Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

What a Great Week!!! The Dem's lose the house and Olberdork is suspended indefinitely, or is this the better way to say he is fired, god, what took them so long???

My bet is Olbermann was planned after Zucker, I will not be surprised to see Schultz, Maddow & Lawrence follow.....

The excuse that he didn't have permission is probably BS, it appears Comcast is going to clean house.....
Guess which one is del...?

The following quote I just read somewhere really captures the situation:

IBWatching said:
First, concentrate the wealth...

Second, silent the dissenters...

Then, starve the masses until they will accept anything.

What ever you do, don't show that to Obama or we are fucked. :eek:
Swallow said:
I don't.

Unlike FOX, they want to maintain integrity. Political conflict of interests bode badly for that pursuit.

You should really educate yourself, Swallow...

He wasn't fired because of the donations... He was tossed because he didn't follow da rulez of PMSNBC...

Swallow? I am sure you do..and thanks for the offer..

But I don't go that way.

Beside you're probably fat and have a mole on your mouth. From performing to much.


It's not a mole. It's a gerbil.
Rachel Maddow Show

Check this out. Details of political fund raising and contributions from Hannity and more.

why would anyone care? the only people who care that olberfuehrer donated are his bosses.

maybe you can email it to them?

Indeed. I'm not surprised and I think MSNBC is being ridiculous. He's worth canning for his hyperventilated hyperbole, low ratings, just being a jerk. But he should be able to donate to any party or candidate he wishes.
You should really educate yourself, Swallow...

He wasn't fired because of the donations... He was tossed because he didn't follow da rulez of PMSNBC...

Swallow? I am sure you do..and thanks for the offer..

But I don't go that way.

Beside you're probably fat and have a mole on your mouth. From performing to much.

you DO understand that "swallow" isnt always a sexual reference, right
some say it in a mannor of "hey Mikey, he'll eat anything"

Neither is 'teabaggers' but tell that to the crybaby Puritans around here.
You should really educate yourself, Swallow...

He wasn't fired because of the donations... He was tossed because he didn't follow da rulez of PMSNBC...

Swallow? I am sure you do..and thanks for the offer..

But I don't go that way.

Beside you're probably fat and have a mole on your mouth. From performing to much.


It's not a mole. It's a gerbil.

You guys are very creepy....
Rachel Maddow Show

Check this out. Details of political fund raising and contributions from Hannity and more.

why would anyone care? the only people who care that olberfuehrer donated are his bosses.

maybe you can email it to them?

Indeed. I'm not surprised and I think MSNBC is being ridiculous. He's worth canning for his hyperventilated hyperbole, low ratings, just being a jerk. But he should be able to donate to any party or candidate he wishes.

He can. He is just suppose to clear it with the company first. Then if they object, he can still donate, he just risks a contract violation. Seriously? ANY party?
Rachel Maddow Show

Check this out. Details of political fund raising and contributions from Hannity and more.

why would anyone care? the only people who care that olberfuehrer donated are his bosses.

maybe you can email it to them?

Indeed. I'm not surprised and I think MSNBC is being ridiculous. He's worth canning for his hyperventilated hyperbole, low ratings, just being a jerk. But he should be able to donate to any party or candidate he wishes.
without having to "ask permission"
why would anyone care? the only people who care that olberfuehrer donated are his bosses.

maybe you can email it to them?

Indeed. I'm not surprised and I think MSNBC is being ridiculous. He's worth canning for his hyperventilated hyperbole, low ratings, just being a jerk. But he should be able to donate to any party or candidate he wishes.
without having to "ask permission"

Rachel Maddow Show

Check this out. Details of political fund raising and contributions from Hannity and more.

why would anyone care? the only people who care that olberfuehrer donated are his bosses.

maybe you can email it to them?
I care, and I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you.

Joe Scarborough & Keith Olbermann vs MSNBC
Joe Scarborough & Keith Olbermann vs MSNBC

The financial guys on CNBC gave money to Republicans. Joe Scarborough & Keith Olbermann gave money to candidates.

NBC has a policy.

GE, are they the owners of MSNBC?

Why was Keith Olbermann singled out? Did he do something differently than other employees?

Inquiring minds are laughing our asses off over the right wingnut cum-fest over Keith being suspended, but what about Morning Joe?
Yeah, but they can belong to any political party they want to. That's like finding out Beck belongs to the Tea Party or Hannity votes repub, to which I say "and?"...

question is, do they donate money to those parties? and I don't think this is the real reason olbermann was fired/suspended.

1) So what if they do?
2) They are private citizens too and have the rights of those citizens (well, they do down here)
3) Do the people who own these stations somehow think that if it gets out that the likes of Olbermann or Hannity or whoever support the party or policies they are always spruiking on the giggle box that it will somehow affect our perception of them? Like Olbermann is a Dem? Holy shit? Really??

IOW, it's pathetic....they are treating people like they are stupid

Welcome to the world of the Statist Democrats, Obama, and the Leftist Media. They do this on a daily basis. That's why they lose.
No..I actually bothered to read the transcripts. She doesn't make any specific reference to anyone in the crowd..and postulates that because we have a black president people have started carrying guns. That's her opinion..and that's fine. And MSNBC isn't a hard news show. It's a pundit and advocate channel. The underlying stories are essentially true. And generally when they get it wrong..they say so.

This is my first time hearing this..and I will probably need to do a bit of research to make any definitive judgement. any case..should really not matter much to you.
Spinning is aerobic.

No spinning..critical thinking.
Not really.
Here's the transcript from the site:

On Tuesday, MSNBC’s Contessa Brewer fretted over health care reform protesters legally carrying guns: "A man at a pro-health care reform rally...wore a semiautomatic assault rifle on his shoulder and a pistol on his hip....there are questions about whether this has racial overtones....white people showing up with guns." Brewer failed to mention the man she described was black.

Read more: MSNBC: ObamaCare Protesters ?Racist,? Including Black Gun-Owner |

The video show several people there with who was black..and others who were white.

Overall it's not incorrect..and it doesn't even specify which person she's referring too. And..basically it's her opinion.
The video of the blakc man with the AR-15 was intentionally cropped to hide his race.

That is undeniable. So why are you trying to deny it?

Oh, can't admit liberals lie.
Lets compare that to this:

Hannity: "$200 million a day, 3,000 people, he needs the whole Taj Mahal hotel, why?"* | Media Matters for America

Hannity repeated an internet fabrication as fact and named names.

Even the most reasonable..of reasonable people would think that this should be fact checked.

And that's the difference. The first has nothing specific..the second does.
MM has no credibility. They lie more than you claim Fox does.

But you will predictably deny this.

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