Last year the Hispanic population of California surpassed the White population


I've posted links to bloody riots to support my claim that the nation is being torn apart.....

You've posted random pics from isolated incidents which prove NO larger point at all. People have argued, fought, and been bloodied at every single moment of my nation's history. To a chicken shit Chicken Little like you, that must mean "the nation [has been] being torn apart" since before its inception and every day onward. Get a grip and grow up. The radical left are the only ones with any use for fools like you.

It is not an isolated incident. ...

Yes it is. Been like this for our entire history.
The facts are right there.

The U of Texas view is right there.

  • Between 2008 and 2014, 40% of all murder convictions in Florida were criminal aliens. In New York it was 34% and Arizona 17.8%.
  • During those years, criminal aliens accounted for 38% of all murder convictions in the five states of California, Texas, Arizona, Florida and New York, while illegal aliens constitute only 5.6% of the total population in those states.
  • That 38% represents 7,085 murders out of the total of 18,643.
Illegal Alien Crime Accounts for over 30% of Murders in Many States - Breitbart

{The higher criminal propensity of illegals, however, may reflect differences between legal and illegal residents, as opposed to the (causal) effect of legal status. In particular, illegal immigrants are typically young, single, male, and less educated than legal immigrants (Cohn and Passel, 2009; Mastrobuoni and Pinotti, 2014; and Caponi and Plesca, 2013). More generally, the two groups could differ along other dimensions relevant to criminal behavior. For instance, individuals who are less risk averse or have a higher propensity to violate laws would be more likely to reside illegally in a country and to commit crime. It is thus difficult to identify the causal effect of legal status on crime committed by immigrants.}

Clicking on Heaven’s Door: The Effect of Immigrant Legalization on Crime

That was a little disappointing.

True, the learning of the language is a good thing.

BUT, just because the sign claiming that San Jose was Mexican territory was in english, didn't make it's message any less traitorous.

"And this just scratches the surface of Citrin's and his colleagues' findings on the assimilation of Latino immigrants. "Hispanics appear to be no more or less religious than whites," they write. "Nor do they exhibit a lower commitment to the importance of working hard to get ahead." There just aren't any differences to be found."

The claim that immigrants commit less crime is just not credible.

The age, and the socio-economic status of the group would lead one to expect higher rates.

I strongly suspect that they are adjusting for those factors, which hides the truth.

"Illegal immigrants are erroneously perceived to commit more crime based on the mistaken theory their population size is much larger than it really is, according to the findings of a respected public university in a southern border state."

"recent research from The University of Texas at Austin indicates that immigrant teens are significantly less likely to engage in violent behaviors, crime and drug use than their U.S.-born counterparts."

—"Foreign-born individuals exhibit remarkably low levels of involvement in crime across their life course." (Bianca Bersani, University of Massachusetts, 2014. Published in Justice Quarterly.)

The Civil Rights movement was about getting equal rights for minorities.

THe protests against the Vietnam War was against the War.

The labor disputes were about getting better wages and working conditions.

What was the violence in San Jose about?

It was about the Left wanting to use violence to suppress the Free Speech and Assembly of the Right.

The racial component, which cannot be ignored is that the coming Minority Majority wanted to use violence to suppress the political activities of the largest single ethnic group, which they see as the enemy.

This isn't a conflict that has a solution.

It can only grow worse with time.

That was a little disappointing.

True, the learning of the language is a good thing.

BUT, just because the sign claiming that San Jose was Mexican territory was in english, didn't make it's message any less traitorous.

"And this just scratches the surface of Citrin's and his colleagues' findings on the assimilation of Latino immigrants. "Hispanics appear to be no more or less religious than whites," they write. "Nor do they exhibit a lower commitment to the importance of working hard to get ahead." There just aren't any differences to be found."

What percentage of Whites consider California to be part of Mexico?

The Civil Rights movement was about getting equal rights for minorities.

THe protests against the Vietnam War was against the War.

The labor disputes were about getting better wages and working conditions.

What was the violence in San Jose about?

It was about the Left wanting to use violence to suppress the Free Speech and Assembly of the Right.

The racial component, which cannot be ignored is that the coming Minority Majority wanted to use violence to suppress the political activities of the largest single ethnic group, which they see as the enemy.

This isn't a conflict that has a solution.

It can only grow worse with time.

You're trying real hard to miss the point, Chicken Little.

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