Lead Investigator Says President Biden ‘Committed Many Crimes’

Sure. And Biden will ask why Trump lied about having anything to with paying off pornstars to not talk about affairs with him. And why didn't have the National Guard deployed to protect the Capitol from his base. And why did he try to steal the election he lost with fake electors.

I can't wait for the debate.
I don't think Trump lied. Ndas are not illegal . They used some kind of fraudulent spin of the law to charge him, trying to knock him out of the election, because they're afraid of him. Ask Nancy Pelosi why she didn't have the National Guard there, she's already admitted she was responsible. I know Biden lied, he knew about his son's business dealings and it was very likely he was making money off of it. He lied. Not just a little lie a bald-faced lied. Despicable
I don't think Trump lied. Ndas are not illegal . They used some kind of fraudulent spin of the law to charge him, trying to knock him out of the election, because they're afraid of him. Ask Nancy Pelosi why she didn't have the National Guard there, she's already admitted she was responsible. I know Biden lied, he knew about his son's business dealings and it was very likely he was making money off of it. He lied. Not just a little lie a bald-faced lied. Despicable


You don't think Tump lied?? Truth is, you just don't think. Here's Trump lying. Time for you to come up with another delusion...

lol ... are you talking about the federal prosecutors that coordinated with hunters legal team in an attempt to give him lifelong immunity ?

Still got the bitter taste of Dotard's 34 felonies in your mouth, right?

You don't think Tump lied?? Truth is, you just don't think. Here's Trump lying. Time for you to come up with another delusion...

Trump didn't make a bunch of money from our foreign adversaries and lie about it. That's called being a traitor in my book. That's what Biden IS.

Lead Investigator Says President Biden

‘Committed Many Crimes’

12 Jun 2024 ~~ By Jordan Andrews

House Oversight Chair James Comer indicated Republicans will soon release an interim report detailing alleged crimes uncovered in their impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden.
Comer said in a Fox News interview that the report will show crimes committed by Biden and his administration during and after the Obama-Biden White House years.
“I think that it’s no secret Joe Biden’s committed many crimes, and I think that you’re going to see a report very soon. That report is imminent,” Comer said. “That will probably be an interim report that updates everyone on the crimes that Biden and his administration have committed throughout this investigation and through the years of the Obama-Biden administration.”
“Everything that we refer to the Department of Justice is within the statute of limitations. In fact, there’s a five-year statute of limitations. So, if Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice doesn’t take this up in an appropriate manner, then the next administration and a new attorney general certainly can,” he added.
Republicans sent criminal referrals to the Department of Justice last week recommending charges against Hunter and James Biden related to lying to Congress during the inquiry.
If the DOJ fails to pursue charges recommended by the referrals within the statute of limitations, Comer said a future administration could take up the matters.
The Republicans’ impeachment probe focused on millions of dollars earned by Biden family members from business deals that raised concerns about potential influence-peddling.

That’s why the Democrat Neo-Marxists have spent seven years years going after President Trump, his wife, his kids, his friends and his associates.
At the present time all crimal refferals Congressman Comer would make would go to Merrick Garland.
Democrat Neo-Marxists in both Houses of Congress have gaslighted and dragged everything out so they wouldn’t have to take action from the beginning.
The Statutes regarding the money that his family got, state - if a wife, or child benefits…. It’s the same as the Principal or the target getting something of value.
Of course, Joe got money and paid cash for his Beach House, but you only need to prove that his child got paid or received something of Value.
The Republicans never wanted Joe and are now doing an Election season dance. I remember they wanted one of Biden’s money men to testify in May 23 and he said he could in August or Sept 23, and they were like, Okay.


Whose bagina seems to be hurt here.

And as always thanks for the graph of the convict's loss in Wisconsin 2020.
LOL I think yours is emitting a foul odor. You just can't seem to get enough of my symbol of dishonesty. It is definitely you I'm glad I was able to pin it on you. Disgraceful Democrat.
Sure. And Biden will ask why Trump lied about having anything to with paying off pornstars to not talk about affairs with him. And why didn't have the National Guard deployed to protect the Capitol from his base. And why did he try to steal the election he lost with fake electors.

I can't wait for the debate.
Are you implying that we are the world's police for corruption and need to get involved in other governments problems? That Joe Biden needs to go in and gather some money from them for his family and own personal gain? That would be the help they need?
Of course not. How could you extrapolate that nonsense. I’m making the point that Joe didn’t go rogue and bribe a foreign leader so his son could cash out. He was following US foreign policy that was an agenda of our congress, executive and allies…. Agree with the policy or not the fact that these other independent entities were calling for this action prior to Biden executing it removes the illegal self interest claims that you lazily and inaccurately try to paint him with.

That’s why Trump couldn’t prosecute him for it. It was all there on video, right?!. Yet no prosecution. You’re understanding of it is all whack

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