Kim Potter gets only 2 years

Seems reasonable

Any way you look at it, it was an accident
She is a bad police officer and choked under pressure

Let her spend a year in jail to reflect on her mistake
To me, not doing anything is what would have made her a bad officer. Is she a good one? All that I can say is that she tried and at the end of the day, don't forget why anything had to be done in the first place. It is because that person who drew their final breath decided to leave that lady cop with no other choice but to go for whatever an officer is allowed to keep on their "tool belts".

God bless you and the former officer and the family of the victim always!!!

Disgraceful. Unless she serves it in maximum security's general population-with "BAD COP" branded on her face-this is a travesty.

It's disgraceful she got any time at all. She should have been suspended 30 days and then not allowed back until she recertified in training and had a 90 day period as another cops partner.
Just because someone died doesn't mean a crime happened. How many car accidents happen in this country where people die? People aren't drug off to prison when people die in car accidents. An accidental death is an accidental death.

She should have been found not guilty of all charges. DW brought this one himself. And by the behavior of his sister in court today, the entire family can't seem to follow the rules.
Everyone makes mistakes. It's a natural part of being human.

Police work in dangerous situations every day. Deadly weapons are a necessary part of their world. And, because of the vicious, disgusting, scumbags they have to deal with on a daily basis, the lives of police are at high risk on a daily basis.

Deadly weapons are necessary tools, always within reach. So any mistake can be deadly. Potter made a mistake. She is human. She should not be in jail.
A police officer's job is highly stressful to say the least. You may need to make snap judgements that involve life and death. Without going into the issue of whether he should have been stopped in the first place, when Daunte Wright was pulled over he should have remained calm. Once force is used anything can happen. I thought looking at the totality of the circumstances, the sentence was fair, if not a bit too harsh. Kim Potter is not Derek Chauvin.
Neither Chauvin nor Potter were guilty of anything. Both followed proper police procedure. Both should have moved to a Republican city, and got a cop job there. No cop should ever work in a Democrat city.

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