Kim Potter gets only 2 years

16 months actually. But 16 months to long. It was a horrible mistake she made was while trying to subdue someone resisting arrest and putting her partners at risk. Hate see the loss of life, but that doesn't mean she deserves jail-time.
14 months, because she already served 58 days.
What is not accounted for in the prosecution is the intervening reckless actions of the fucking scumbag who was shot. That should completely mitigate and absolve Potter of ALL criminal culpability.
Of course, but dumb liberals grossly ignorant of everything having to do with guns, police, and self-defense, are so brainwashed, that they think any time a black guy is shot, he must be a victim, and the shooter must be guilty.

Amazing how so many people can be such DUPES.
Disgraceful. Unless she serves it in maximum security's general population-with "BAD COP" branded on her face-this is a travesty.

The travesty is Potter (a GOOD COP) being arrested AT ALL, just to appease millions of foolish blacks, duped by liberals into thinking that every time a black person is shot, the shooter must be at fault.

Wright caused himself to be shot by resisting arrest, and allowing his hands to disappear from the officer's view. Clearly, Justifiable Homicide.
was sentenced Friday to 24 months.
Potter will serve just 16 months in prison and be released on supervised release for the remainder of her sentence.
She should have been given an award for shooting that scumbag.

The destructive racists BLM frenzy and racist Negroes on the jury unfairly convicted her.
A police officer's job is highly stressful to say the least. You may need to make snap judgements that involve life and death. Without going into the issue of whether he should have been stopped in the first place, when Daunte Wright was pulled over he should have remained calm. Once force is used anything can happen. I thought looking at the totality of the circumstances, the sentence was fair, if not a bit too harsh. Kim Potter is not Derek Chauvin.
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if she doesnt get out early . of course the mom doesntr like it. i think it is fair. now on to trials against her gang banging son.
Experts testified that after the guy tried to run over the police she was justified in using her gun to shoot him.

The judge was a jerk, and the jackass jury thinks they bought "peace" with a bad verdict.

Good chance that her conviction will be overturned on appeal.
Seems reasonable

Any way you look at it, it was an accident
She is a bad police officer and choked under pressure

Let her spend a year in jail to reflect on her mistake
A result of Prog derived rules with quotas, diversity and what is now known as equity. What we call inclusion is massively abused and others denied.
A result of Prog derived rules with quotas, diversity and what is now known as equity. What we call inclusion is massively abused and others denied.
Has nothing to do with the shooting

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