Leading Far Left Website: WHITE MEN Must Be Stopped for Future of Mankind

Several people on this board would strongly agree, no doubt.

Many of them white males, of course.

as opposed to white males like Mac, who complain when they are being oppressed when they have most of the wealth and power in this country.

Hey Mac, here's one of those Tom's right here.
Ugh, I can see the posts of people I have on ignore when someone quotes them and posts to me.

My little stalker friends keep posting to me, though, even though they know they're on ignore. I bet a shrink would find that fascinating.

And to this little stalker friend: (A) My PC-approved designation is "White Hispanic", I believe. And (B) never in my life have I "complained that I am being oppressed". Mom raised us to have self esteem, to be honest, and to take responsibility for our lives.

So you were completely wrong not once, but twice in one little sentence. Pretty impressive.

This is why I put people like this on ignore. They immediately make things nasty & personal and refuse to be honest.
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Whites ended slavery here. Blacks, Hispanics and Asians all over the world STILL practice slavery. Arabs invented slavery.
World Wars? Asians did that long before whites. Arabs too.
Colonialism? Sure. But again...every race does this. We're just better at it.

Bragging that white people are better at doing horrible things is a bit odd, but considering the source (disgraced racist ex-cop) I'm not surprised.

You're really Mark Fuhrman, aren't you?

Every 1st World country is majority white.
All intelligent men in this country know that the vast majority of racism is directed at whites. The crime statistics prove it beyond any doubt.
So in south Africa back during apartide if an angry black killed a privileged white that meant the racists were the angry blacks?

I see guano and toro cant read either....

they're just thread derailers. that's their lowly job for THE PARTY. a couple more in here too who attacks me instead of the article. they're just small human beings
A US dollar is the legal tender of the United States.
A sea shell could be the legal tender. You still have not told me what a dollar is, only what it is used for.

What is a US dollar? There is a definition for it, I promise.
It says "Stopped" cry to someone else about your paranoid victimizations
No, it says 'Death Camps for white people', and they will start with their ideological allies like you so you wont turn on them when you see them for what they really are.

It is NOT a Salon article.

It is an Alternet.org article that Salon picked up and posted.

The Future of Life Depends on Bringing the 500-Year Rampage of the White Man to a Halt

It is the sort of thing however that a Salon staffer would also author.

In fact, this is posted right next to the article:

Salon is proud to feature content from AlterNet, an award-winning news magazine and online community that creates original journalism and amplifies the best of hundreds of other independent media sources.
We hear white people talk about how evil white people are, but we never see any of those white people moving to South Africa, or Zimbabwe. Why is that?
What is a US dollar? There is a definition for it, I promise.
You tell me.

That is disappointing. I thought you understood the economics better than that, or do you just not deign to answer my questions?

A US dollar issued today is a Federal Reserve Banking system promissory note of credit from that banking system. That banking system still holds a large quantity of US Treasury notes that are no longer issued but that are still legal currency. Thus a FRN is basically an I.O.U from a private system of banks.

United States Note - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Both United States Notes and Federal Reserve Notes have been legal tender since the gold recall of 1933. Both have been used in circulation as money in the same way. However, the issuing authority for them came from different statutes.[21] United States Notes were created as fiat currency, in that the government has never categorically guaranteed to redeem them for precious metal – even though at times, such as after the specie resumption of 1879, federal officials were authorized to do so if requested. The difference between a United States Note and a Federal Reserve Note is that a United States Note represented a "bill of credit" and was inserted by the Treasury directly into circulation free of interest. Federal Reserve Notes are backed by debt purchased by the Federal Reserve, and thus generate seigniorage, or interest, for the Federal Reserve System, which serves as a lending parent to the Treasury and the public.

As the debt purchased by the Federal Reserve System to back its notes consists primarily of Treasury and government-sponsored enterprise debt,[23] and because the seigniorage is largely remitted back to the Treasury as "interest on Federal Reserve Notes", the economics to the Treasury are comparable to issuing United States Notes. This stands in contrast to National Bank Notes which allowed the issuing banks to privately retain the seigniorage as profit....

Can you explain why the US dollar has not devalued despite the $4 trillion given away to banks in the form of Quantitative Easing?
It says "Stopped" cry to someone else about your paranoid victimizations
No, it says 'Death Camps for white people', and they will start with their ideological allies like you so you wont turn on them when you see them for what they really are.

Yep, they strut around believing they are safe if they side with them. they'd be the first they take out.
It says "Stopped" cry to someone else about your paranoid victimizations
No, it says 'Death Camps for white people', and they will start with their ideological allies like you so you wont turn on them when you see them for what they really are.

Yep, they strut around believing they are safe if they side with them. they'd be the first they take out.
That is how Stalin did it to solidify his position as Lenin's heri.

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