Leading Far Left Website: WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind

"Leading Far Left Website: WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind"

Conservatives need to stop with their moronic straw man and composition fallacies.
Hey fuckwad. This is an actual article which appeared in a left-wing newspaper. It is not a straw man or fallacy, so stop lying to cover for your fellow liberals.
Your mortgage went under because you bought more house than you can afford.

Guy, I bought a very sensible Condo in a middle class suburb. It isn't a matter of being able to "afford" it, it's a matter of Bush wrecking the market to where even moderately priced homes are underwater.

Your 401K and salary went down because that's just life and it happens sometimes.

I agree, life happens. But while the Banks got bailouts from the government, and all the crooks on Wall Street got to keep their big bonuses, Joe and a lot of other people like him got screwed. So where was our bailout?

Despite liberalisms preschings....nothing in life is guaranteed.

Unless you are a rich person who keeps getting bailouts and shit. Usually because stupid people like you are afraid of the women and the darkies and the gays and keep voting against your own economic interests.
the far left in this country is going all out trying to stir up something it seems. you have professors spewing stuff like this. you have the BLM now shutting down Interstates, shopping malls and getting in your face. I don't know the ending but it doesn't look good.


Racism? What racism?

The left declare open war on White Americans.
Whites must be wiped out for the good of mankind.
Racism against Whitey is Good.

Via Salon.com:

The future of life on the planet depends on bringing the 500-year rampage of the white man to a halt. For five centuries his ever more destructive weaponry has become far too common. His widespread and better systems of exploiting other humans and nature dominate the globe.

The time for replacing white supremacy with new values is now. And just as some whites played a part in ending slavery, colonialism, Jim Crow segregation, and South African apartheid, there is surely a role whites can play in restraining other whites in this era. Beneath the sound and fury generated by GOP presidential candidates, Fox News, website trolls, police unions and others, white people are becoming aware as never before of past and present racism.

ALL of it here:

Leading Far Left Website: WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind - The Gateway Pundit

This of course is a very racist article....of course Leftists can't be racist :rolleyes-41:
Let's discuss the list of great things humanity has because of white people, shall we?


World Wars

Yup, that's a pretty good list of stuff.
Fuckwad. Go to any country that is not run by white people. You will find people with shitholes as toilets, people living in shacks made of plywood and aluminum, no electricity, no plumbing, no clean water, famine, pestilence, etc.
Shall we look at history? 'White; european dominance on the world stage happened to occur when mankind experienced technological advances, making it possible to project power around the world. Had the same technological advances occurred during say islams march across the asian subcontinent there would be no hindus on the planet. and quite possibly no bhuddists. The only comparison you can make would be the mongols. Superior methods of war allowed them to over run almost the entire known world. Only stopped when they encountered the forests of western europe. Negating their military advantage.

The point being that all peoples have striven to dominate the world. Western european culture is no different. I would submit to you that western european culture is the only one in the history of mankind to "back off". I do not at this time see western culture going out of it's way to obliterate any and all cultures it encounters.as has been seen in history. Again consider,islams march across the asian subcontinent,.kill the men rape the women Move on. The history of man in total. The same could be said for every empire in history from the mongols, to the egyptians, to the ottomans, the han chinese, to the vikings, to the mayans. Once and only once in the sad history of man has a people not sought to obliterate all remnants of others and that would be the current dominant western european culture. Evil is relative.
Let's discuss the list of great things humanity has because of white people, shall we?


World Wars

Yup, that's a pretty good list of stuff.
Fuckwad. Go to any country that is not run by white people. You will find people with shitholes as toilets, people living in shacks made of plywood and aluminum, no electricity, no plumbing, no clean water, famine, pestilence, etc.

They should begin by reading the history of Liberia....American blacks went there and took over, and well....they need to just read about what then happened in Liberia.
Your mortgage went under because you bought more house than you can afford.

Guy, I bought a very sensible Condo in a middle class suburb. It isn't a matter of being able to "afford" it, it's a matter of Bush wrecking the market to where even moderately priced homes are underwater.

Your 401K and salary went down because that's just life and it happens sometimes.

I agree, life happens. But while the Banks got bailouts from the government, and all the crooks on Wall Street got to keep their big bonuses, Joe and a lot of other people like him got screwed. So where was our bailout?

Despite liberalisms preschings....nothing in life is guaranteed.

Unless you are a rich person who keeps getting bailouts and shit. Usually because stupid people like you are afraid of the women and the darkies and the gays and keep voting against your own economic interests.
Fuckwad, it is YOUR GUY who is in charge and causing all these bad things that are happening. Take some FUCKING RESPONSIBLITY.
I don't understand why a publication like Salon can get away with publishing articles that call for the wholesale elimination of white men.

Oh yeah, white men gave them the First Amendment to our Constitution. God help us if non-white liberals took total control of society. Look at the shit sandwich we're eating courtesy of Barrack Hussein Obama.

2015 I made more money than I have any year of my life. Compared to 2008, where thanks to Bush, I was left with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a 20% pay cut. That's what a shit sandwich looks like, and I consider myself lucky, a lot of people ended up in body bags thanks to George W. Stupid.

It's been amusing to watch the collective 8 year freak out you guys have been having over a black guy in the White House. No doubt followed by the 8 year freak out you'll have when you have Hillary's vagina in the White House.
Wealthy liberals who brag about how much money they are making really piss me off. If you hate rich people so much, then give away all your money so you too can be poor.

Or you could just fuck yourself, that would be even better.
Wealthy liberals who brag about how much money they are making really piss me off. If you hate rich people so much, then give away all your money so you too can be poor.

Or you could just fuck yourself, that would be even better.

I make money because I put in 70 hour weeks between my full time job and my side business, t hank you.

BUt I'm sure you consider Paris Hilton making sex tapes and living off her trust funds to be one of hte "Makers", while the rest of us are "Takers".
Let's discuss the list of great things humanity has because of white people, shall we?


World Wars

Yup, that's a pretty good list of stuff.

All invented, manufactured, created by white people:

The aeroplane, the motor car, the steam engine etc.
Multiple vaccines for diseases like Smallpox, TB, Polio, Malaria etc.
The Sistine Chapel, Beethoven, Schubert, Byron, Goethe, Shakespeare, Leonardo Da Vinci.

We could spend years listing everything, literally, but the above are just a tiny few.

Black people....let's see....rap music, crack dealing, pimping, Bling, gang-rape....oh SLAVERY, YES don't forget that BLACKS SOLD BLACKS to whites....read about what blacks did to other blacks in just Ghana, for example, blacks held blacks in dungeons to keep them there until the next white slave traders appeared, they then sold their own fellow blacks to said slave traders.
the far left in this country is going all out trying to stir up something it seems. you have professors spewing stuff like this. you have the BLM now shutting down Interstates, shopping malls and getting in your face. I don't know the ending but it doesn't look good.


Racism? What racism?

The left declare open war on White Americans.
Whites must be wiped out for the good of mankind.
Racism against Whitey is Good.

Via Salon.com:

The future of life on the planet depends on bringing the 500-year rampage of the white man to a halt. For five centuries his ever more destructive weaponry has become far too common. His widespread and better systems of exploiting other humans and nature dominate the globe.

The time for replacing white supremacy with new values is now. And just as some whites played a part in ending slavery, colonialism, Jim Crow segregation, and South African apartheid, there is surely a role whites can play in restraining other whites in this era. Beneath the sound and fury generated by GOP presidential candidates, Fox News, website trolls, police unions and others, white people are becoming aware as never before of past and present racism.

ALL of it here:

Leading Far Left Website: WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind - The Gateway Pundit

That's what the Democrat Party public education does to a civilization; they don't raise anyone up, but like their Founding Fathers: Mao, Stalin and Hitler, they must drag the human race down
Let's discuss the list of great things humanity has because of white people, shall we?


World Wars

Yup, that's a pretty good list of stuff.
Fuckwad. Go to any country that is not run by white people. You will find people with shitholes as toilets, people living in shacks made of plywood and aluminum, no electricity, no plumbing, no clean water, famine, pestilence, etc.
Shitholes as toilets, bad plumbing, unreliable electricity and foul water that the locals don`t seem to mind? That`s West Virginia and a few of the former traitor slave states. I hate to break your little snot bubble Grand Wizard but your master race shit just went out the window.
White men have invented almost every thing there ever was. I think a black man invented peanut butter, or something like that.
Let's discuss the list of great things humanity has because of white people, shall we?


World Wars

Yup, that's a pretty good list of stuff.
Fuckwad. Go to any country that is not run by white people. You will find people with shitholes as toilets, people living in shacks made of plywood and aluminum, no electricity, no plumbing, no clean water, famine, pestilence, etc.
Shitholes as toilets, bad plumbing, unreliable electricity and foul water that the locals don`t seem to mind? That`s West Virginia and a few of the former traitor slave states. I hate to break your little snot bubble Grand Wizard but your master race shit just went out the window.
West Virginia?

How about New York City. It is fucking amazing and it was all built by white males.
I don't understand why a publication like Salon can get away with publishing articles that call for the wholesale elimination of white men.

Oh yeah, white men gave them the First Amendment to our Constitution. God help us if non-white liberals took total control of society. Look at the shit sandwich we're eating courtesy of Barrack Hussein Obama.

2015 I made more money than I have any year of my life. Compared to 2008, where thanks to Bush, I was left with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K and a 20% pay cut. That's what a shit sandwich looks like, and I consider myself lucky, a lot of people ended up in body bags thanks to George W. Stupid.

It's been amusing to watch the collective 8 year freak out you guys have been having over a black guy in the White House. No doubt followed by the 8 year freak out you'll have when you have Hillary's vagina in the White House.
Southern blacks are tracking for Donald Trump. They don't want that bitch in the White House. BTW, please don't lie about your good fortune under Obama. This nation is worse off than in any time in its history. Obamacare is a failure. $20 Trillion in debt. Open borders. Obama is the shit in our sandwich.

Haha....disgraced? I went out with honor. That's my business though. Racist? Laughable. I hate shitheads of all colors. My disgust for dirt bags transcends race.

Are white people better at doing horrible things? Maybe. Are whites typically more successful in most endeavors, good or bad? Hmmm. Funny how I'm racist for talking race...but liberal shit rags like Salon are bold and thought provoking for calling for the extermination of an entire race.

DId you actually READ The Salon Article? (It's actually an article from AlterNet, which Salon repeated, but never mind). Nowhere did it call for "exterminating" white people, only called on decent white people to stand up to shit like Racist cops beating innocent black people to death.

Meanwhile no one will be held accountable for killing Sandra Bland.

Silly Darkie! Rights are for White People!!!
Stand up for black thugs resisting arrest by invading shopping malls, disrupting air travel, blocking intersections? No. I choose to act civilized and not resort to blaming others for life choices made.

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