Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House

And even with today's technology in advancements covid has been able to kill over 6 million people and it's still killing because of ignorance in dealing with the disease. Benjamin Franklin expressed remorse about not being able to do more to prevent his child from dying, after the fact questioning, " Did I do enough ? " Is something you don't want to go through. I'm sure, if you're a parent,you'd rather die then have harm come to your child.
But Covid is no threat to my children or grandchildren in my case. A tub full of water is more dangerous.
Wouldn't that be ironic since the incompetent duo of Biden and Obama were so weak that Putin invaded the Crimea Peninsula and Georgia (the one in Asia) under the boob Obama and then Ukraine under Biden. What a screw up that would have been by Putin putting Trump in power who shut him down for four years, LOL
I keep pointing this out.
But Covid is no threat to my children or grandchildren in my case. A tub full of water is more dangerous.
Covid is no more a threat to me than the common cold
No really shocking news, here. Just a glimpse into the Russian intelligence apparatus, and their intent and all-out effort to weaken the United States in many ways by getting Trump into the White House.

Some highlights:

- There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

- There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory”.

- “It is acutely necessary to use all possible force to facilitate his [Trump’s] election to the post of US president,” the paper says.

Lemme guess, papers were from Adam Schiff's office.
Except small-pox has killed 100's of millions of people of all ages and health conditions covid is mostly dangerous to the old and those with underlying health issues.
Actually COVID-19 is more deadly than smallpox. The numbers are skewed by comparing a century of deaths, to those from just a couple of years.

In 18th-century Europe, it is estimated that 400,000 people died from the disease per year, and that one-third of all cases of blindness were due to ...

In his book Anderson suggests that in the last hundred years of its existence smallpox ... over a century means 5 million annual deaths on average.

Meanwhile COVID-19 killed 6.22 million people in 2020.
So do the vaccinations. Lose, lose.
Let's see, you were taught by Limbaugh: fake news is a confirmation bias. which occurs when people ignore new information that contradicts existing beliefs.

For example: You will ignore information from news broadcasters and the CDC that contradicts your existing views. It's all fake news to you.
There are procedures that vaccines must go through before they are allowed to the general public. Fascist democrats mandated people be subjugated into taking it.
The Donald put Warp Speed into effect after he brainwashed you into believing Covid was a hoax. You clowns on the right are so confused and your hypocrisy is built into making silly claims about the Democratic Party.

BTW Bozo, the Democratic Party supports democracy in America; the disaffected kooks like you are more inclined to be defined as a fascist. A Fascist is only a member of the party of Mussolini; a fascist defines a member of a party led by an autocrat, such as Putin, Kim, Stalin, Hitler and trump.
The Donald put Warp Speed into effect after he brainwashed you into believing Covid was a hoax. You clowns on the right are so confused and your hypocrisy is built into making silly claims about the Democratic Party.

BTW Bozo, the Democratic Party supports democracy in America; the disaffected kooks like you are more inclined to be defined as a fascist. A Fascist is only a member of the party of Mussolini; a fascist defines a member of a party led by an autocrat, such as Putin, Kim, Stalin, Hitler and trump.
No mandate was ever pushed by president Trump

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