Lawyers Twitter Rant on Police Brutality goes viral

When Bux noticed the scene didnt look anything like what the cop claimed then he starts to talk about how many cars had ever drove down that street and other important things that have nothing to do with with what the cop claimed *wink wink*

Yeah. It didn't. I can take a picture of a random road too and it wouldn't look like what that cop described. Becsuse that pic wouldnt be of the scene. Point?

So now you're saying this isnt even the road they were on LMAO.
When Bux noticed the scene didnt look anything like what the cop claimed then he starts to talk about how many cars had ever drove down that street and other important things that have nothing to do with with what the cop claimed *wink wink*

Yeah. It didn't. I can take a picture of a random road too and it wouldn't look like what that cop described. Becsuse that pic wouldnt be of the scene. Point?

So now you're saying this isnt even the road they were on LMAO.

Is it??? How do you know?? The word of the mama and lawyer who I've proven are liars? I see grass and pavement and an unmarked black mailbox. I could duplicate that photo 1000x in my town.

My hunch? Mama drove around looking for some skid marks that were straight instead of 360 and took a photo.

Too bad you...was too dumb to see those are two separate marks and can't be caused by 1 car.
Are there 360 circles there? No? Lets talk about axles and if cars drive down streets!
Here's the lying lawyers office info.
Contact Us

You guys feel free to email him the rebuttal I just did.

I sent it to a close friend in NC law enforcement and asked him to forward it to the NC BAR. The state BARs don't like their members publicly lying about cases.
Are there 360 circles there? No? Lets talk about axles and if cars drive down streets!

No. Why would there be??? Thats not the skids and that's not even where the incident happened as far as we know is it??? Anyone can drive down a road and take a picture. If she wanted to make us believe a far off image of the houses and address numbers to prove location. That pic could be from any 500,000 roads in America without more detail.

She went out looking for some skid marks that were straight to support her sons case. She found some. Unfortunately for her and their lawyer....they weren't caused by 1 car.

That info and proof of the lawyer publicly lying and accusing an officer of lying is on its way to the NC BAR via a contact in NC law enforcement. Thanks may have helped weed out a corrupt lawyer.
You guys feel free to email him the rebuttal I just did.

You didnt do a rebuttal. You did a side step and want others to deliver the message so they will look stupid too

I did exactly that.

Your link was a lawyer claiming THOSE are the skid marks and that it proved the cop was a liar.

I proved...quite easily and overwhelmingly....that those marks were not caused by the clients car.

That's the definition of rebuttal.
THAT WAS QUICK. My NC law enforcement contact already sent it to the NC BAR. He found it as funny and despicable as I did. He's also forwarding it to that departments chief so their chief can address this false smear on his officer.

These guys are gonna be speaking with that lawyer haha!
The North Carolina State Bar
ClosedCaption when he realized his thread premise got destroyed

Things aren't what you say they are just because you say it.
That wasn't a rebuttal
You didn't own anything
You don't "win" whatever that means.
You didn't contact anyone about anything
And the number of car skids has nothing to do with the lack of circular skids.

So we're to believe there are no other skid marks on that entire road? Possibly ones that show he was actually doing donuts???

Thats where evidence comes in at...Cop had none.
We don't know that we only know what some idiot posted on Twitter

So why did you even ask the question that cant be answered?
I'm wondering why you believe everything you see on Twitter

I dont, Why ask a question that has no answer again?
Well you certainly believe this with absolutely no evidence that it's true or that this guy is even a lawyer

Why is that?
Things aren't what you say they are just because you say it.
That wasn't a rebuttal
You didn't own anything
You don't "win" whatever that means.
You didn't contact anyone about anything
And the number of car skids has nothing to do with the lack of circular skids.


"Things aren't what you say they are just because you say it".

Your quote. Correct. Like when mama and the lawyer showed these skid marks and said these are the marks and they aren't 360. You assumed they were truthful. They werent.

You say I didn't "win" this thread and I didn't send anything? Well...I did. Email isn't hard. notice none of your liberal friends dove into this thread with you????? Even they see what happened.

Give it up. You fell flat on your face.

This threads premise from that lawyer is nothing more than YET ANOTHER falsified attempt to smear cops and create racial division.
As a matter of fact....did the lawyer EVEN MENTION THE client or cops name?? You'd think he'd want to expose a lying cop right?????


ClosedCaption....what PD was this? What was the cops name? What was the kids name??? Did this even happen???

Reviewing could just be a lawyer who took a photo of some skid marks and made this shit all up to get free advertising.

So to summarize:

- I proved that the skid marks...the "money shot" the lawyer calls it....are in fact not the clients skid and can't even be done by a single car because the wheels get closer together as they move.
- I proved that a full size car couldn't have created that skid. It would have hit the mailbox.


Did this incident even happen? No cops name. No PD name. Nothing. Wouldn't the defense lawyer want to expose a lying cop??

ALL WE HAVE is a photo of skid marks created by 2 separate incidents.....and a story a lawyer gave on twitter with no way to verify it.

Another racial hoax?????
There's a reason CNN MSNBC NBC CBS ABC etc didn't pick this story up and it's only found on liberal blog sites.

They love a good racial bad cop story. But....they saw what I saw.

Ooops. credibility and a total failure!!

Thats where evidence comes in at...Cop had none.
We don't know that we only know what some idiot posted on Twitter

So why did you even ask the question that cant be answered?
I'm wondering why you believe everything you see on Twitter

I dont, Why ask a question that has no answer again?
Well you certainly believe this with absolutely no evidence that it's true or that this guy is even a lawyer

Why is that?

Well since this guy is a lawyer I'm not understanding your question. Are you saying he's not a lawyer and should have his license taken?
We don't know that we only know what some idiot posted on Twitter

So why did you even ask the question that cant be answered?
I'm wondering why you believe everything you see on Twitter

I dont, Why ask a question that has no answer again?
Well you certainly believe this with absolutely no evidence that it's true or that this guy is even a lawyer

Why is that?

Well since this guy is a lawyer I'm not understanding your question. Are you saying he's not a lawyer and should have his license taken?

He should have it revoked. He's publicly lying and falsified an allegation against a cop. I've already had his rant sent to the NC BAR through a former LE colleague who now works for the NC bureau of investigations.

He lied.

And in fact....there's no proof this incident EVEN HAPPENED.

Notice he didn't list the cops name...the agency...the court of jurisdiction...none of it. much business he could get from appeals of all the folks THAT officer and agency had ever charged!!???

But he didnt.

You lied.
He lied.
Mama lied.

Incident might not even be real.
Bucky knows people. He's gonna get the lawyer disbarred. I can't wait.

Well i actually do know people in LE. Disbarred? Nah. Just add to his complaint file at the BAR. Lawyers are the biggest liars in America. libs read the lies of this one and deep throated his story all the way to me embarrassing ClosedCaption over it.


I wonder if anyone has looked at the photo carefully.

If that is the road in automobile would have a very hard time doing clear 360's in the space provided.

My guess..if the kid was doing donuts.....he was riding a motorcycle. The vehicle type was never mentioned.
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