Lawyers Twitter Rant on Police Brutality goes viral

Bucky knows people. He's gonna get the lawyer disbarred. I can't wait.

Well in actually do know people in LE. Disbarred? Nah. Just add to his complaint file at the BAR.


View attachment 65644

I find your behavior in this thread to be as lame as always. You haven't done anything but make some wild claims about tire patterns and claimed victory. Try harder.
So you think that the mother went to the scene of the incident and took a picture of other skid marks on that same stretch of road in order to falsify evidence and she managed to fool the Judge and the cop who apparently had no idea that was the area of the incident?

Maybe the mother used that stuff the Road Runner uses from Acme to paint on realistic looking skid marks

I have no reason to believe the photo is the scene of anything.

You are an absurd, and racist troll.
So you think that the mother went to the scene of the incident and took a picture of other skid marks on that same stretch of road in order to falsify evidence and she managed to fool the Judge and the cop who apparently had no idea that was the area of the incident?

Maybe the mother used that stuff the Road Runner uses from Acme to paint on realistic looking skid marks

I have no reason to believe the photo is the scene of anything.

You are an absurd, and racist troll.

Your reason for believing anything doesn't matter.
I wonder if anyone has looked at the photo carefully.

If that is the road in automobile would have a very hard time doing clear 360's in the space provided.

My guess..if the kid was doing donuts.....he was riding a motorcycle. The vehicle type was never mentioned.

Apparently only I looked carefully at it.

1. It is OBVIOUS the photo was not caused by a single car skid as the lawyer implies. It may not even be fresh...because a car making that would have hit that mailbox. 100% lie from the lawyer and mama.

2. There's no proof THE INCIDENT IS EVEN REAL. No names of the

So basically we have:
A) Picture of some tire marks on a road
B) A lawyer giving a racial divisive story to go with it on Twitter

MUST all be legit...because we know a lawyer would never lie.
Cops lie and then you get punished with lawyer and court fees and they walk without repercussion. Just like there should be laws against people who falsely accuse of rape there should be laws against cops being able to accuse you of anything and cost you in the end

Cops lie, but defense attorneys don't? ROFL

He uses YBM, I use LFDA.

Lying fucking defense attorney....
None of your whining changes the photo or reveals 360 skid marks.

The photo isn't relevant anymore. The entire Twitter rant is irrelevant once the photo was debunked.

PROVE this incident isn't 100% fictional anyway!? What agency is the cop from????
Your reason for believing anything doesn't matter.

You're just here flinging racist shit, based on possibly a troll on Twitter, but it may be idiocy you cut from one of the hate sites.

  • There is no reason to believe the story was even taken from Twitter, and isn't some hate meme from KOS or Alternet.
  • There is no reason to believe that the troll in the story is actually an attorney
  • There is no reason to believe the photo is of the alleged scene
  • and as pointed out, the photo is not of a single car skid

/racist troll fail
None of your whining changes the photo or reveals 360 skid marks.

The photo isn't relevant anymore. The entire Twitter rant is irrelevant once the photo was debunked.

PROVE this incident isn't 100% fictional anyway!? What agency is the cop from????

The photo is about the 360 circles the officer said was there. You can see they aren't not.

You musings about tires and patterns or how many cars doesn't change one fact. That there are no 360 skid marks.
None of your whining changes the photo or reveals 360 skid marks.

The photo isn't relevant anymore. The entire Twitter rant is irrelevant once the photo was debunked.

PROVE this incident isn't 100% fictional anyway!? What agency is the cop from????

The photo is about the 360 circles the officer said was there. You can see they aren't not.

You musings about tires and patterns or how many cars doesn't change one fact. That there are no 360 skid marks.

Square 1: Prove this incident is even a real case and not another racial hoax?? What police department was it?
Your reason for believing anything doesn't matter.

You're just here flinging racist shit, based on possibly a troll on Twitter, but it may be idiocy you cut from one of the hate sites

You crying about a story about a black man being drug into court has nothing to do with racism. It's just that's what you cry anytime a story about a black person being wronged comes up.

Instead of whiners like you seeing being dragged into court as a problem you're more offended that someone told this guy's story.

None of your whining changes the photo or reveals 360 skid marks.

The photo isn't relevant anymore. The entire Twitter rant is irrelevant once the photo was debunked.

PROVE this incident isn't 100% fictional anyway!? What agency is the cop from????

The photo is about the 360 circles the officer said was there. You can see they aren't not.

You musings about tires and patterns or how many cars doesn't change one fact. That there are no 360 skid marks.

Square 1: Prove this incident is even a real case and not another racial hoax?? What police department was it?

You called your friend to complain about a fake story? which one is it?
Bux looked up the lawyers info. Reported it to his friend to get action taken. Encouraged others to do the same....

...and now asks others how do THEY KNOW the story is real. LMAO.
The photo is about the 360 circles the officer said was there. You can see they aren't not.

You musings about tires and patterns or how many cars doesn't change one fact. That there are no 360 skid marks.

What makes anyone think the officer even existed. Sounds like the whole thing is a racist fabrication.

Racist racist racist racist blah blah blah
You crying about a story about a black man being drug into court has nothing to do with racism. It's just that's what you cry anytime a story about a black person being wronged comes up.

Instead of whiners like you seeing being dragged into court as a problem you're more offended that someone told this guy's story.


I'm laughing at you so hard that I'm nearly in tears.

Son, you engaged in yet another racist troll, and got your ass handed to you.
ClosedCaption I'm still waiting.....

Where the proof this incident EVEN HAPPENED???

For all we know...this could be a pic from the lawyers house with a made up story he added!!

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