Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House

F*** you. We're talking about a man who loves his children that's very apparent. He's not some rich guy that lusts his own adult daughter. That's a monster. There's no comparison.
Goodness, you get angry when your little tin god is criticized!

Tough shit for you, huh?
You support the cause of freedom? You're warped, you really believe wearing a mask, getting boosters and keeping a safe distance takes away your liberty?

There is a fine line between common sense and foolishness on freedom.
They do indeed take away my liberty when they are not choices I've made for myself but have been mandated by government.

You like the taste of government boot. That's clear.

And you also believe you'll be wearing the boot someday.
Hey, stop being an asshole, and a stupid one at that. When you have nothing to write, try to be civil or stfu.
:auiqs.jpg:Eat shit. I have no obligation to alter my behavior because you can't control your emotions. Grow the fuck up.
No mandate was ever pushed by president Trump

That said, of course you won't read it. But trump is like a mob boss, he's corrupt and makes sure his finger prints are not on any prints such as this you would know if you read this link.
Democrats love mindless obedience. You're happy to give it to them, and that's fine.

But don't assume everyone else is as weak as you are.
Hey, someone once said that stupid people don't know they're stupid. It seems you fit in this group.
It's the power of the Anybody But Trump vote. Trump so screwed up his response to COVID that people just wanted his disinfectant injecting, play it down, it will dissapear by itself, ass out of the white house, and put somebody, anybody, who would treat COVID as more than just the flu in charge.
More people have died under Biden than under Trump -- and Biden shifted the burden off the Feds and onto the States, after promising he'd end the pandemic.

You believed him. You're an idiot.
I'm comparing what Benjamin Franklin thought of vaccinations. And he didn't see vaccinations as an imposition against freedom, or liberty, and advocated it for everybody.

The first quote had nothing to do with Franklins view of vaccinations (what he referred to as inoculations)

So continue to quote Franklin. He was a very wise man.
Where did he advocate using threat of government violence to force it on everyone?
Nope. Wow, it's almost as if -- when you have no idea what you are talking about -- you have no idea what you are talking about.
Would you like to explain how everything Putin says is a lie, but his intelligence agency should be believed without question?

That said, of course you won't read it. But trump is like a mob boss, he's corrupt and makes sure his finger prints are not on any prints such as this you would know if you read this link.
There's absolutely nothing in that article saying Trump mandated anything.

"Everyone", eh? Care to make a point about the real world, instead of fantasyland?
Okay, I'll rephrase. Maybe you'll attempt an answer, but I doubt it.

Where did Franklin suggest that the government should mandate the smallpox vaccine?
No need, i thanked the other poster for the information and correction. You make the same mistake you always make:

You think you are normal and so assume others will act the way you act.
I saw your response. Far more mature than your usual. Props to you.
No really shocking news, here. Just a glimpse into the Russian intelligence apparatus, and their intent and all-out effort to weaken the United States in many ways by getting Trump into the White House.

Some highlights:

- There is a brief psychological assessment of Trump, who is described as an “impulsive, mentally unstable and unbalanced individual who suffers from an inferiority complex”.

- There is also apparent confirmation that the Kremlin possesses kompromat, or potentially compromising material, on the future president, collected – the document says – from Trump’s earlier “non-official visits to Russian Federation territory”.

- “It is acutely necessary to use all possible force to facilitate his [Trump’s] election to the post of US president,” the paper says.

Trying like hell to cling to that Steele dossier bull shit eh?

Someone is scared....
No mention of that from me, crybaby.

Not in the least....You assholes shit the bed once you cheated your way into power, and are still doing such....As we go forward, you dumbasses will be lucky to be elected dog catcher....
Let's see, you were taught by Limbaugh: fake news is a confirmation bias. which occurs when people ignore new information that contradicts existing beliefs.

For example: You will ignore information from news broadcasters and the CDC that contradicts your existing views. It's all fake news to you.
I ignore the information because they both are proven liars. Can you think of a better reason?

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