Zone1 Lawsuit alleges Harvard gives preferential treatment to legacy admissions, who are ‘overwhelmingly’ White

He/she will be embraced by any number of ambitious colleges with Honors Programs...they will offer financial incentives, and the kid will graduate every bit as employable.
So why can’t you say the same for black kids who were admitted to Harvard due to their race? Why can’t THEY be the ones to go to different colleges with Honors Programs and enjoy the financial incentives? Why must the better student be the one relegated to lesser school just because he needs strong SPF30 when he goes to the beach?
So why can’t you say the same for black kids who were admitted to Harvard due to their race? Why can’t THEY be the ones to go to different colleges with Honors Programs and enjoy the financial incentives? Why must the better student be the one relegated to lesser school just because he needs strong SPF30 when he goes to the beach?
Because Harvard WANTS them.
This is what the legacies do for quasi lower income admissions, be careful leftist retards.

However, if families make $65,000 or less annually, they can expect free tuition, room and board and fees for their incoming Princeton student.

And this generous needs-based aid continues based on individual needs, even for families that make more than $250,000 per year. For instance, a family making between $65,000 and $85,000 may expect to have full tuition and fees covered, while only needing to pay 25% toward room and board. And for families with an income above $250,000, the average grant covers 51% of tuition for those with at least two children in college.

Harvard University​

Fortunately, Harvard has a robust financial aid program. Just like Princeton, if your family makes less than $75,000 a year, you can get a free college education, including room, board and fees.

Families earning between $75,000 and $150,000 are expected to contribute between 0% and 10% of their income toward a child’s education.

Columbia University
However, the expected parent contribution is $0 for those with incomes below $66,000 (and typical assets). And if your family’s annual income is below $150,000, Columbia will cover your tuition.

Yale University​

According to its website, families whose gross income is less than $75,000 should expect to contribute $0 toward their child’s education — and that’s a big discount on Yale’s 2023-2024 price tag of $83,880, including tuition, room and board.

Yale even offers aid for students whose families earn up to $200,000 per year. Those making between $75,000 and $200,000 (with typical assets) will contribute a percentage of their income based on a sliding scale between 1% and 20%.

Brown University​

However, if you’re considered a “highest-need” student — meaning your family has an income of less than $60,000 per year and assets below $100,000 — you can expect Brown to cover your tuition, fees, room and board.

Families who make $125,000 or less per year may also be eligible for a tuition-free scholarship.

Cornell University​

Ithaca, N.Y.-based Cornell provides robust financial aid packages that cover 100% of an eligible undergraduate’s financial need. Families making less than $60,000 with typical assets can expect to pay nothing toward their child’s education.

Dartmouth College​

Dartmouth, based in Hanover, N.H., offers free tuition for any student whose family makes $125,000 or less per year and has typical assets for their income. Those with incomes below $65,000 will have an expected parent contribution of $0 toward their educational costs.

University of Pennsylvania​

Philadelphia’s University of Pennsylvania, often referred to simply as “Penn,” offers students whose families earn less than $65,500 (and have typical assets) aid packages that include tuition, fees, room and board. Aid packages for such families may also include benefits such as funds for a laptop and summer opportunities.

Students with family incomes between $65,500 and $140,000 (with typical assets) can receive aid packages that cover at least the cost of tuition. For families making over $140,000, you may be eligible for aid packages for more than half the cost of tuition.

5 other top schools that offer free tuition programs​

Again, you are only concerned about those who were admitted due to their race being “punished” - and not those who were rejected due to their race.

What about the Asian guy with a perfect GPA and near-perfect SAT who was rejected from every Ivy due to HIS race? Why are you OK with him being punished?

Asians are 6% of the population and 26% of Harvard's student body. Asians are not being discriminated against.

But if you are so concerned about the one who didn't make the cut, simple enough solution.
Get rid of that white kid who got in on a legacy admission.
Get rid of that white kid who got in because she's on the volleyball team no one watches.
Get rid of that kid who got in because his mom works in the admissions office.
Get rid of that white kid who got in because he got a Veteran's admission.
Get rid of that white kid who got in because his parents donated enough money to buy a new Lecture Hall.
Um, white people are going to be just fine.

Asians are doing well despite only having been here for a generation or two.
And you racist libs are determined to change that in order for equity’s sake. Take the smartest, highest-achieving minority and punish them.
Asians are 6% of the population and 26% of Harvard's student body. Asians are not being discriminated against.

But if you are so concerned about the one who didn't make the cut, simple enough solution.
Get rid of that white kid who got in on a legacy admission.
Get rid of that white kid who got in because she's on the volleyball team no one watches.
Get rid of that kid who got in because his mom works in the admissions office.
Get rid of that white kid who got in because he got a Veteran's admission.
Get rid of that white kid who got in because his parents donated enough money to buy a new Lecture Hall.
We had a Nigerian prince who was up to his buttocks in problems with the Administration...

So his dad built a dance get him OUT.
Sez the Constitution.

Amazing how you leftists support racism as long as it hurts Asians and Whites.

Enough of this garbage.

Asians and whites aren't "hurt" because elite schools target a 10% AfroAm representation.

They are being crowded out by foreign students who can pay "full boat".
Enough of this garbage.

Asians and whites aren't "hurt" because elite schools target a 10% AfroAm representation.

They are being crowded out by foreign students who can pay "full boat".
Enough of your nonsense. Middle-class whites and Asians are being passed over to give their slots to blacks with worse metrics - and would have been rejected had they been white.
Again, your answer was rejected by the First Circuit Court and the case was argued using the Equal protecrion clause of the 14th Amendment. If legacies are allowed to stand it, is just more evidence of white privilege.
Not my answer, their argument. Not to sound snarky, but if you continue to follow and post about this case, you should really do some reading on disparate impact - it's the heart of their case and will determine if they win or lose.
Enough of this garbage.

Asians and whites aren't "hurt" because elite schools target a 10% AfroAm representation.

They are being crowded out by foreign students who can pay "full boat".
They are being crowded out by American Negroes who by every objective, measurable criterion are less intelligent.
Not my answer, their argument. Not to sound snarky, but if you continue to follow and post about this case, you should really do some reading on disparate impact - it's the heart of their case and will determine if they win or lose.
Disparate impact simply means that black are more likely to be negatively impacted by a selection process. It implies that they are more likely to be negatively impacted by their race. The truth is that they are more likely to be impacted by what correlates with their race, such as lower intelligence, and higher rates of criminal behavior.

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