Governors Association.

MSNBC suspends Olbermann, flouts own policies - War Room -

Sounds like politics + office politics more than anything resembling principle
They're all a part of GE. The Washington Post and NBC are in bed with this Administration. Lots of cash to be made for GE if this Administration goes forward with their Global Warming scam. Look at their fluorescent light bulb debacle. People are now being poisoned from their new "Green" light bulbs. They're actually very dangerous. Hopefully their scam will be stopped by the Republicans. I guess we'll see though. People really should thank God the Republicans now have some say in our Government.
GE is soon to be their ex-parent company :eusa_shhh:
Well it appears that MSNBC thinks it's OK to be strickly a liberal propaganda machine but it's not OK to donate to active political campaigns. Would that be hypocrisy?
Where as Fox (News Corp) donates one million dollars to the GOP and is a conservative propaganda machine. Now if Fox News would just stop with their "fair & balanced" claim, they would show consistency.

Sorry to break it to you... but when MSNBC basically runs a 24/7 propaganda machine... for free... that is donating.
Same goes for FNC

Bad days to be a liberal indeed.

Lets see, we have the presidency and the senate and you have the house.

Funny how you score things
take a look at the changes in the LOCAL races, moron
remember this is a reapportionment year and the dems wont have control of the legislatures to draw dem favorable lines this time
Fuck all three of you with these 'we', 'you' power politics bullshit.

America's tired of all your crap. A curse on both your houses.
divecon, creeps from the right and left have always wanted to censor, even among the Founders. The economic nationalists passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, while the secessionist conservatives forced through the "gag rule". The "fairness doctrine" might benefit my view today and harm it tomorrow: 'sides it's unconstitutional, or should be.

The Alien an Sedition Acts had Hamilton's drool and finger prints all over them. He didn't take criticism well at all. He wasn't much of a people person either. He sure knew how to piss off Madison and Jefferson.
Lets see, we have the presidency and the senate and you have the house.

Funny how you score things
take a look at the changes in the LOCAL races, moron
remember this is a reapportionment year and the dems wont have control of the legislatures to draw dem favorable lines this time
Fuck all three of you with these 'we', 'you' power politics bullshit.

America's tired of all your crap. A curse on both your houses.


Hey..........who else is enjoying this last week as much as me?? The fringe k00ks are as miserable as Ive ever seen them in my life and thats a long, long time!! Its laugh my balls off time, and how fcukking funny is it that this week, Olbermann gets kicked in the balls just like his shithead ideology!!!!

By the way Beukema........are you a feminist bulldog???
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Anybody else hear Sarah's comment on Olbermann yesterday? I damn near lost my balls laughing at her answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
divecon, creeps from the right and left have always wanted to censor, even among the Founders. The economic nationalists passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, while the secessionist conservatives forced through the "gag rule". The "fairness doctrine" might benefit my view today and harm it tomorrow: 'sides it's unconstitutional, or should be.

The Alien an Sedition Acts had Hamilton's drool and finger prints all over them. He didn't take criticism well at all. He wasn't much of a people person either. He sure knew how to piss off Madison and Jefferson.

He pissed off Aaron Burr worse.
bout time they dumper him,rachel,you`re next

I for one want these people doing what they do and where they do it. The do not play well to rational people, and move more people away from their line of thinking than they attract to it; only people who are slightly out of kilter think they bring any sort of reason to the discourse of politics.

They are not even funny, which can be a saving grace

MSNBC is looking out for its own welfare and reputation, may be trying to re-assert itself as a reputable news service so as to be more viable before the coming showdown of Obama and his opponents.

I agree that the propaganda mills on both sides, from Fox to MSNBC, entertain folks and make folks aware just how much crap the mills spew.
divecon, creeps from the right and left have always wanted to censor, even among the Founders. The economic nationalists passed the Alien and Sedition Acts, while the secessionist conservatives forced through the "gag rule". The "fairness doctrine" might benefit my view today and harm it tomorrow: 'sides it's unconstitutional, or should be.

The Alien an Sedition Acts had Hamilton's drool and finger prints all over them. He didn't take criticism well at all. He wasn't much of a people person either. He sure knew how to piss off Madison and Jefferson.

He pissed off Aaron Burr worse.

I still owe Burr a beer.

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