Kids can't read or do math, but guess what LA schools ARE teaching

There is only one kind of nominally-human creature that wants to drag children into fucked-up sexual perversions.
^ Delusional, triggered, homophobic fallacy.

That is not age appropriate. It should be a late jr. High topic and part of sex ed.

Yes elementary school is for the basics: math, writing, science and basic civics, and how to make queso.
Well, and basic socialization.

If you want my honest opinion? I believe 75% of the members of this forum failed kindergarten.

Elementary school is for all kinds of things.

God forbid that kids who are different should learn that this is okay.

I think it's great that L.A. schools are teaching these valuable lessons. Just think, these brilliant students will one day be leading our local, state and national governments.
I'm fine with all that shit as long as it's happening in a FOREIGN FUCKING COUNTRY.

Redraw the borders - we want the fuck out. Cut each other's dicks off, get another jab of HIV every month and jump off your bunk beds onto the Hale-Bopp comet... but not inside my borders.

Let's get this fucking divorce over with. At some point the wife-beater needs to get what coming to him.

This is not what education entails.

This is demonic crap and the miserable teacher's unions are the point of the spear of this sickness.

Kids can't read or do math, but guess what LA schools ARE teaching​

Kids can't read or do math, but guess what LA schools ARE teaching't read or do math, but guess what LA schools ARE teaching
You have to keep your priorities straight.​
Only 47% of all students meet English language standards in LA, and 33% meet math standards. That’s ALL students in LA. For Black students the numbers are more dismal: 31% for English language standards, and 17% for math.​
That’s why it is so important that a week is dedicated to teaching about alphabet ideology.​

Perhaps it doesn’t matter, though, since the curriculum I am about to go through is for elementary school students. You know, ages 6-10 years old. Perhaps they need this even more than learning how to read and do math. Why focus on reading and math when you can spend time educating kids about alphabet people.​
You have to keep your priorities straight.​
I do admit that there is nothing more heartwarming than a 6-year-old “coming out” to his or her or ze or zir’s peers. It must be a feel-good moment when a child reveals their true nature as a queer unicorn with a scat fetish. They are embracing who they are, right?​

Democrats have condemned generations of black, Hispanic and white children to generational crime and poverty…..all to preserve their power and control…the democrat party is truly evil and the source of the worst problems this country has internally…….we forgave the party for starting the Civil War….a war they started to keep blacks as slaves, and that was obviously a mistake.

That people keep voting for democrats in the face of the destruction to these children is just amazing……but they do…..their children are dying, their children are losing their souls to crime and poverty….and they keep voting for democrats when, if there was Justice this side of the grave, the democrat party would have been voted out of existence decades ago…..
And this is the thing right there! All of this shit, the border, crap like this in our schools, biological males beating girls in their own sport, and we sit back and do shit about it!

The Republican Party is as big a part of the problem as the democrat Party! We the People have to stand against this
It seems that grooming is a lot like pedophilia. The perpetrators are almost impossible to cure. And the teachers who insist on teaching this bullshit are definitely groomers.
I can definitely confirm that the brain trains of the people in charge of these schools can only do so much travelling. A very dear friend of mine told me recently that he great grandchild currently sits in a 5th grade school class, but sadly he only sits at a 2nd grade math and reading level.

God bless you and him and my friend always!!!


P.S. She also told me that the subject of science is where he does his shining. :) :) :)
Elementary school is for all kinds of things.

You know you're one of the biggest RINOS on this message board. You definitely had me fooled. NO school is for this kind of crap. None whatsoever.

Isn't it funny how the pedophiles come out of the woodwork in any thread like this one? At least two so far, in this thread.

Well I see one at least. Not quite sure about the other one.
This is not what education entails.

This is demonic crap and the miserable teacher's unions are the point of the spear of this sickness.

Kids can't read or do math, but guess what LA schools ARE teaching​

Kids can't read or do math, but guess what LA schools ARE teaching't read or do math, but guess what LA schools ARE teaching
You have to keep your priorities straight.​
Only 47% of all students meet English language standards in LA, and 33% meet math standards. That’s ALL students in LA. For Black students the numbers are more dismal: 31% for English language standards, and 17% for math.​
That’s why it is so important that a week is dedicated to teaching about alphabet ideology.​

Perhaps it doesn’t matter, though, since the curriculum I am about to go through is for elementary school students. You know, ages 6-10 years old. Perhaps they need this even more than learning how to read and do math. Why focus on reading and math when you can spend time educating kids about alphabet people.​
You have to keep your priorities straight.​
I do admit that there is nothing more heartwarming than a 6-year-old “coming out” to his or her or ze or zir’s peers. It must be a feel-good moment when a child reveals their true nature as a queer unicorn with a scat fetish. They are embracing who they are, right?​

Who needs math or science when we can teach kids to come out and get their penises whacked off? This is what is important to the leftists.
And this is the thing right there! All of this shit, the border, crap like this in our schools, biological males beating girls in their own sport, and we sit back and do shit about it!
This is predominantly an urban issue. Keeping the filth out of rural America is happening to some extent and rural performance is significantly better.
I think it's great that L.A. schools are teaching these valuable lessons. Just think, these brilliant students will one day be leading our local, state and national governments.
Like kids pay any attention to most anything in school.

But yeah - harmless.
It seems that grooming is a lot like pedophilia. The perpetrators are almost impossible to cure. And the teachers who insist on teaching this bullshit are definitely groomers.
But enough about Sunday School.
I can definitely confirm that the brain trains of the people in charge of these schools can only do so much travelling. A very dear friend of mine told me recently that he great grandchild currently sits in a 5th grade school class, but sadly he only sits at a 2nd grade math and reading level.

God bless you and him and my friend always!!!


P.S. She also told me that the subject of science is where he does his shining. :) :) :)
A dear friend of mine failed math repeatedly and went on to become one of the most sought after engineers in the world.

Go figure.

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