Last year the Hispanic population of California surpassed the White population

California Hispanic population outstrips white: Census | Reuters

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

In 1990 there were 7 mil Hispanics to 17 mil whites. The white population shrunk to 14.92 white, but Hispanics grew to 14.99 mil in 2015. Latinos now make up 39% of the state, but that is only half the story. Liberal never like to count illegals in these numbers more than like that 14.99 is probably closer to 20 mil when you count the illegals. That's puts the population closer to 42-43% mark.

Now there are 2certainties:
1. The white population will continue to shrink
2. The Hispanic will continue to grow through illegal immigration and rabbit like birth rates

Liberals will breakdance to this news, but the situation is ripe for revolution. California has a bloated budget, large unfunded pension plans, a crumbling nanny state, crumbling infrastructure, worst school system in the country and high cost of living. California has thrived off taxing their rich business base and numerous millionaire tax base. The migration out of CA has been going on for a white, hence the decrease in whites.

As the Hispanic population continues to grow the state will look less like the successful CA we knew for decades and will look like a failed banana Republic of South America. They will lose the tax base, but will still have the bills to pay.

The populace will suffer from everything to no or low paying jobs, horrible schools and high crime. Within the next 30 years the Hispanic population will be the majority. They will vote in one Hispanic leftist after another, with thing only getting worse (see every big city in America). Eventually the Hispanics will blame their woes on you guessed it - White People. If the Hispanics make up 70, 80 or 90% of the population, how long will it be before they seek independence. More likely they will seek a new Hispanic homeland I. The Southwest incorporating CA, AZ, NV, TX and NM.

The Republic Del Norte will be fought over in our lifetime.
I say give Cali to Mexico... They are nothing dead economic weight anyway. Lol

You are kidding, right?

We're No. 8: California near top of world's largest economies
We're No. 8: California near top of world's largest economies

California regains ranking as world's eighth largest economy
Jul 7, 2014, 2:21pm PDT Updated Jul 7, 2014, 2:34pm PDT

During the recession California dropped to the 12th largest economy in the world.

Doesn't matter So a few politicians and tech brainiacs get richer. It's not gonna stop Third World Misery from becoming the reality out there. It's too late. Damage done.
But hey, on the bright side, now Whitey gets to play the 'poor oppressed minority.' Lots of fringe benefits come with that. Lots of Freebies. ;)

They've been doing that forever.

Nah, now they are actually the minority out there. Time for Whitey to take advantage of it. Bring on the Freebies!! Woo Hoo!! :)

They got freebies and preferences all along the way.

Yeah but now they actually are the 'oppressed minority.' There's gonna be some perks with that.


Well we whites are so downtrodden already what with the war on christmas, the war on marriage, the "liberal MSM" and whutnot.
California Hispanic population outstrips white: Census | Reuters

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

In 1990 there were 7 mil Hispanics to 17 mil whites. The white population shrunk to 14.92 white, but Hispanics grew to 14.99 mil in 2015. Latinos now make up 39% of the state, but that is only half the story. Liberal never like to count illegals in these numbers more than like that 14.99 is probably closer to 20 mil when you count the illegals. That's puts the population closer to 42-43% mark.

Now there are 2certainties:
1. The white population will continue to shrink
2. The Hispanic will continue to grow through illegal immigration and rabbit like birth rates

Liberals will breakdance to this news, but the situation is ripe for revolution. California has a bloated budget, large unfunded pension plans, a crumbling nanny state, crumbling infrastructure, worst school system in the country and high cost of living. California has thrived off taxing their rich business base and numerous millionaire tax base. The migration out of CA has been going on for a white, hence the decrease in whites.

As the Hispanic population continues to grow the state will look less like the successful CA we knew for decades and will look like a failed banana Republic of South America. They will lose the tax base, but will still have the bills to pay.

The populace will suffer from everything to no or low paying jobs, horrible schools and high crime. Within the next 30 years the Hispanic population will be the majority. They will vote in one Hispanic leftist after another, with thing only getting worse (see every big city in America). Eventually the Hispanics will blame their woes on you guessed it - White People. If the Hispanics make up 70, 80 or 90% of the population, how long will it be before they seek independence. More likely they will seek a new Hispanic homeland I. The Southwest incorporating CA, AZ, NV, TX and NM.

The Republic Del Norte will be fought over in our lifetime.
I say give Cali to Mexico... They are nothing dead economic weight anyway. Lol

You are kidding, right?

We're No. 8: California near top of world's largest economies
We're No. 8: California near top of world's largest economies

During the recession California dropped to the 12th largest economy in the world.
Mexico wants them back... And in Cali you don't have to work for a living you just have to pull a welfare check…

Those are the facts. Welfare states don't rank in world economies, Cletus.
Third World Misery is on the way. Not just for California, the rest of the nation as well. You can't sustain massive unchecked illegal immigration. No nation can. California will resemble Venezuela and Brazil eventually.

Most will stand in long grueling lines waiting for their daily food & water rations. Others will have to be housed in Government refugee camps. And don't laugh, that scenario isn't nearly as farfetched as most wanna think. California is dying. It's just fact.

Nah, what a society cannot tolerate is this huge wealth inequality gap. Present in every single "third world" society.
Yep and it was made so much better in all the socialist revolutions in South American huh? So how is making America more like Latin America going to make things better.

Who argued that? You?
California Hispanic population outstrips white: Census | Reuters

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

In 1990 there were 7 mil Hispanics to 17 mil whites. The white population shrunk to 14.92 white, but Hispanics grew to 14.99 mil in 2015. Latinos now make up 39% of the state, but that is only half the story. Liberal never like to count illegals in these numbers more than like that 14.99 is probably closer to 20 mil when you count the illegals. That's puts the population closer to 42-43% mark.

Now there are 2certainties:
1. The white population will continue to shrink
2. The Hispanic will continue to grow through illegal immigration and rabbit like birth rates

Liberals will breakdance to this news, but the situation is ripe for revolution. California has a bloated budget, large unfunded pension plans, a crumbling nanny state, crumbling infrastructure, worst school system in the country and high cost of living. California has thrived off taxing their rich business base and numerous millionaire tax base. The migration out of CA has been going on for a white, hence the decrease in whites.

As the Hispanic population continues to grow the state will look less like the successful CA we knew for decades and will look like a failed banana Republic of South America. They will lose the tax base, but will still have the bills to pay.

The populace will suffer from everything to no or low paying jobs, horrible schools and high crime. Within the next 30 years the Hispanic population will be the majority. They will vote in one Hispanic leftist after another, with thing only getting worse (see every big city in America). Eventually the Hispanics will blame their woes on you guessed it - White People. If the Hispanics make up 70, 80 or 90% of the population, how long will it be before they seek independence. More likely they will seek a new Hispanic homeland I. The Southwest incorporating CA, AZ, NV, TX and NM.

The Republic Del Norte will be fought over in our lifetime.
Give the state back to the Mexicans and hope for The Big One. Oh, and leave plenty of IEDs.
Third World Misery is on the way. Not just for California, the rest of the nation as well. You can't sustain massive unchecked illegal immigration. No nation can. California will resemble Venezuela and Brazil eventually.

Most will stand in long grueling lines waiting for their daily food & water rations. Others will have to be housed in Government refugee camps. And don't laugh, that scenario isn't nearly as farfetched as most wanna think. California is dying. It's just fact.

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus


I fully support Immigration. It's a huge part of who we are as a nation. However, i don't support this massive unchecked Illegal Immigration. It can't be sustained. No nation can sustain it. There will be a hefty price to pay at some point.

California will just be the first to fall. It'll become Venezuela. The long miserable ration lines, and Government refugee (internment) camps will become a reality. It is what it is.

We need to prevent it from becoming another Venezuela by ABOLISHING legislation which the NICOLAS MADURO's (Spanish for Bernard Sanders) can use to create yet another socialist Republic.

Third World Misery is on the way. Not just for California, the rest of the nation as well. You can't sustain massive unchecked illegal immigration. No nation can. California will resemble Venezuela and Brazil eventually.

Most will stand in long grueling lines waiting for their daily food & water rations. Others will have to be housed in Government refugee camps. And don't laugh, that scenario isn't nearly as farfetched as most wanna think. California is dying. It's just fact.

Nah, what a society cannot tolerate is this huge wealth inequality gap. Present in every single "third world" society.
Yep and it was made so much better in all the socialist revolutions in South American huh? So how is making America more like Latin America going to make things better.

Yeah, California sure has taken the Venezuela route. Seriously, long miserable ration lines and Government refugee (internment) camps, isn't such a farfetched notion. That is where things are headed out there.

In fact, it's where our country as a whole is headed. This massive unchecked illegal immigration can't be sustained. There will be a price to pay at some point.
California Hispanic population outstrips white: Census | Reuters

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

In 1990 there were 7 mil Hispanics to 17 mil whites. The white population shrunk to 14.92 white, but Hispanics grew to 14.99 mil in 2015. Latinos now make up 39% of the state, but that is only half the story. Liberal never like to count illegals in these numbers more than like that 14.99 is probably closer to 20 mil when you count the illegals. That's puts the population closer to 42-43% mark.

Now there are 2certainties:
1. The white population will continue to shrink
2. The Hispanic will continue to grow through illegal immigration and rabbit like birth rates

Liberals will breakdance to this news, but the situation is ripe for revolution. California has a bloated budget, large unfunded pension plans, a crumbling nanny state, crumbling infrastructure, worst school system in the country and high cost of living. California has thrived off taxing their rich business base and numerous millionaire tax base. The migration out of CA has been going on for a white, hence the decrease in whites.

As the Hispanic population continues to grow the state will look less like the successful CA we knew for decades and will look like a failed banana Republic of South America. They will lose the tax base, but will still have the bills to pay.

The populace will suffer from everything to no or low paying jobs, horrible schools and high crime. Within the next 30 years the Hispanic population will be the majority. They will vote in one Hispanic leftist after another, with thing only getting worse (see every big city in America). Eventually the Hispanics will blame their woes on you guessed it - White People. If the Hispanics make up 70, 80 or 90% of the population, how long will it be before they seek independence. More likely they will seek a new Hispanic homeland I. The Southwest incorporating CA, AZ, NV, TX and NM.

The Republic Del Norte will be fought over in our lifetime.
I say give Cali to Mexico... They are nothing dead economic weight anyway. Lol

You are kidding, right?

We're No. 8: California near top of world's largest economies
We're No. 8: California near top of world's largest economies

During the recession California dropped to the 12th largest economy in the world.
Mexico wants them back... And in Cali you don't have to work for a living you just have to pull a welfare check…

Those are the facts. Welfare states don't rank in world economies, Cletus.
Everyone knows if you are a socialist, means you are lazy then Cali and Hawaii are the best places this side of the Atlantic to live on the dole... Fact
But hey, on the bright side, now Whitey gets to play the 'poor oppressed minority.' Lots of fringe benefits come with that. Lots of Freebies. ;)

They've been doing that forever.

Nah, now they are actually the minority out there. Time for Whitey to take advantage of it. Bring on the Freebies!! Woo Hoo!! :)

They got freebies and preferences all along the way.

Yeah but now they actually are the 'oppressed minority.' There's gonna be some perks with that.


Well we whites are so downtrodden already what with the war on christmas, the war on marriage, the "liberal MSM" and whutnot.

Being an 'oppressed minority' has its perks. Ya get to sit around watching tv, munching on some cheetos, and grabbing those freebies. All, while bitchin & moanin about how 'oppressed' you be. It's a real Win-Win. So, bring on the goodies!!

California Hispanic population outstrips white: Census | Reuters

It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California

In 1990 there were 7 mil Hispanics to 17 mil whites. The white population shrunk to 14.92 white, but Hispanics grew to 14.99 mil in 2015. Latinos now make up 39% of the state, but that is only half the story. Liberal never like to count illegals in these numbers more than like that 14.99 is probably closer to 20 mil when you count the illegals. That's puts the population closer to 42-43% mark.

Now there are 2certainties:
1. The white population will continue to shrink
2. The Hispanic will continue to grow through illegal immigration and rabbit like birth rates

Liberals will breakdance to this news, but the situation is ripe for revolution. California has a bloated budget, large unfunded pension plans, a crumbling nanny state, crumbling infrastructure, worst school system in the country and high cost of living. California has thrived off taxing their rich business base and numerous millionaire tax base. The migration out of CA has been going on for a white, hence the decrease in whites.

As the Hispanic population continues to grow the state will look less like the successful CA we knew for decades and will look like a failed banana Republic of South America. They will lose the tax base, but will still have the bills to pay.

The populace will suffer from everything to no or low paying jobs, horrible schools and high crime. Within the next 30 years the Hispanic population will be the majority. They will vote in one Hispanic leftist after another, with thing only getting worse (see every big city in America). Eventually the Hispanics will blame their woes on you guessed it - White People. If the Hispanics make up 70, 80 or 90% of the population, how long will it be before they seek independence. More likely they will seek a new Hispanic homeland I. The Southwest incorporating CA, AZ, NV, TX and NM.

The Republic Del Norte will be fought over in our lifetime.
Give the state back to the Mexicans and hope for The Big One. Oh, and leave plenty of IEDs.

hope for the Big One?..................


Selma Hayek !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Excuse me fellow posters------just what persons is "WHITE" and what persons is "NOT WHITE" Persons who speak Spanish are, by definition "not white"? I do Spanish---uno, dos, tres---ETC EVITA PERON was "not white" she looked damned white to me. Are
Texans white? I am pink FACIALLY speaking------and a kind of very light pinkish tan in places upon which the sun don't shine.
As a child I had tan to brownish spots on my nose----especially in the summer
White is a weazel word favored by losers instead of the term caucasian which obviously includes Hispanics.

Ben Franklin once bemoaned the immigration of nonwhite Germans into Pennsylvania.

Funny how things change.

WELL ??? RE DEM KRAUTS----ben had a good point?
Aw yeah booyee!! 'Oppressed Minority' now? Betta get me dat EBT and Obama Phone son!!
It's on now! :dance:
California is petitioning the Obama administration for a waver that will let them offer Obamacare to illegals. Something Obama promised would never happen about 100 times. That says so much about California and the lying left.
WELL ??? RE DEM KRAUTS----ben had a good point?
No, Franklin was wrong.

But Franklin did not have millions of them pouring in every year either. If he did then he would have had a point, not that Germans are not white, but that the local economy of that time could not have handled it well and it would have catastrophically driven wages down below survival levels.
WELL ??? RE DEM KRAUTS----ben had a good point?
No, Franklin was wrong.

But Franklin did not have millions of them pouring in every year either. If he did then he would have had a point, not that Germans are not white, but that the local economy of that time could not have handled it well and it would have catastrophically driven wages down below survival levels.

LOCAL ECONOMY??------Philadelphians LIVE on Pretzels------upon which they smear
<yuck> MUSTARD!!!!!! ---ie prepared mustard-----the seed powdered up and mixed with other stuff-------that's the way they eat their DAMNED sausages too-----uhm "HOT DOGS". Ben's whole problem was chicks---he liked chicks and those big brawny KRAUTS -------kept all the blonds for themselves
WELL ??? RE DEM KRAUTS----ben had a good point?
No, Franklin was wrong.

But Franklin did not have millions of them pouring in every year either. If he did then he would have had a point, not that Germans are not white, but that the local economy of that time could not have handled it well and it would have catastrophically driven wages down below survival levels.

In Philadelphia nearby PITTSBURG------they had a bigger problem. THE POTATO STARVED GREEN PEOPLE CAME OVER IN DROVES.....

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