Larry Elder - Need more?

Under Democrat leadership (Newsome) the black state proficiency reading rate for black kids is about 25%. Doesn't sound like he cares much about black folks.
What is the reading level of the city, county or state that Elder ran? How did he do when he was on the school board? Planning commission? Department of Public Works? Police Commission? His kid's school PTA? Nothing? Nothing? What never showed up to try for anything before?
What is the reading level of the city, county or state that Elder ran? How did he do when he was on the school board? Planning commission? Department of Public Works? Police Commission? His kid's school PTA? Nothing? Nothing? What never showed up to try for anything before?
That ^ is what left-wing racism looks like. Every single city and state in the US run by Dumbocrats is a complete and total dumpster-fire (Detroit literally looks like a third-world country and they had to file for bankruptcy).

In all cases, the left lowers the bar claiming shit like “standardized testing is racist”. But the moment a black man runs for office who didn’t remain on the Dumbocrat Plantation, they suddenly want to see “reading levels” :laugh:

I’ll compare “reading levels” anywhere Larry Elder has been to Detroit, Chicago, South Central Los Angeles, and every other liberal shit-hole ANY time!!
White 6 Don’t laugh, she is probably their best option :D

Dr. You have been on the left coast too long. Credible experience is actually worth something. I can see being famous as only qualification for a Representative or even a Senator, voting on bills, but not as an executive position heading a state or even a major city.
Me! I’ll bet you that ultra-liberal California will once again show their true racist stripes by not electing Larry Elder simply because of his skin color.

Remember…you have to leave the site. You set the bet asshat.

WoW - You can’t come up with a better excuse than this? :confused-84: Sad man. Pathetic actually …
Dr. You have been on the left coast too long. Credible experience is actually worth something. I can see being famous as only qualification for a Representative or even a Senator, voting on bills, but not as an executive position heading a state or even a major city.
It was a joke ;) Honestly though? .. Reagan and Ah-nold weren’t horrible Governors.
The leftists on this thread aren’t even trying to hide their racism. I can’t say I’m surprised though. Regressives just can’t bring themselves to evolve.

Their marxist financial views are from the early 1900’s. Their political dictator views are from the monarchy’s of the 1700’s. Their energy views are from the 1600’s (you can only burn candles for light and heat :rolleyes: ). And their views on race are straight out of the 1800’s.
I’m sure the left won’t let a little thing like “facts” get in the way of their rhetoric.

The left is once again resorting to voter fraud due to their racism.
Neither candidate seems ideal. Elder is there to rock the boat. Just as Arnold did 20 years ago.
ALL thriving democracies need alternatives, even sometimes extreme alternatives. It's the only way California will get back to the middle and not remain a One Party State.

Newsom is a gift to China. Look at the people who fund him, that will tell you about their desire to see America succeed. Canadians only wish we could find a few politicians to rock the boat and force politicians to the middle.
Arnold was the last Republican to be elected in California.

And now look at him. Arnold is more left wing than AOC

I say Leftism is a plague.
Ya, Californians only elect black presidents.
Cut it with stoopid please.

Well one of those white Californians put an ape mask on and tried to assault a black Republican contender with eggs and nothing was done to her. Even the leftist media buried the story in two days. Then one of Newsom's henchmen said that Larry was the black face of white supremacy.

They not only elected a black President, but a white President that said a half-dozen racist things against blacks throughout his political career.
What is the reading level of the city, county or state that Elder ran? How did he do when he was on the school board? Planning commission? Department of Public Works? Police Commission? His kid's school PTA? Nothing? Nothing? What never showed up to try for anything before?

Elder never ran anything before. He was a layer that went into entertainment so I have no idea WTF your point is. My point is that the state of California is going downhill and is getting worse under this clown Newsom, who put this Communist Gascon in as district attorney that's mostly responsible for all the crime increases in his district.

People and businesses are leaving, 30% of the businesses forced to close under Newsom will never reopen again, the only state in the union that felt compelled to offer "poop maps" to guide tourists around human shit on the sidewalk, but people are stupid enough not to recall this guy? How bad does it have to get?

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