Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House

It's a known fact democrats hate freedom.
A fact known by whom? Lets look at some aspects of freedom:
  • A women's right to choose
  • A person right to vote by mail
  • A person subpoenaed to ignore it
  • A person to drink and drive
  • A Contract of marriage between same sexes
  • A convicted felon to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun
  • A women to be paid the same amount of a man doing the same work.
We have strayed off the reservation. I guess the Kremlin papers aren’t exactly related to the President’s daughter’s diary.
Agreed I got dragged into this miserable diversion. Will report it off topic right now thank you
“In 1736, I lost one of my sons, a fine boy of four years old, by the small-pox, taken in the common way. I long regretted bitterly, and still regret that I had not given it to him by inoculation. This I mention for the sake of parents who omit that operation, on the supposition that they should never forgive themselves if the child died under it: my example showing that the regret may be the same either way, and that, therefore, the safer should be chosen.” - Benjamin Franklin
Your comparing small-pox to covid ?
LOL, check the stats, Porky, your blue States led all the death statistics, but your propaganda never stops flowing!
The problem is the blue states lead the way, but the red states got hit by the second wave. Going into the 2020 election, unemployment hit record levels, COVID cases and deaths hit record levels, and Trump wasn't doing anything except crossing his fingers as the solution. The warp speed vaccine was still months away (at best) and we were in the middle of flu (and hence COVID) season.

No wonder so many people rejected Trump for anybody else.
Agreed I got dragged into this miserable diversion. Will report it off topic right now thank you
Mea culpa. Me too. Sometimes threads take on lives of their own and we tend to forget where the divergence took place or what the point was (if there was one) in relation to the topic.

I think giving credence to Kremlin papers in this story is absurd.
What a screw up that would have been by Putin putting Trump in power who shut him down for four years, LOL
Actually Trump gave Putin everything he wanted for four years.
You know that Putin was banned from having short range and medium range missiles by the 1994 treaty. Trump gave Putin a huge gift by withdrawing from the treaty, allowing Putin to fully develop and deploy the medium range hypersonic missiles he was secretly working on.
Putin even made a point of telling the world that his new medium range hypersonic missiles couldn't be stopped.

All thanks to Trump. And Putin was so grateful.
The problem is the blue states lead the way, but the red states got hit by the second wave. Going into the 2020 election, unemployment hit record levels, COVID cases and deaths hit record levels, and Trump wasn't doing anything except crossing his fingers as the solution. The warp speed vaccine was still months away (at best) and we were in the middle of flu (and hence COVID) season.

No wonder so many people rejected Trump for anybody else.

And predictably with that moronic assessment you got what you deserved for such a stupid plan. I won't go through the list again of screw ups by Biden the incompetent boob, but our country ran under Trump. You got what you deserve, but those of us on the other side who voted responsibly didn't
Your comparing small-pox to covid ?
I'm comparing what Benjamin Franklin thought of vaccinations. And he didn't see vaccinations as an imposition against freedom, or liberty, and advocated it for everybody.

The first quote had nothing to do with Franklins view of vaccinations (what he referred to as inoculations)

So continue to quote Franklin. He was a very wise man.
And predictably with that moronic assessment you got what you deserved for such a stupid plan. I won't go through the list again of screw ups by Biden the incompetent boob, but our country ran under Trump. You got what you deserve, but those of us on the other side who voted responsibly didn't
I was just explaining how it was perfectly logical how Biden got so many votes.

Remember, an incumbent president runs on the economy, and in early 2020, unemployment hit a record 10.3%, GDP growth went negative (aka sign of a recession), and the only solutions Trump was proposing was hydroxychloroquine and injecting people with disinfectants.
You're so full of shit it's dripping out of your ears. Apparently the news that was a Democrat witch hunt hasn't reached you under your rock
How did Putin get the missiles he using to devistate Ukraine?

Trump gave Putin the greenlight to develop and deploy them in unlimited numbers.
You remember the ship the Ukranians sunk. It was armed with those very same missiles.
The Ukranians can stop Russian tanks with javelins
The Ukrainians can stop Russian planes with stingers
The Ukranians can stop Russian soldiers with their fighting forces.
But the one thing the Ukranians can't stop are Putins missiles, which
wouldn't exist under the treaty. But Trump withdrew, allowing Putin
to make a previously banned class of missile.
I'm comparing what Benjamin Franklin thought of vaccinations. And he didn't see vaccinations as an imposition against freedom, or liberty, and advocated it for everybody.

The first quote had nothing to do with Franklins view of vaccinations (what he referred to as inoculations)

So continue to quote Franklin. He was a very wise man.
Advocation is different from Government mandates and the covid vaccine is not an inoculation.
You're an idiot, it's about any communicable disease don't you get it. They both make people ill, put people in the hospital and kill.
Except small-pox has killed 100's of millions of people of all ages and health conditions covid is mostly dangerous to the old and those with underlying health issues. The vaccine for smallpox helps develop an immunity to the disease the covid vaccine does not, you can still catch it and pass it to others . I've had covid and have had worse colds.
A fact known by whom? Lets look at some aspects of freedom:
  • A women's right to choose
  • A person right to vote by mail
  • A person subpoenaed to ignore it
  • A person to drink and drive
  • A Contract of marriage between same sexes
  • A convicted felon to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun
  • A women to be paid the same amount of a man doing the same work.
A woman's right to choose to murder without the father's approval.
Scott Peterson was charged and convicted of murdering his unborn child.
No one has lost the right to vote. Why don't we have year long voting?
A woman if they feel cheated in their pay as the right to leave said job.
Driving is not a right it's a privilege. Once you understand the difference between rights and privileges get back in touch.
Yes I agree a convicted felon should get all their rights back once the state says they paid their debt.
Should adults be allowed to marry children under 18 without a parents approval?
Except small-pox has killed 100's of millions of people of all ages and health conditions covid is mostly dangerous to the old and those with underlying health issues. The vaccine for smallpox helps develop an immunity to the disease the covid vaccine does not, you can still catch it and pass it to others . I've had covid and have had worse colds.
And even with today's technology in advancements covid has been able to kill over 6 million people and it's still killing because of ignorance in dealing with the disease. Benjamin Franklin expressed remorse about not being able to do more to prevent his child from dying, after the fact questioning, " Did I do enough ? " Is something you don't want to go through. I'm sure, if you're a parent,you'd rather die then have harm come to your child.

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