Zone1 Lawsuit alleges Harvard gives preferential treatment to legacy admissions, who are ‘overwhelmingly’ White

I have lived with poor Vietnamese war refugees who came here with virtually nothing.
Oh, you keep repeating that nonsense.

The people we took in were the people who got rich being quislings to the American occupation of their country. The government gave them a bunch of money to help relocate them.

They were hardly poor.

I would often get off work at 10:00 pm and walk three miles to get home through what was becoming "Little Saigon." I was safe.
This sounds dubious. Walked three miles at 10 PM?
Oh, you keep repeating that nonsense.

The people we took in were the people who got rich being quislings to the American occupation of their country. The government gave them a bunch of money to help relocate them.

They were hardly poor.

This sounds dubious. Walked three miles at 10 PM?
I knew those Vietnamese You did not. Gene alleles matter.

Yes Three miles through a Vietnamese neighborhood is a safe passage.
I knew those Vietnamese You did not. Gene alleles matter.

Yes Three miles through a Vietnamese neighborhood is a safe passage.

Nobody walks three miles at night to get anywhere on a regular basis. If you had any kind of affluence you'd have gotten a car.

This is why I find the whole story dubious...

That and racists tend to not have much integrity to start with.
Whites are going to be a minority in 10-15 years. You talk about a natural state and your commentary shows that you lack education. The natural state is that those who oppress, become the oppressed. That's what's going to happen. That is the natural state.
Whites are only going to be a minority IF you lump all the other minorities together. Blacks will still be twelve percent or less, a far smaller minority than Whites. Asians will be a smaller minority than Whites, even Latinos are going to be a smaller minority than Whites. Eventually Latinos are going to be the majority unless their birth patterns change, but that's decades down the road. But even when that happens, guess what? Blacks will still be a small minority and Asians and Latinos despise blacks because of Blacks racist activities towards other minority groups.
Nobody walks three miles at night to get anywhere on a regular basis. If you had any kind of affluence you'd have gotten a car.
I owned a car, but I appreciated the exercise of walking three miles to work and three miles back. Because I was walking through parts of the city occupied by Vietnamese, I knew I was safe. is in part because "standardized test" scores have little predictive value.
That is simply not true at all. Nevertheless, the tests are less predictive for Negroes than for whites. When blacks and whites get the same scores, blacks still tent to perform less well than the whites.
That is simply not true at all. Nevertheless, the tests are less predictive for Negroes than for whites. When blacks and whites get the same scores, blacks still tent to perform less well than the whites.
So how is that evidence of predictive value?
So how is that evidence of predictive value?
SAT scores are highly predictive of college performance, with students earning higher scores also earning higher grades. They are also predictive of 2nd year retention.

The reason you Libs discount the value of SATs is because blacks as a group score lower than whites, and it’s hard to justify letting lower-scoring blacks in while rejecting whites scoring higher. So the lib tactic is to deny the value of the exam.

Perhaps blacks are less conscientious. Perhaps academic success is partially dependent on abilities whites are more likely to have than blacks, but which are not tested in the SAT and the ACT.
I have a theory. Harvard, in its personality exam, rated Asians low for being too serious. They considered blacks to be more extroverted, a trait they gave extra points for. So perhaps whites are more serious and less extroverted as well, and Asians and whites are studying in their dorm while blacks are out partying and being extroverted.
Again, you are only concerned about those who were admitted due to their race being “punished” - and not those who were rejected due to their race.

What about the Asian guy with a perfect GPA and near-perfect SAT who was rejected from every Ivy due to HIS race? Why are you OK with him being punished?

If I were his mother, or the mother of every white or Asian valedictorian who was rejected from their dream school, I would suggest he take a “gap” year, get a job, and reapply next year. The Ivies will not be able to reject him as easily.
Simple question: should Blacks admitted when race was a factor be expelled? Punished? Yes or no.
I have a theory. Harvard, in its personality exam, rated Asians low for being too serious. They considered blacks to be more extroverted, a trait they gave extra points for. So perhaps whites are more serious and less extroverted as well, and Asians and whites are studying in their dorm while blacks are out partying and being extroverted.
Oh. So Blacks aren’t serious students now.
Perhaps blacks are less conscientious. Perhaps academic success is partially dependent on abilities whites are more likely to have than blacks, but which are not tested in the SAT and the ACT.
Wow you never cease to add new negative traits traits to your racial bias’s do you …. ?
Oh. So Blacks aren’t serious students now.
Don’t blame me. That’s what Harvard said. They said Asians were serious, which they scored low, and blacks were extroverted, which they scored high.
Simple question: should Blacks admitted when race was a factor be expelled? Punished? Yes or no.
No, not if they’re already enrolled and in the middle of their program.

But for those who got admitted due to their being black, and a white or Asian being rejected due to their being their races, yes. They haven’t started yet, and it’s not fair to punish the better students just because Harvard didn’t want “their kind.”

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