Kevin McCarthy Was Going to ASK TRUMP TO RESIGN After Jan 6th Insurrection

The investigation is still ongoing, genius. There is NOTHING that I need to support.

Not that you really care, but you may want to start off by taking a look at the Eastman Memo, in which Trump's attorney John Eastman tries to come up with a bullshit legal argument to steal the election for Trump.

Even Mike Pence realized this Eastman Memo was bullshit, which is why he wouldn't support Trump's coup attempt. Senator Mike Lee was also willing to support alternate Trump electors from the states, as he made clear in his recent text messages released by the Jan 6 Committee.

Your arguments are simply moronic. Seriously.

Lol, still waiting for the evidence of Insurrection which the FBI and DOJ are on record saying they can't find any to pursue but they do find plenty of evidence of Vandalism, Trespassing assaults and the like but NO Insurrection charges.

You claimed loudly there is insurrection, but you can't post any evidence of it is it a psychological block you are suffering from?

You know something the FBI and DOJ doesn't know they would be glad to hear from you.... :laughing0301:

Gee you are telling me stuff I long known since I posted about in detail last year agreeing that Trump was WRONG about what Pence can do with the Certification process and posted what the Constitution says about it showing all Pence could do was do the roll call of the states certified ballots a ceremonial position.

Told you that since December 12, 2019, Trump should have stopped pursuing his stolen election claims after SCOTUS dropped those multi-states lawsuit, I have been saying this for more than a year in the forum.
It is sad but very few Trump supporters — especially those who were also politicians — ever had the balls to challenge Trump directly. They were simply not willing to act firmly to protect the peaceful transfer of power essential to our representative democracy.

All the responsible courts and state electoral officials involved (Democratic & Republican) ruled that the election votes showed Biden was the winner. It was absolutely crucial to respect the norms of the electoral process (which benefited Republicans in the electoral college). It was equally essential to repudiate Trump’s unsupported lies about the election and his plan to subvert the results and force the decision into the House. Trump was consciously trying to steal and subvert the election.

No Republic can long stand if its leaders are so craven. No democratic nation can survive if its people follow leaders so faithless to our institutional, constitutional and democratic norms.

Trump should have stopped after the December 12, 2019, SCOTUS dropping the Multi states lawsuit because after losing many other lawsuits before that means the courts were not agreeing with him or his supporters.
Lol, still waiting for the evidence of Insurrection which the FBI and DOJ are on record saying they can't find any to pursue but they do find plenty of evidence of Vandalism, Trespassing assaults and the like but NO Insurrection charges.

You claimed loudly there is insurrection, but you can't post any evidence of it is it a psychological block you are suffering from?

You know something the FBI and DOJ doesn't know they would be glad to hear from you.... :laughing0301:

Gee you are telling me stuff I long known since I posted about in detail last year agreeing that Trump was WRONG about what Pence can do with the Certification process and posted what the Constitution says about it showing all Pence could do was do the roll call of the states certified ballots a ceremonial position.

Told you that since December 12, 2019, Trump should have stopped pursuing his stolen election claims after SCOTUS dropped those multi-states lawsuit, I have been saying this for more than a year in the forum.
Well, if you know about it then you should try taking it seriously -- like a reasonable adult. Instead, you want to continue being a pathetic little Trumpster apologist troll.

Please....continue to cling to this stupid shit about the FBI and DOJ for dear life. It's obvious this garbage mantra that you keep repeating is more meaningful to your Trumpster ass than your own fucking will.
Well, if you know about it then you should try taking it seriously -- like a reasonable adult. Instead, you want to continue being a pathetic little Trumpster apologist troll.

Please....continue to cling to this stupid shit about the FBI and DOJ for dear life. It's obvious this garbage mantra that you keep repeating is more meaningful to your Trumpster ass than your own fucking will.


Now you are going to ignore what the FBI and the DOJ says about this which means you are a proven yellow bellied leftist jackass liar who have NOTHING cogent to offer because you are running off at the mouth and dissing the FBI and the DOJ what a WHACK job you are!

Lol, still waiting for the evidence of Insurrection which the FBI and DOJ are on record saying they can't find any to pursue but they do find plenty of evidence of Vandalism, Trespassing assaults and the like but NO Insurrection charges.

Still waiting for YOUR insurrection evidence.... waiting, the FBI would love to see your evidence really, they would I KNOW you are motivated to give it to them why are you holding back is it the truck load of money or the congressional medal you wanted?


Why can't you call the FBI tell them what they missed in their 1 1/2 years of looking and not finding it?

Here is the Phone number of their D.C. office (202) 278-2000 be a hero call them let's see the evidence you are holding back.

You would be a hero to the Partisan January 6 committee,

The January 6 Committee is indeed losing ground here is why:


First January 6 Defendant Acquitted!​



After a two-day bench trial, U.S. District Judge Trevor N. McFadden acquitted January 6 defendant Matthew Martin of all charges. Martin is the first J6 defendant to have all his charges dropped.




RNC Fights Back Against Partisan J6 Committee, Files Lawsuit​



After many months of the January 6 committee’s partisan overreach, on Wednesday, the Republican National Committee filed a lawsuit against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the January 6 committee over their efforts to subpoena RNC databases.

“The RNC has sued to stop the January 6th Committee from unlawfully seizing confidential information about the internal activities of the Republican Party and millions of its supporters which is completely unrelated to the attack on the Capitol,” RNC chief counsel Justin Riemer said in a statement.


More to come
When McCarthy speaks you can hear the fear and weakness in his voice....he is worthless....
It wasnt because he thought Trump should have resigned, he was worried about legal charges, same reason Nixon resigned. It would be followed by a blanket pardon issued the moment Pence was sworn in.
Like a megachurch that splinters when a charismatic pastor leaves, the Right began to unravel after Trump left office, not because of Trump, but because he left

Consider just the transformation of the media landscape in the ten years after Reagan left office: Rush Limbaugh hit the airwaves in 1988, Fox News lit up television screens in 1996, and the Drudge Report website launched in 1997.

This messy web of institutions and personalities, rather than any individual, was Reagan’s true successor.

I wonder what will come after Trump?
No Republic can long stand if its leaders are so craven. No democratic nation can survive if its people follow leaders so faithless to our institutional, constitutional and democratic norms.
We have to change a system that incentivizes and rewards this madness.

Before it's too late. Literally.

They cower before a buffoon. Absolutely craven.

The buffoon here is YOU.

Democrats are EVIL in their spirit. They support and promote and defend evil, from sodomy to trannies to pedophiles and groomers, to the murder of children (abortion) . . .
. . . they support socialism, Marxism, open borders and roving hate gangs in the streets (Antifa and BLM).

They are evil. Trump can do nothing to reach an accord with them over and we should not even try to. We should have one goal of erradicating the vermin.
Damning only of McCarthy and Cheney.
Cheney was just listening in this case mainly...

Cheney at least understands country before party power grabbing..

The biggest sin the GOP made is, they vilified the Democrats. Look at some of the poster on this forum, endless calls of Marxism, Communism, Pedophiles,....
this is what they have created, a bunch of brainwashed morons to do their bidding, well until Trump came along. Trump just went over the top and took control of this hate induced crowd.
The biggest sin the GOP made is, they vilified the Democrats. Look at some of the poster on this forum, endless calls of Marxism, Communism, Pedophiles,....

Democrats ARE the party of of Marxism, Communism, Pedophiles you stupid ignorant idot. They EFEND it and PROMOTE is. You are a sick lying sack of shit.

Democrats are EVIL in their spirit. They support and promote and defend evil, from sodomy to trannies to pedophiles and groomers, to the murder of children (abortion) . . .
. . . they support socialism, Marxism, open borders and roving hate gangs in the streets (Antifa and BLM).

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