Last year the Hispanic population of California surpassed the White population

By "genocide" we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups….


you are projecting your INTENSE SELF DOUBT onto some vast COSMIC

there is no cure----your malady
falls into the category of sickness
which psychiatrists used to call
Of course a jewess doesn't think its white genocide. Your race is the ones that want the white race extinct! we are a threat

Moving millions of non-White immigrants into traditionally White countries over a period of years. This alone is not genocide, but the next step makes it a part of genocide.

Legally chasing down and forcing White areas to accept “diversity“. This is known as “Forced Assimilation“.

A combination of mass immigration (of different groups of people) plus forced assimilation would qualify as genocide, as defined by Article II, part (C) of the United Nations Genocide Conventions:

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

Government refusal to remove genocidal policies that are in place today. By keeping these policies in place, they ensure that the genocide is ongoing.

Society is widely aware that White people are becoming a minority in several countries, but anti-Whites don’t want us to bring an end to the policies which are turning us into a minority everywhere.

In what way are you (whatever is your ethnic
group) a threat to jews?
I am white. The entire white race is a threat if it wasn't then Jews wouldn't have spent millenia trying to destroy my race.

LOL.....god you are delusional.
Yep he is a true mental midget.
In what way are you (whatever is your ethnic
group) a threat to jews?
I am white. The entire white race is a threat if it wasn't then Jews wouldn't have spent millenia trying to destroy my race.

LOL.....god you are delusional.

nope----odium has a good memory----
he's learned the WORLD ACCORDING
TO ADOLF HITLER ---very well-. The roots
of this world view is mostly in ancient Rome---but it also extends into GREECE

Odium- and his clan of club wielding anti-semites and race baiters and haters are all delusional haters.
Seriously Syriusly you can do better child so come on step ot up or leave the debate to the adults.
Lol you call yourself an adult. That is rich.

You are the king of tossing stones from a glass house!
By "genocide" we mean the destruction of an ethnic group…. Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be disintegration of the political and social institutions, of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups….


you are projecting your INTENSE SELF DOUBT onto some vast COSMIC

there is no cure----your malady
falls into the category of sickness
which psychiatrists used to call
Of course a jewess doesn't think its white genocide. Your race is the ones that want the white race extinct! we are a threat

Moving millions of non-White immigrants into traditionally White countries over a period of years. This alone is not genocide, but the next step makes it a part of genocide.

Legally chasing down and forcing White areas to accept “diversity“. This is known as “Forced Assimilation“.

A combination of mass immigration (of different groups of people) plus forced assimilation would qualify as genocide, as defined by Article II, part (C) of the United Nations Genocide Conventions:

Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

Government refusal to remove genocidal policies that are in place today. By keeping these policies in place, they ensure that the genocide is ongoing.

Society is widely aware that White people are becoming a minority in several countries, but anti-Whites don’t want us to bring an end to the policies which are turning us into a minority everywhere.
Judaism is a race you fucking fool! It is not now and never has been.

Most Jews are Caucasian. But I don't expect a retard like you to get it.

She had it right it is not genocide they are committing on the CA Caucasian by any stretch of the imagine, but it is a passive form of ethnic cleansing. An environment is being created that is forcing whites (and blacks) out. That is a fact.

When the SW gets to that tipping point it could turn to a violent ethnic cleansing. That could be as low as 60%, could be 70 or 80% who knows.

Word to stupid, it isn't the fact that she is Jewish that cloud her judgement to seeing this as troubling. It is her liberal beliefs.
Jews Are a ‘Race,’ Genes Reveal

Scientists say otherwise :)
California Hispanic population outstrips white: Census | Reuters

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

In 1990 there were 7 mil Hispanics to 17 mil whites. The white population shrunk to 14.92 white, but Hispanics grew to 14.99 mil in 2015. Latinos now make up 39% of the state, but that is only half the story. Liberal never like to count illegals in these numbers more than like that 14.99 is probably closer to 20 mil when you count the illegals. That's puts the population closer to 42-43% mark.

Now there are 2certainties:
1. The white population will continue to shrink
2. The Hispanic will continue to grow through illegal immigration and rabbit like birth rates

Liberals will breakdance to this news, but the situation is ripe for revolution. California has a bloated budget, large unfunded pension plans, a crumbling nanny state, crumbling infrastructure, worst school system in the country and high cost of living. California has thrived off taxing their rich business base and numerous millionaire tax base. The migration out of CA has been going on for a white, hence the decrease in whites.

As the Hispanic population continues to grow the state will look less like the successful CA we knew for decades and will look like a failed banana Republic of South America. They will lose the tax base, but will still have the bills to pay.

The populace will suffer from everything to no or low paying jobs, horrible schools and high crime. Within the next 30 years the Hispanic population will be the majority. They will vote in one Hispanic leftist after another, with thing only getting worse (see every big city in America). Eventually the Hispanics will blame their woes on you guessed it - White People. If the Hispanics make up 70, 80 or 90% of the population, how long will it be before they seek independence. More likely they will seek a new Hispanic homeland I. The Southwest incorporating CA, AZ, NV, TX and NM.

The Republic Del Norte will be fought over in our lifetime.

Does that worry you?
So? Hawaii is over 50% Asian. They seem to be doing just fine.

Asian's are Mexicans. YOur analogy proves nothing.

Asians are Mexicans? :laugh:

So all this time I've been Mexican and haven't known it?

well-----you do use lots of cumin-----so do INDIANS (of india) My mom never used cumin. I am not even sure who had it first---
India or Mexico-----it is mentioned several times in the bible-----so its nothing NEW.
One cannot make either corned beef or
kosher pickles without coriander-----so that one is no clue.
I am white. The entire white race is a threat if it wasn't then Jews wouldn't have spent millenia trying to destroy my race.

LOL.....god you are delusional.

nope----odium has a good memory----
he's learned the WORLD ACCORDING
TO ADOLF HITLER ---very well-. The roots
of this world view is mostly in ancient Rome---but it also extends into GREECE

Odium- and his clan of club wielding anti-semites and race baiters and haters are all delusional haters.
Seriously Syriusly you can do better child so come on step ot up or leave the debate to the adults.
Lol you call yourself an adult. That is rich.

You are the king of tossing stones from a glass house!

Tossing stones from his glass outhouse is more like it...let's hope Odium's race is headed towards the shallow end of the gene pool. Must suck to live in fear of 1.7% of the population.
LOL.....god you are delusional.

nope----odium has a good memory----
he's learned the WORLD ACCORDING
TO ADOLF HITLER ---very well-. The roots
of this world view is mostly in ancient Rome---but it also extends into GREECE

Odium- and his clan of club wielding anti-semites and race baiters and haters are all delusional haters.
Seriously Syriusly you can do better child so come on step ot up or leave the debate to the adults.
Lol you call yourself an adult. That is rich.

You are the king of tossing stones from a glass house!

Tossing stones from his glass outhouse is more like it...let's hope Odium's race is headed towards the shallow end of the gene pool. Must suck to live in fear of 1.7% of the population.
You must have never realized or cared how much power that 1.7% has in politics,media,entertainment,military issues etc. Try reading a few books by some well known professors!

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt: 9780374531508: Books

The willfully ignorant calling informed people ignorant is hilarious and I take it like that to because I know 99.9% of them have NEVER done any research because either A. They don't care or B. They don't know to do some
nope----odium has a good memory----
he's learned the WORLD ACCORDING
TO ADOLF HITLER ---very well-. The roots
of this world view is mostly in ancient Rome---but it also extends into GREECE

Odium- and his clan of club wielding anti-semites and race baiters and haters are all delusional haters.
Seriously Syriusly you can do better child so come on step ot up or leave the debate to the adults.
Lol you call yourself an adult. That is rich.

You are the king of tossing stones from a glass house!

Tossing stones from his glass outhouse is more like it...let's hope Odium's race is headed towards the shallow end of the gene pool. Must suck to live in fear of 1.7% of the population.
You must have never realized or cared how much power that 1.7% has in politics,media,entertainment,military issues etc. Try reading a few books by some well known professors!

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt: 9780374531508: Books

The willfully ignorant calling informed people ignorant is hilarious and I take it like that to because I know 99.9% of them have NEVER done any research because either A. They don't care or B. They don't know to do some

Islamo Nazis have KNOWN since medieval times how much POWER jews have----from transforming base metals into gold to spreading the BUBONIC PLAGUE
nope----odium has a good memory----
he's learned the WORLD ACCORDING
TO ADOLF HITLER ---very well-. The roots
of this world view is mostly in ancient Rome---but it also extends into GREECE

Odium- and his clan of club wielding anti-semites and race baiters and haters are all delusional haters.
Seriously Syriusly you can do better child so come on step ot up or leave the debate to the adults.
Lol you call yourself an adult. That is rich.

You are the king of tossing stones from a glass house!

Tossing stones from his glass outhouse is more like it...let's hope Odium's race is headed towards the shallow end of the gene pool. Must suck to live in fear of 1.7% of the population.
You must have never realized or cared how much power that 1.7% has in politics,media,entertainment,military issues etc. Try reading a few books by some well known professors!

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt: 9780374531508: Books

The willfully ignorant calling informed people ignorant is hilarious and I take it like that to because I know 99.9% of them have NEVER done any research because either A. They don't care or B. They don't know to do some

When I read fiction, I prefer mysteries and sci fi, so I'll pass.

Why the heck are people in a panic over a multi-ethnic/multi-racial country? :dunno:
Odium- and his clan of club wielding anti-semites and race baiters and haters are all delusional haters.
Seriously Syriusly you can do better child so come on step ot up or leave the debate to the adults.
Lol you call yourself an adult. That is rich.

You are the king of tossing stones from a glass house!

Tossing stones from his glass outhouse is more like it...let's hope Odium's race is headed towards the shallow end of the gene pool. Must suck to live in fear of 1.7% of the population.
You must have never realized or cared how much power that 1.7% has in politics,media,entertainment,military issues etc. Try reading a few books by some well known professors!

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt: 9780374531508: Books

The willfully ignorant calling informed people ignorant is hilarious and I take it like that to because I know 99.9% of them have NEVER done any research because either A. They don't care or B. They don't know to do some

When I read fiction, I prefer mysteries and sci fi, so I'll pass.

Why the heck are people in a panic over a multi-ethnic/multi-racial country? :dunno:
So you are among the willfully ignorant. No surprise. Your choice but you also have no right to claim anyone else that has done their research and does read is crazy or paranoid etc.
Seriously Syriusly you can do better child so come on step ot up or leave the debate to the adults.
Lol you call yourself an adult. That is rich.

You are the king of tossing stones from a glass house!

Tossing stones from his glass outhouse is more like it...let's hope Odium's race is headed towards the shallow end of the gene pool. Must suck to live in fear of 1.7% of the population.
You must have never realized or cared how much power that 1.7% has in politics,media,entertainment,military issues etc. Try reading a few books by some well known professors!

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt: 9780374531508: Books

The willfully ignorant calling informed people ignorant is hilarious and I take it like that to because I know 99.9% of them have NEVER done any research because either A. They don't care or B. They don't know to do some

When I read fiction, I prefer mysteries and sci fi, so I'll pass.

Why the heck are people in a panic over a multi-ethnic/multi-racial country? :dunno:
So you are among the willfully ignorant. No surprise. Your choice but you also have no right to claim anyone else that has done their research and does read is crazy or paranoid etc.

I do my research.

And anyway, what is wrong with a diverse and colorful nation?
Lol you call yourself an adult. That is rich.

You are the king of tossing stones from a glass house!

Tossing stones from his glass outhouse is more like it...let's hope Odium's race is headed towards the shallow end of the gene pool. Must suck to live in fear of 1.7% of the population.
You must have never realized or cared how much power that 1.7% has in politics,media,entertainment,military issues etc. Try reading a few books by some well known professors!

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt: 9780374531508: Books

The willfully ignorant calling informed people ignorant is hilarious and I take it like that to because I know 99.9% of them have NEVER done any research because either A. They don't care or B. They don't know to do some

When I read fiction, I prefer mysteries and sci fi, so I'll pass.

Why the heck are people in a panic over a multi-ethnic/multi-racial country? :dunno:
So you are among the willfully ignorant. No surprise. Your choice but you also have no right to claim anyone else that has done their research and does read is crazy or paranoid etc.

I do my research.

And anyway, what is wrong with a diverse and colorful nation?
What's wrong with a nation of just whites? Jews have their own nation and if they really wanted to they could get rid of every Arab there.

White countries for everyone?
Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, but White countries for everyone?

Anti-Whites all agree that Africa belongs to Black people, and the various mixed-race Muslim groups in North Africa. So when White people in the past, or the Chinese today move into Africa so much that Black people become a minority – anti-Whites all agree that’s wrong.

Similarly, anti-Whites all agree that Asia belongs to Asian (Oriental, and Indian) people.

Anti-Whites will never go to these countries and campaign so that millions of immigrants can pour into a non-White country and “diversify” some of the homogenous non-White countries, such as Japan which is 98.5% Japanese as well as being a first world country.

Africa would benefit from millions of Asian or South American immigrants to do the work that Africans don’t want to do, or can’t do. But, anti-Whites don’t object to the fact that millions of non-Black immigrants moving into Africa would eventually make Africa minority Black.

So you see, open borders policies only ever apply to White countries. White countries are not meant to be for a specific group of people, anti-Whites say. They say that all White countries today are meant to exist for an idea – not a race or group of people.

It is very ironic that democracy is one of the ideas anti-Whites claim “Western” (White) countries should exist for. It’s ironic because they ignore the opinion of the majority of people, and go ahead and promote this “mixed race melting pot of diversity”, where White countries used to be.

Black countries exist for Black people. Asian countries exist for Asians, but White countries are for everyone? That’s genocide!
Tossing stones from his glass outhouse is more like it...let's hope Odium's race is headed towards the shallow end of the gene pool. Must suck to live in fear of 1.7% of the population.
You must have never realized or cared how much power that 1.7% has in politics,media,entertainment,military issues etc. Try reading a few books by some well known professors!

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt: 9780374531508: Books

The willfully ignorant calling informed people ignorant is hilarious and I take it like that to because I know 99.9% of them have NEVER done any research because either A. They don't care or B. They don't know to do some

When I read fiction, I prefer mysteries and sci fi, so I'll pass.

Why the heck are people in a panic over a multi-ethnic/multi-racial country? :dunno:
So you are among the willfully ignorant. No surprise. Your choice but you also have no right to claim anyone else that has done their research and does read is crazy or paranoid etc.

I do my research.

And anyway, what is wrong with a diverse and colorful nation?
What's wrong with a nation of just whites?

It would be boring.
Seriously Syriusly you can do better child so come on step ot up or leave the debate to the adults.
Lol you call yourself an adult. That is rich.

You are the king of tossing stones from a glass house!

Tossing stones from his glass outhouse is more like it...let's hope Odium's race is headed towards the shallow end of the gene pool. Must suck to live in fear of 1.7% of the population.
You must have never realized or cared how much power that 1.7% has in politics,media,entertainment,military issues etc. Try reading a few books by some well known professors!

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt: 9780374531508: Books

The willfully ignorant calling informed people ignorant is hilarious and I take it like that to because I know 99.9% of them have NEVER done any research because either A. They don't care or B. They don't know to do some

When I read fiction, I prefer mysteries and sci fi, so I'll pass.

Why the heck are people in a panic over a multi-ethnic/multi-racial country? :dunno:
So you are among the willfully ignorant. No surprise. Your choice but you also have no right to claim anyone else that has done their research and does read is crazy or paranoid etc.

reading is harmful to mini-minded people. The shittier the garbage---the more they BELIEVE. I used to read NATIONAL ENQUIRER in the supermarket whilst waiting
for my mom to shop. Until I heard some people EXCITEDLY talking about INFORMATION FROM THAT RAG---it never
occurred to me that there would be people who believed it
Lol you call yourself an adult. That is rich.

You are the king of tossing stones from a glass house!

Tossing stones from his glass outhouse is more like it...let's hope Odium's race is headed towards the shallow end of the gene pool. Must suck to live in fear of 1.7% of the population.
You must have never realized or cared how much power that 1.7% has in politics,media,entertainment,military issues etc. Try reading a few books by some well known professors!

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt: 9780374531508: Books

The willfully ignorant calling informed people ignorant is hilarious and I take it like that to because I know 99.9% of them have NEVER done any research because either A. They don't care or B. They don't know to do some

When I read fiction, I prefer mysteries and sci fi, so I'll pass.

Why the heck are people in a panic over a multi-ethnic/multi-racial country? :dunno:
So you are among the willfully ignorant. No surprise. Your choice but you also have no right to claim anyone else that has done their research and does read is crazy or paranoid etc.

reading is harmful to mini-minded people. The shittier the garbage---the more they BELIEVE. I used to read NATIONAL ENQUIRER in the supermarket whilst waiting
for my mom to shop. Until I heard some people EXCITEDLY talking about INFORMATION FROM THAT RAG---it never
occurred to me that there would be people who believed it

Wait...are you saying Batboy is a myth? You just broke my heart.
Whites have every right to control our own fate,our borders,our culture etc. A foreign enemy has made it its goal to destroy ALL white nations by flooding them with nonwhites. Tell me what do Jews have to gain from allowing and pushing for Arabs into Europe? Makes no sense right off the top of your head does it?
Whites have every right to control our own fate,our borders,our culture etc. A foreign enemy has made it its goal to destroy ALL white nations by flooding them with nonwhites. Tell me what do Jews have to gain from allowing and pushing for Arabs into Europe? Makes no sense right off the top of your head does it?

The Jews are responsible for mass population transfers around the world? Amazing. And here I thought it was due to war, political instability, economic poverty...
Tossing stones from his glass outhouse is more like it...let's hope Odium's race is headed towards the shallow end of the gene pool. Must suck to live in fear of 1.7% of the population.
You must have never realized or cared how much power that 1.7% has in politics,media,entertainment,military issues etc. Try reading a few books by some well known professors!

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy: John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt: 9780374531508: Books

The willfully ignorant calling informed people ignorant is hilarious and I take it like that to because I know 99.9% of them have NEVER done any research because either A. They don't care or B. They don't know to do some

When I read fiction, I prefer mysteries and sci fi, so I'll pass.

Why the heck are people in a panic over a multi-ethnic/multi-racial country? :dunno:
So you are among the willfully ignorant. No surprise. Your choice but you also have no right to claim anyone else that has done their research and does read is crazy or paranoid etc.

reading is harmful to mini-minded people. The shittier the garbage---the more they BELIEVE. I used to read NATIONAL ENQUIRER in the supermarket whilst waiting
for my mom to shop. Until I heard some people EXCITEDLY talking about INFORMATION FROM THAT RAG---it never
occurred to me that there would be people who believed it

Wait...are you saying Batboy is a myth? You just broke my heart.

you had a crush??? it's ok-----I had a crush on Doctor Kildare------and you know how that turned out

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