Last year the Hispanic population of California surpassed the White population

Tell it to the Trump supporters being set on by mobs in San Jose.

Tell it to anyone; it's true.

Sure it is.

Yeah, it is.

Doesn't look like it to me.


Because you've got nothing to go on but a few pictures and your own illogical fear. Drawing conclusions from ignorance and weakness is not a good idea.

The blood shows that my fears are well grounded in reality.
Tell it to anyone; it's true.

Sure it is.

Yeah, it is.

Doesn't look like it to me.


Because you've got nothing to go on but a few pictures and your own illogical fear. Drawing conclusions from ignorance and weakness is not a good idea.

The blood shows that my fears are well grounded in reality.

It shows illogical chicken shit.
Latino immigrants are assimilating just as other immigrant groups before them have.

And fertility rates among Latinos are falling fast.

I saw a figure that states the opposite

Why does it matter?

We need to win them over to assimilate into the American main stream.....

Relax, that's already happening.

Yea, they're really assimilating.

If they want to fly that flag, they need to go to that country and do it.

"We have room for but one flag, the American flag ... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language ... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

-Theodore Roosevelt

Doesn't look like it to me.


Because you've got nothing to go on but a few pictures and your own illogical fear. Drawing conclusions from ignorance and weakness is not a good idea.

The blood shows that my fears are well grounded in reality.

It shows illogical chicken shit.

It is logical to be afraid of physical violence.

It is illogical to NOT be afraid of physical violence.

Bravery is doing what needs to be done despite fear.

BUT, we don't need to import a million Third Worlders a year,

so doing it is not brave, just stupid.
Every major problem we in America face has a direct link to and is made worse by illegal immigration...Healthcare, the deficit, crime, terrorism, education, prison overcrowding. I could go on and on.
Yeah, it is.

Doesn't look like it to me.


Because you've got nothing to go on but a few pictures and your own illogical fear. Drawing conclusions from ignorance and weakness is not a good idea.

The blood shows that my fears are well grounded in reality.

It shows illogical chicken shit.

It is logical to be afraid of physical violence.

It is illogical to NOT be afraid of physical violence.

Bravery is doing what needs to be done despite fear.

BUT, we don't need to import a million Third Worlders a year,

so doing it is not brave, just stupid.

Being a Pussy is not an American trait.
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Doesn't look like it to me.


Because you've got nothing to go on but a few pictures and your own illogical fear. Drawing conclusions from ignorance and weakness is not a good idea.

The blood shows that my fears are well grounded in reality.

It shows illogical chicken shit.

It is logical to be afraid of physical violence.

It is illogical to NOT be afraid of physical violence.

Bravery is doing what needs to be done despite fear.

BUT, we don't need to import a million Third Worlders a year,

so doing it is not brave, just stupid.


Exposing yourself to danger without any reason is not brave, it is stupid.
Because you've got nothing to go on but a few pictures and your own illogical fear. Drawing conclusions from ignorance and weakness is not a good idea.

The blood shows that my fears are well grounded in reality.

It shows illogical chicken shit.

It is logical to be afraid of physical violence.

It is illogical to NOT be afraid of physical violence.

Bravery is doing what needs to be done despite fear.

BUT, we don't need to import a million Third Worlders a year,

so doing it is not brave, just stupid.


Exposing yourself to danger without any reason is not brave, it is stupid.

You make a fine Frenchman.
The blood shows that my fears are well grounded in reality.

It shows illogical chicken shit.

It is logical to be afraid of physical violence.

It is illogical to NOT be afraid of physical violence.

Bravery is doing what needs to be done despite fear.

BUT, we don't need to import a million Third Worlders a year,

so doing it is not brave, just stupid.


Exposing yourself to danger without any reason is not brave, it is stupid.

You make a fine Frenchman.



A nation being torn apart.

And for what reason? So that farmers can pay their pickers less?
It shows illogical chicken shit.

It is logical to be afraid of physical violence.

It is illogical to NOT be afraid of physical violence.

Bravery is doing what needs to be done despite fear.

BUT, we don't need to import a million Third Worlders a year,

so doing it is not brave, just stupid.


Exposing yourself to danger without any reason is not brave, it is stupid.

You make a fine Frenchman.

A nation being torn apart.......

The nation is not "being torn apart," pussy. YOU are just playing the sucker for the far left that wants to. They make you dance like a little puppet because your ignorant fear is so easy to manipulate.
It is logical to be afraid of physical violence.

It is illogical to NOT be afraid of physical violence.

Bravery is doing what needs to be done despite fear.

BUT, we don't need to import a million Third Worlders a year,

so doing it is not brave, just stupid.


Exposing yourself to danger without any reason is not brave, it is stupid.

You make a fine Frenchman.

A nation being torn apart.......

The nation is not "being torn apart," pussy. YOU are just playing the sucker for the far left that wants to. They make you dance like a little puppet because your ignorant fear is so easy to manipulate.

You keep saying that, and similar empty statements, without ever backing it up with anything besides insults.

I've posted links to bloody riots to support my claim that the nation is being torn apart.

You've called me some names. As though that is a supporting argument.

Do you understand how lame that makes you look?

I've posted links to bloody riots to support my claim that the nation is being torn apart.....

You've posted random pics from isolated incidents which prove NO larger point at all. People have argued, fought, and been bloodied at every single moment of my nation's history. To a chicken shit Chicken Little like you, that must mean "the nation [has been] being torn apart" since before its inception and every day onward. Get a grip and grow up. The radical left are the only ones with any use for fools like you.

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