Last year the Hispanic population of California surpassed the White population

The heart of this problem is that too many Hispanics are not assimilating, the problem is not some magical power in speaking Spanish that changes ones race..

Which ones?

I have never met a second generation Mexican Americans who didn't speak perfectly acceptable American English. By third generation, most don't speak Spanish fluently.

Yes- they often prefer soccer to football, but they also often embrace football.
Hispanics enlistment rate in the U.S. Armed forces pretty much mirrors their population in the United States(13% of armed forces are Hispanic versus 16% of the population).

So which Hispanics are not assimilating?
Mostly the ones that came over after the 1984 immigration amnesty, as many go the idea that they would be able to get American citizenship and also keep the Mexican culture and feel like Mexico abroad.

Hence why we have so many businesses that have on the phone menu, "Press one for English, Two for Spanish."
By "genocide" we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups….


you are projecting your INTENSE SELF DOUBT onto some vast COSMIC

there is no cure----your malady
falls into the category of sickness
which psychiatrists used to call
Of course a jewess doesn't think its white genocide. Your race is the ones that want the white race extinct! we are a threat

Moving millions of non-White immigrants into traditionally White countries over a period of years. This alone is not genocide, but the next step makes it a part of genocide.

Legally chasing down and forcing White areas to accept “diversity“. This is known as “Forced Assimilation“.

A combination of mass immigration (of different groups of people) plus forced assimilation would qualify as genocide, as defined by Article II, part (C) of the United Nations Genocide Conventions:

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

Government refusal to remove genocidal policies that are in place today. By keeping these policies in place, they ensure that the genocide is ongoing.

Society is widely aware that White people are becoming a minority in several countries, but anti-Whites don’t want us to bring an end to the policies which are turning us into a minority everywhere.
Judaism is a race you fucking fool! It is not now and never has been.

Most Jews are Caucasian. But I don't expect a retard like you to get it.

She had it right it is not genocide they are committing on the CA Caucasian by any stretch of the imagine, but it is a passive form of ethnic cleansing. An environment is being created that is forcing whites (and blacks) out. That is a fact.

When the SW gets to that tipping point it could turn to a violent ethnic cleansing. That could be as low as 60%, could be 70 or 80% who knows.

Word to stupid, it isn't the fact that she is Jewish that cloud her judgement to seeing this as troubling. It is her liberal beliefs.
Jews Are a ‘Race,’ Genes Reveal

Scientists say otherwise :)
Same as this scientist:

The Jews are responsible for mass population transfers around the world? Amazing. And here I thought it was due to war, political instability, economic poverty...
Reason and anti-Semitism have never mixed, I know that much.

Jews are a convenient scapegoat for the real bastards that run society, so they can distract the population from the criminality of the Oligarchs.

Which is part of the reason I expect a round of anti-Semitic repression here in the USA in the next twenty years.
A white only America (I assume that is the nation Odium has in mind)....would lack critical things....

Burritos, quesadillas, chicken masala, Daal, Nan, Chapathis, ....
Lol you call yourself an adult. That is rich.

You are the king of tossing stones from a glass house!

Tossing stones from his glass outhouse is more like it...let's hope Odium's race is headed towards the shallow end of the gene pool. Must suck to live in fear of 1.7% of the population.
You must have never realized or cared how much power that 1.7% has in politics,media,entertainment,military issues etc. Try reading a few books by some well known professors!

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt: 9780374531508: Books

The willfully ignorant calling informed people ignorant is hilarious and I take it like that to because I know 99.9% of them have NEVER done any research because either A. They don't care or B. They don't know to do some

When I read fiction, I prefer mysteries and sci fi, so I'll pass.

Why the heck are people in a panic over a multi-ethnic/multi-racial country? :dunno:
So you are among the willfully ignorant. No surprise. Your choice but you also have no right to claim anyone else that has done their research and does read is crazy or paranoid etc.

reading is harmful to mini-minded people. The shittier the garbage---the more they BELIEVE. I used to read NATIONAL ENQUIRER in the supermarket whilst waiting
for my mom to shop. Until I heard some people EXCITEDLY talking about INFORMATION FROM THAT RAG---it never
occurred to me that there would be people who believed it
That doesn't surprise me that you believed that shit. Christ even as a young child I knew it was bullshit.
Whites have every right to control our own fate,our borders,our culture etc. A foreign enemy has made it its goal to destroy ALL white nations by flooding them with nonwhites. Tell me what do Jews have to gain from allowing and pushing for Arabs into Europe? Makes no sense right off the top of your head does it?

The Jews are responsible for mass population transfers around the world? Amazing. And here I thought it was due to war, political instability, economic poverty...
Keep digging....WHO starts or PUSHES for these wars? Go ahead dig...there is a reason behind everything. Why would Jews WANT Muslims in Europe? I can show you MANY MANY stories of prominent Jews advocating for Europe to take in more Muslims.
The heart of this problem is that too many Hispanics are not assimilating, the problem is not some magical power in speaking Spanish that changes ones race..

Which ones?

I have never met a second generation Mexican Americans who didn't speak perfectly acceptable American English. By third generation, most don't speak Spanish fluently.

Yes- they often prefer soccer to football, but they also often embrace football.
Hispanics enlistment rate in the U.S. Armed forces pretty much mirrors their population in the United States(13% of armed forces are Hispanic versus 16% of the population).

So which Hispanics are not assimilating?
Mostly the ones that came over after the 1984 immigration amnesty, as many go the idea that they would be able to get American citizenship and also keep the Mexican culture and feel like Mexico abroad.

Hence why we have so many businesses that have on the phone menu, "Press one for English, Two for Spanish."

ahhh remember the good old days when the debate on the streets was "SHOULD WE ALL LEARN SPANISH"?
A white only America (I assume that is the nation Odium has in mind)....would lack critical things....

Burritos, quesadillas, chicken masala, Daal, Nan, Chapathis, ....
Yes because those are totally essential.

By "genocide" we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups….


you are projecting your INTENSE SELF DOUBT onto some vast COSMIC

there is no cure----your malady
falls into the category of sickness
which psychiatrists used to call
Of course a jewess doesn't think its white genocide. Your race is the ones that want the white race extinct! we are a threat

Moving millions of non-White immigrants into traditionally White countries over a period of years. This alone is not genocide, but the next step makes it a part of genocide.

Legally chasing down and forcing White areas to accept “diversity“. This is known as “Forced Assimilation“.

A combination of mass immigration (of different groups of people) plus forced assimilation would qualify as genocide, as defined by Article II, part (C) of the United Nations Genocide Conventions:

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

Government refusal to remove genocidal policies that are in place today. By keeping these policies in place, they ensure that the genocide is ongoing.

Society is widely aware that White people are becoming a minority in several countries, but anti-Whites don’t want us to bring an end to the policies which are turning us into a minority everywhere.
Judaism is a race you fucking fool! It is not now and never has been.

Most Jews are Caucasian. But I don't expect a retard like you to get it.

She had it right it is not genocide they are committing on the CA Caucasian by any stretch of the imagine, but it is a passive form of ethnic cleansing. An environment is being created that is forcing whites (and blacks) out. That is a fact.

When the SW gets to that tipping point it could turn to a violent ethnic cleansing. That could be as low as 60%, could be 70 or 80% who knows.

Word to stupid, it isn't the fact that she is Jewish that cloud her judgement to seeing this as troubling. It is her liberal beliefs.
Jews Are a ‘Race,’ Genes Reveal

Scientists say otherwise :)
Same as this scientist:

And yet, Borat was exactly right; women have smaller brains than men do on average.

But their brains are configured differently and have more white matter than men, hence their brains are more efficient with the gray matter they do have.

And even so that is no basis for discriminating against women for having smaller brains, lol.

But that women with higher levels of education dont put out as much is a good reason.

Of course I am referring to their cooking skill and willingness to take out the garbage. :p
Tell me what do Jews have to gain from allowing and pushing for Arabs into Europe? Makes no sense right off the top of your head does it?

They have nothing to gain but so much to lose you ignorant fuck.

The influx Muslims to Europe are pushing the Jews out of Europe. Europe is no longer safe for the Jews because of the Muslim invaders.

Get s clue fucko!
The heart of this problem is that too many Hispanics are not assimilating, the problem is not some magical power in speaking Spanish that changes ones race..

Which ones?

I have never met a second generation Mexican Americans who didn't speak perfectly acceptable American English. By third generation, most don't speak Spanish fluently.

Yes- they often prefer soccer to football, but they also often embrace football.
Hispanics enlistment rate in the U.S. Armed forces pretty much mirrors their population in the United States(13% of armed forces are Hispanic versus 16% of the population).

So which Hispanics are not assimilating?
Mostly the ones that came over after the 1984 immigration amnesty, as many go the idea that they would be able to get American citizenship and also keep the Mexican culture and feel like Mexico abroad.

Hence why we have so many businesses that have on the phone menu, "Press one for English, Two for Spanish."

ahhh remember the good old days when the debate on the streets was "SHOULD WE ALL LEARN SPANISH"?

Guess we should; the La Raza are going to take over unless trends change.
The heart of this problem is that too many Hispanics are not assimilating, the problem is not some magical power in speaking Spanish that changes ones race..

Which ones?

I have never met a second generation Mexican Americans who didn't speak perfectly acceptable American English. By third generation, most don't speak Spanish fluently.

Yes- they often prefer soccer to football, but they also often embrace football.
Hispanics enlistment rate in the U.S. Armed forces pretty much mirrors their population in the United States(13% of armed forces are Hispanic versus 16% of the population).

So which Hispanics are not assimilating?
Mostly the ones that came over after the 1984 immigration amnesty, as many go the idea that they would be able to get American citizenship and also keep the Mexican culture and feel like Mexico abroad.

Hence why we have so many businesses that have on the phone menu, "Press one for English, Two for Spanish."

I wonder if people realize that...American culture IS Mexican culture. Spanish is as much American as English. Spain and then Mexico controlled almost a third of what is now the US (that's spanish language for those that remain confused) - up until the early to mid 1800's when territory was taken by the US. So that is a hell of a lot of spanish influence and it is an integral part of today's southwest from the addition of words into the English language, cuisine, place names, customs, and the fact that the spanish language is still quite common.
The Jews are responsible for mass population transfers around the world? Amazing. And here I thought it was due to war, political instability, economic poverty...
Reason and anti-Semitism have never mixed, I know that much.

Jews are a convenient scapegoat for the real bastards that run society, so they can distract the population from the criminality of the Oligarchs.

Which is part of the reason I expect a round of anti-Semitic repression here in the USA in the next twenty years.

I find reason doesn't mix with any of the 'isms...
I wonder if people realize that...American culture IS Mexican culture. Spanish is as much American as English. Spain and then Mexico controlled almost a third of what is now the US (that's spanish language for those that remain confused) - up until the early to mid 1800's when territory was taken by the US. So that is a hell of a lot of spanish influence and it is an integral part of today's southwest from the addition of words into the English language, cuisine, place names, customs, and the fact that the spanish language is still quite common.
Obviously the cultures are not the same exactly, but American culture has a HUGE component from the Spanish and Mexico.

The name of the US Dollar comes from Spanish. Our Cowboy culture came from Mexico.

I love Mexican culture, and that is part of the reason I hate the idea of a permanent Mexican underclass in this country that will be recycled second class citizens.
The Jews are responsible for mass population transfers around the world? Amazing. And here I thought it was due to war, political instability, economic poverty...
Reason and anti-Semitism have never mixed, I know that much.

Jews are a convenient scapegoat for the real bastards that run society, so they can distract the population from the criminality of the Oligarchs.

Which is part of the reason I expect a round of anti-Semitic repression here in the USA in the next twenty years.

I find reason doesn't mix with any of the 'isms...

Well they all claim reason on their side.

It used to be God, but now it is declarations of right Reason, lol.
Why not just give Cali to Mexico?
They are crumbling under their own weight of their debt. Thier moving shop to the South would be no great loss...

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