Latest twist in JonBenet Ramsey case.

Michael Helgoth, was also a prime suspect. He was a Colorado native who died shortly after the murder. But his death left more questions than answers.

It appeared to be a suicide. And what about the stun gun discovered next to his body? Investigators believe a stun gun had been used on JonBenet.

Prosecutor DeMuth told me this about Helgoth: "I remember that he had footwear that was consistent with the footprint evidence, he had a stun gun, he had reportedly made statements to a friend, very similar to the types of statements that we're hearing about today in the press with the arrest of John Karr. "

Even more strange, a baseball cap with the letters s-b-t-c was found near Helgoth's body. Those are the same letters found in the ransom note at the Ramsey home. DeMuth says he believes Helgoth's DNA was tested and didn't match up. - Anderson Cooper 360° Blog

I would like to know if his DNA matched.

The link I posted said that to date, no DNA has matched what was found on her. They run it through the databases weekly.
Michael Helgoth, was also a prime suspect. He was a Colorado native who died shortly after the murder. But his death left more questions than answers.

It appeared to be a suicide. And what about the stun gun discovered next to his body? Investigators believe a stun gun had been used on JonBenet.

Prosecutor DeMuth told me this about Helgoth: "I remember that he had footwear that was consistent with the footprint evidence, he had a stun gun, he had reportedly made statements to a friend, very similar to the types of statements that we're hearing about today in the press with the arrest of John Karr. "

Even more strange, a baseball cap with the letters s-b-t-c was found near Helgoth's body. Those are the same letters found in the ransom note at the Ramsey home. DeMuth says he believes Helgoth's DNA was tested and didn't match up. - Anderson Cooper 360° Blog

I would like to know if his DNA matched.

The link I posted said that to date, no DNA has matched what was found on her. They run it through the databases weekly.

even if the match is found it does not prove that the match murdered the girl.
It wasn't the family, the family were completely innocent.

Which is what is so sad.
One of the things that always creeped me out about that family was a Christmas video they made just before that Christmas where the Mom is going around showing all the POSSESSIONS they had and how valuable they were. That's creepy right there.....Mom definitely had a skewed value system.

Everyone should keep pictures of their belongings for insurance purposes. If you lose everything in a fire you will play hell convincing the insurance company what you had and how much it was worth.

Yeah...that's what it was........:eusa_eh:
It was a long time ago but there were indications that Patsy was very abusive. She also wrote that ransom note. Some people said they saw her yelling at the kid at some pageants and that Jon Benet was a bedwetter. That used to infuriate Patsy too.

I think that idiot woman tortured and killed her daughter. She even looked psychotic.

It would be nice to figure it all out even at this late date.
It was a long time ago but there were indications that Patsy was very abusive. She also wrote that ransom note. Some people said they saw her yelling at the kid at some pageants and that Jon Benet was a bedwetter. That used to infuriate Patsy too.

I think that idiot woman tortured and killed her daughter. She even looked psychotic.

It would be nice to figure it all out even at this late date.

Well, Patsy Ramsey is dead. So it would be a moot point and money wasted to make a deliberate effort at pointing to her for the killing. There is no statute of limitations on murder, so if the killer is still out there, he/she can still be brought to justice.
One of the things that always creeped me out about that family was a Christmas video they made just before that Christmas where the Mom is going around showing all the POSSESSIONS they had and how valuable they were. That's creepy right there.....Mom definitely had a skewed value system.

Everyone should keep pictures of their belongings for insurance purposes. If you lose everything in a fire you will play hell convincing the insurance company what you had and how much it was worth.

Yeah...that's what it was........:eusa_eh:

I don't expect you to be able to have the thought process to know what to do to get an insurance company to pay. You are stone broke and on welfare. Of course you don't get it.
Everyone should keep pictures of their belongings for insurance purposes. If you lose everything in a fire you will play hell convincing the insurance company what you had and how much it was worth.

Yeah...that's what it was........:eusa_eh:

I don't expect you to be able to have the thought process to know what to do to get an insurance company to pay. You are stone broke and on welfare. Of course you don't get it.

:lol: Sure.....Sunshine. You're the expert after all.

So...since you saw the video, tell us what Patsy talked about the most.....for insurance purposes, of course.
The parents did not kill her. They had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Shame on Boulder Police Department ....shame on them!
Yeah...that's what it was........:eusa_eh:

I don't expect you to be able to have the thought process to know what to do to get an insurance company to pay. You are stone broke and on welfare. Of course you don't get it.

:lol: Sure.....Sunshine. You're the expert after all.

So...since you saw the video, tell us what Patsy talked about the most.....for insurance purposes, of course.

Ah bode, ever the compassionate feminist, and the first to attack the mom in this case.

Cuz she's female, and wears makeup. CREEPY!
Michael Helgoth, was also a prime suspect. He was a Colorado native who died shortly after the murder. But his death left more questions than answers.

It appeared to be a suicide. And what about the stun gun discovered next to his body? Investigators believe a stun gun had been used on JonBenet.

Prosecutor DeMuth told me this about Helgoth: "I remember that he had footwear that was consistent with the footprint evidence, he had a stun gun, he had reportedly made statements to a friend, very similar to the types of statements that we're hearing about today in the press with the arrest of John Karr. "

Even more strange, a baseball cap with the letters s-b-t-c was found near Helgoth's body. Those are the same letters found in the ransom note at the Ramsey home. DeMuth says he believes Helgoth's DNA was tested and didn't match up. - Anderson Cooper 360° Blog

I would like to know if his DNA matched.

The link I posted said that to date, no DNA has matched what was found on her. They run it through the databases weekly.

If they didn't test or compare his DNA there wouldn't be a match.(assuming he is the killer)
The parents did not kill her. They had absolutely nothing to do with it.

Shame on Boulder Police Department ....shame on them!

Unfortunately emotion and empathy or psychic readings do not exonerate the parents. A 370 word ransom note was found in the residence before the body was found. WTF nut case kidnappers would write a 370 word ransom note and then kill the victim and leave her body in the house? Handwriting experts attributed the note to Patsy Ramsey. Did the parents kill the little beauty queen during some sort of unmentionable abuse party and then panic before they got rid of the body? That's my guess.
right christians dont murder their kids.....

one theory is....the brother killed her...and the parents in a panic did what all parents would do...they protected the only child they had left...

I agree. Hippie cops in Boulder couldn't solve a parking meter heist much less a murder. There was also such incompetence from the district attorneys office nobody would have ever been convicted. Dressing up a little girl to look like a streetwalker ended up getting her her own brother.
this is like the jeffery mcdonald murders.....there will always be doubts....i believe he killed his wife and two young daughters in cold this day i believe mother would never accept that he could do this....

I never doubted the guilt of McDonald, and a jury agreed.

I do not believe the Ramsey's had anything to do with the death of their daughter.

That's right, I said it.
It was a long time ago but there were indications that Patsy was very abusive. She also wrote that ransom note. Some people said they saw her yelling at the kid at some pageants and that Jon Benet was a bedwetter. That used to infuriate Patsy too.

I think that idiot woman tortured and killed her daughter. She even looked psychotic.

It would be nice to figure it all out even at this late date.

Well, thank you very much, Clarence Darrow. :lol:

What makes you think your theory was better than skye's, you just have a different conclusion.
right christians dont murder their kids.....

one theory is....the brother killed her...and the parents in a panic did what all parents would do...they protected the only child they had left...

The brother. I'm with you. And it was an accident. But they had to now make it look like a murder to save the son.

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