Last year the Hispanic population of California surpassed the White population

Latino immigrants are assimilating just as other immigrant groups before them have.
Latino immigrants are assimilating just as other immigrant groups before them have.

There is some through to your comments. Look at the chart, come the 3rd gen, most 3/4 of Hispanics are English only.

Asian's are Mexicans. YOur analogy proves nothing.

what does "Asians are Mexicans" mean? Do you mean that it is thought that HUMANS who
inhabit the Americas are thought to be descended from migrating ASIANS in remote

Typo. I meant aren't mexicans.

So are you saying Mexicans are inferior?


I guess that depends on how you personally judge a people's worth.

Japan is a First World nation, very peaceful and law abiding, very technologically advanced, very productive, very wealthy, high levels of education, ect.

Mexico is a Third World nation, mired in poverty, torn apart by horrific violence, not known for it's technological prowess, very poor, ect.

On the other hand, they do have a good birth rate.

I guess it depends on what an individual's Vision of the Future of our nation is, as to which culture is "inferior".

Their cultures are certainly DIFFERENT, which was my point, so pointing at Hawaii as proof that California is going to be ok, is not valid.
Mexico does have a high GDP and a rapidly growing middle class.

Well, high relative to it's own past and other Third World nations, not compared to the US, or Japan.
This thread is in Politics folks, so let's keep it on topic. A bunch of off topic posts have been moved to Badlands - you can continue that aspect of the discussion over there.
So? Hawaii is over 50% Asian. They seem to be doing just fine.

Big difference.

Asians don't have a tendency to leach off the system.

Not to mention the fact they usually have the respect to learn English. Unlike Hispanics who expect Americans to learn Spanish.

I think I know, I ACTUALLY LIVE in California. (For now)
California Hispanic population outstrips white: Census | Reuters

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

In 1990 there were 7 mil Hispanics to 17 mil whites. The white population shrunk to 14.92 white, but Hispanics grew to 14.99 mil in 2015. Latinos now make up 39% of the state, but that is only half the story. Liberal never like to count illegals in these numbers more than like that 14.99 is probably closer to 20 mil when you count the illegals. That's puts the population closer to 42-43% mark.

Now there are 2certainties:
1. The white population will continue to shrink
2. The Hispanic will continue to grow through illegal immigration and rabbit like birth rates

Liberals will breakdance to this news, but the situation is ripe for revolution. California has a bloated budget, large unfunded pension plans, a crumbling nanny state, crumbling infrastructure, worst school system in the country and high cost of living. California has thrived off taxing their rich business base and numerous millionaire tax base. The migration out of CA has been going on for a white, hence the decrease in whites.

As the Hispanic population continues to grow the state will look less like the successful CA we knew for decades and will look like a failed banana Republic of South America. They will lose the tax base, but will still have the bills to pay.

The populace will suffer from everything to no or low paying jobs, horrible schools and high crime. Within the next 30 years the Hispanic population will be the majority. They will vote in one Hispanic leftist after another, with thing only getting worse (see every big city in America). Eventually the Hispanics will blame their woes on you guessed it - White People. If the Hispanics make up 70, 80 or 90% of the population, how long will it be before they seek independence. More likely they will seek a new Hispanic homeland I. The Southwest incorporating CA, AZ, NV, TX and NM.

The Republic Del Norte will be fought over in our lifetime.

I live here.

My taxes go up annually to pay for these individuals.

The difference between California in 1990 and now is that in 1990 it felt like America.
Latino immigrants are assimilating just as other immigrant groups before them have.

Tell it to the Trump supporters being set on by mobs in San Jose.

Tell it to anyone; it's true.

Sure it is.


At least the signs are in english.







All one big multicultural happy assimilated fucking family.

Love the guy with the "this is Mexico" sign.

If California were still Mexico they would be running FROM there too.
Latino immigrants are assimilating just as other immigrant groups before them have.

Tell it to the Trump supporters being set on by mobs in San Jose.

Tell it to anyone; it's true.

Sure it is.


At least the signs are in english.







All one big multicultural happy assimilated fucking family.

Love the guy with the "this is Mexico" sign.

If California were still Mexico they would be running FROM there too.

These people like to pretend that in that scenario, that it would be the same, just browner.

THey ignore that fact that it would suck.

Or that, as it really does "become mexico" that it will suck more and more and more.
Latino immigrants are assimilating just as other immigrant groups before them have.

Tell it to the Trump supporters being set on by mobs in San Jose.

Tell it to anyone; it's true.

Sure it is.

Yeah, it is.

Doesn't look like it to me.

It looks like a nation being torn apart.

Looks to me like people are pissed at Trumps anti-hispanic rhetoric :dunno:
what does "Asians are Mexicans" mean? Do you mean that it is thought that HUMANS who
inhabit the Americas are thought to be descended from migrating ASIANS in remote

Typo. I meant aren't mexicans.

So are you saying Mexicans are inferior?


I guess that depends on how you personally judge a people's worth.

Japan is a First World nation, very peaceful and law abiding, very technologically advanced, very productive, very wealthy, high levels of education, ect.

Mexico is a Third World nation, mired in poverty, torn apart by horrific violence, not known for it's technological prowess, very poor, ect.

On the other hand, they do have a good birth rate.

I guess it depends on what an individual's Vision of the Future of our nation is, as to which culture is "inferior".

Their cultures are certainly DIFFERENT, which was my point, so pointing at Hawaii as proof that California is going to be ok, is not valid.
Mexico does have a high GDP and a rapidly growing middle class.

Well, high relative to it's own past and other Third World nations, not compared to the US, or Japan.
Mexico is 15th in the world. Not to shabby
Tell it to the Trump supporters being set on by mobs in San Jose.

Tell it to anyone; it's true.

Sure it is.

Yeah, it is.

Doesn't look like it to me.

It looks like a nation being torn apart.

Looks to me like people are pissed at Trumps anti-hispanic rhetoric :dunno:

Except that there is no anti-hispanic rhetoric.

What there is is vast amounts of Race Baiting and Panic Mongering from the Left, with support from the GOP leadership.
Typo. I meant aren't mexicans.

So are you saying Mexicans are inferior?


I guess that depends on how you personally judge a people's worth.

Japan is a First World nation, very peaceful and law abiding, very technologically advanced, very productive, very wealthy, high levels of education, ect.

Mexico is a Third World nation, mired in poverty, torn apart by horrific violence, not known for it's technological prowess, very poor, ect.

On the other hand, they do have a good birth rate.

I guess it depends on what an individual's Vision of the Future of our nation is, as to which culture is "inferior".

Their cultures are certainly DIFFERENT, which was my point, so pointing at Hawaii as proof that California is going to be ok, is not valid.
Mexico does have a high GDP and a rapidly growing middle class.

Well, high relative to it's own past and other Third World nations, not compared to the US, or Japan.
Mexico is 15th in the world. Not to shabby


per capita income 16k a year, compared to 37k a year for Japan and 53k for the US.

My point stands.

Their cultures are certainly DIFFERENT, which was my point, so pointing at Hawaii as proof that California is going to be ok, is not valid.
Latino immigrants are assimilating just as other immigrant groups before them have.

Tell it to the Trump supporters being set on by mobs in San Jose.

Tell it to anyone; it's true.

Sure it is.

Yeah, it is.

Doesn't look like it to me.


Because you've got nothing to go on but a few pictures and your own illogical fear. Drawing conclusions from ignorance and weakness is not a good idea.

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